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  • Now that we know this upcoming season will be 72 games, it is time to examine that a little bit, further reducing the regular season games.

  • That number.

  • We've been talking about it right for years, and now, due to co vid, we will at least get to see a little bit of what that experiment looks and feels like now.

  • Since the league instituted in 82 game schedule, that was back in 1968.

  • The fewest regular season games played work 50 games in 99 due to the lockout and 66 games in 2012.

  • For the same reason most teams played about 70 games last season.

  • Of course.

  • So, Brian, I know you have looked into this extensively.

  • Kevin Arnott vets here.

  • It ESPN has looked into this four years.

  • Is 72 games actually an ideal length, not just this coming season, but going forward.

  • I hate to be the Scrooge on this Rachel, because I just have to be riel.

  • No, it's not.

  • You know, maybe two years ago, when the cash was flying in and everybody was flushed, but 72 games means 10 less games, 10 less game checks five less home games for each of these teams, and this season will not duplicate it because they're gonna be doing it on a Titan schedule.

  • So it's actually gonna feel like busier than a regular 82 game schedule.

  • And with the players and owners trying to make up lost money from last season and then this season in the future, I just don't see any reduction in games anytime in the near future.

  • I suppose the Asterix on that could be if there's some sort of mid season tournament or play in tournament that becomes part of the schedule that alters the regular season.

  • I guess you could bring it down, but I don't think we're going to see a reduction short term.

  • See, I'm totally into this, Rachel.

  • I'm gonna go on the flip side of this.

  • I think that moving forward, we should absolutely be thinking about this.

  • For the reasons that Brian outline the mid season tournament.

  • That's something you can sell their TV rights that are involved with that.

  • By the way, you could also sell the TV rights to the play in game for the tournament.

  • Excuse me for the NBA playoffs, right.

  • So I think all those things could be on the table.

  • You can find ways to potentially make up for lost games with TV revenue or additional TV revenue.

  • It will be interesting, right?

  • Some of the people who have been pushing for less games, Brian right have said, Hey, you could just charge a little bit more per game, right?

  • Except you're not getting ticket revenue either way this year.

  • Anyway, I do think we just have to come to terms with the fact that we're still gonna be influx in this country for quite some time.

  • And so we got 72 games this season.

  • Let's see what happens next season.

  • I think it will be at least one more season of a little bit making it up as we go along, even if it's just trying to recoup a little bit of what happened in the 2021 season.

  • Now we do know that we're starting December 22nd rate, which means we get Christmas Day game.

  • Name your official.

  • So George, you have been thinking about this.

  • I want to know who you want to see.

  • Goto head ahead on head to head on Christmas day.

  • You even have a schedule for us.

  • I'm ready.

  • I'm glad you asked this question, Rachel, cause I already put this on Twitter.

  • And you know, everybody on Twitter loves everything that everyone writes.

  • Of course, that wasn't the case.

  • Really?

  • Positive feedback on Lee.

  • Yeah, only the case.

  • Right.

  • So let's look at this late here.

  • I've got the noon game.

  • I'm giving you times.

  • Give me six.

  • Or Celtics, both on the East Coast.

  • You get in Eastern Conference rivalry game there.

  • Then the next game, which is the 2 30 Eastern Game.

  • Give me two big stars.

  • Give me the bucks with Yannis and give me the pelicans with Zion.

  • It's in the central time zones.

  • It's not as early as having to play.

  • Maybe at 11 a.m. Then we get to the to 30.

  • Excuse me, The 5.

  • 30 East Coast game, which is the prime game of the slate.

  • Give me the finals.

  • Rematch, Lakers heat.

  • Then we're getting petty here.

  • We're getting to the petty part of the schedule here.

  • All right.

  • After that eight Eastern, give me K d and the nets traveling to the Warriors.

  • That would be circled on everyone's particular calendar and then the last of the petty matchups, the Clippers at home taking on the Denver Nuggets.

  • And I also get to L.

  • A games in there.

  • So maybe if we can all go to the arena or at least we can go to the arena, catch two games.

  • Yes, Pressed by the way you're bringing the petty that reminds that Steel Magnolias line, right?

  • If you don't have anything nice to say, come sit by me.

  • That's you, Jorge Sedano.

  • Um, Brian, do you feel that way?

  • Could get all of those matchups in, or some of those gonna go on opening night December 22nd.

  • Well, here we go again with me having to be Scrooge and having to being the realist.

  • Um, I think those were fun matchups, George, but that necessitates two teams going coast to coast in the first week of the season.

  • And the MBA is looking to reduce travel by 25% or more this year s so I think they're gonna try to keep teams local, especially on Christmas now.

  • Yes, As you mentioned Rachel, there's going to be ring night, which will be on TNT and then there's going to be Christmas Day games, which will be on ABC and ESPN.

  • I'm sure there's having negotiations with our bosses and bosses over in a Turner to figure that out, but I think that the game that you will see as the centerpiece game will be Warriors, Lakers.

  • And the reason that is because not only do you bring Steph Curry and Klay Thompson back from the international audience has not seen in a while, But also you're gonna have unless the Warriors make a big trade.

  • The top A top three pick in this draft to be displayed possibly in his first game could be James Wiseman's first game.

  • In addition to the defending champion Lakers, that's a delicious matchup.

  • He having a five o'clock, which is two o'clock on the West Coast.

  • I'm not saying I don't like Lakers Heat George, but I think it's more likely the West Coast teams stay out here.

  • That's interesting.

  • And look, we'll have to see right whether the schedule in terms of them trying to get teams in different parts of the country, I could see them saying Great X team from the West Coast.

  • You are just starting your rotation on the East Coast because it's important for us to get these Games in.

  • We'll have to see.

  • I know George.

  • You mentioned the pelicans as well.

  • I am very interested to see how all of the television schedulers, both on the network side and on the MBA side, want to put the pelicans in those prime games because they learned last season.

  • It's a gamble.

  • If Zion Williamson is playing weightings, they're huge.

  • Excitement is huge.

  • I mean, I felt like everybody was sitting on the edge of their seat in front of their TV when he was playing toward the end of the season.

  • But of course, there were so many games he didn't play in Christmas.

  • Last year is a good example.

  • They had him and the Pelicans in those prime spots, and he was not on the court for those.

  • So we will see how the schedule has made this year.

Now that we know this upcoming season will be 72 games, it is time to examine that a little bit, further reducing the regular season games.

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