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  • Take aim and fire!

  • Take aim and fire!

  • Take aim and fire!

  • Luffy! No!

  • Luffy! No!

  • Straw hat!

  • Straw hat!

  • That won't work on me.

  • That won't work on me.

  • I told you I was strong

  • I told you I was strong

  • You wanna tell me just who the hell you are?!

  • You wanna tell me just who the hell you are?!

  • You wanna tell me just who the hell you are?!

  • I'm Monkey D. Luffy

  • I'm Monkey D. Luffy

  • And I'm gonna be king of the pirates

  • And I'm gonna be king of the pirates

  • And I'm gonna be king of the pirates

  • You're going to be king of the pirates?

  • You're going to be king of the pirates?

  • You're going to be king of the pirates?

  • You're going to be king of the pirates? Right,

  • You must be completely out of your rubbery mind

  • You must be completely out of your rubbery mind

  • You must be completely out of your rubbery mind

  • Do you have any idea of what that means?

  • Do you have any idea of what that means?

  • Do you have any idea of what that means?

  • King of the pirates means king of the pirates.

  • King of the pirates means king of the pirates.

  • How can it mean anything other than that

  • How can it mean anything other than that

  • Yeah, when he first told me,

  • Yeah, when he first told me,

  • it was shocking

  • but he's completely serious

  • but he's completely serious

  • That's how he is, I suppose

  • That's how he is, I suppose

  • Coz' he actually seems

  • to have every intention

  • of becoming king of the pirates

  • of becoming king of the pirates

  • And obtaining the world's ultimate treasure,

  • And obtaining the world's ultimate treasure,

  • the one piece

  • Here's what I promised you

  • Here's what I promised you

  • There's three

  • I couldn't tell which was yours

  • I couldn't tell which was yours

  • so I just took all of them

  • All of them belong to me

  • All of them belong to me

  • I use Santoryu,

  • the three sword style

  • the three sword style

  • the three sword style

  • Take them already

  • Take them already

  • Just know that if you fight with me now

  • Just know that if you fight with me now

  • You'll be a government defined villain

  • You'll be a government defined villain

  • So its either that

  • or you're left out here

  • or you're left out here

  • and killed by the marine's execution style

  • and killed by the marine's execution style

  • What are you?

  • The son of the devil?

  • The son of the devil?

  • It doesn't matter

  • Coz' if I don't choose your side,

  • I'll just end up dead on these sticks

  • I'll just end up dead on these sticks

  • I'll just end up dead on these sticks So let's do it

  • So let's do it

Take aim and fire!

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