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  • these air my favorite Japan home delivery foods.

  • So because of this darn pandemic, I don't know about you, but I've been ordering Ah, lot of home delivery these days.

  • And one of the most popular ones in Tokyo is uber eats so popular that I even subscribed to their monthly pass where I get free delivery each and every time.

  • Which means I've tried a lot of food over the month.

  • So in this video, I wanted to share with you my recent favorites.

  • Interestingly, because of the pandemic, there's just so many more food options because a lot of restaurants these days have opened up their door tow home delivery.

  • And if you're a meat lover, then you're definitely gonna wanna pay attention to this one.

  • But before I start, if you wanna help support the channel, check out my whole my meets emerge.

  • If you want to see what I'm doing on the daily, check out my INSTAGRAM account.

  • And if you have any questions about Japan or your Japan travels, check out my discord.

  • Community number one made boots Otoka Modi from or a do Rahman.

  • Already Ramen is a Shibuya born show ramen shop.

  • They also have a simple, clear CEO soup, but I always go for the creamy, mature Chico soup.

  • Yes, we are back with one of my favorites.

  • This I've actually featured already in one of my videos, but the fact that they deliver straight to my door makes it even better.

  • This is really like a man's meal, like this is what it's really, really called Mabou todo Komori.

  • It's their famous man's meal, I guess, would be the direct translation you can see right there.

  • It has some luscious piece of cha shu.

  • It has a half cooked egg right there, and it has a little bit of other ingredients, like the spinach.

  • Most of all, it comes with these freshly fried pieces of cada get fried chicken.

  • And you know, my heart sings when this happens.

  • I've been waiting for this all day.

  • Hmm, the noodles itself still a little bit on, kind of like the harder side, which I prefer, and then the soup it has.

  • That spicy kick that I love with a lot of the show is like salt based soups.

  • They're really kind of light.

  • Where this one is thick.

  • It's almost similar.

  • Thio Python soup, which is kind of like a creamy white chicken soup.

  • But this one, or do you think it has some pork mixed in their asses?

  • Well, so, overall, man, I just love the thickness of the soup.

  • My favorite part, the fried chicken.

  • Mm hmm.

  • For Oh, that is perfectly cooked.

  • Fried chicken, juicy, tender, middle crispy outside.

  • When that chicken soaks up all of that soup, it's just so flavorful with that bite, almost worth just letting it sit in the soup for a little bit so that it picks up even more flavor.

  • You take a bite of the egg right there.

  • Mm.

  • Now that is a perfectly cooked egg.

  • You can see how it's not fully cooked.

  • It's still kind of soft and gooey in the middle.

  • This is the center piece of the cha shu.

  • It just melted off.

  • It is so tender that it just doesn't hold up very well together and just wants to melt off your chopsticks.

  • All right.

  • Mm.

  • That is brilliant.

  • Basically, they pretty much reproduced what they had in the shop, and they brought it straight to your front door.

  • And what I love is that when it's delivered they separate all of the ingredients so that it doesn't get all soggy from the time it's made at the store to deliver to your house.

  • And then you just put it all together yourself.

  • This is an exceptional meal.

  • Who would have thought you could have this level of Roman delivered to your house?

  • Number two, the double cheeseburger from Henry's burger.

  • Crispy Patties coming straight off an iron plate.

  • Onley haters gonna hate on this one.

  • I already have a smile on my face for this one.

  • So this is Henry's burger?

  • It is a double cheeseburger.

  • So what you have is you have two burgers in here.

  • You have cheese actually ordered an extra slice some lettuce and have some tomatoes in here.

  • Some special sauce.

  • Just gotta take a bite.

  • I gotta tell you Go buy.

  • Uh huh.

  • What?

  • Wow.

  • You can definitely taste the umami in that burger.

  • So this is premium rogue wagyu beef that you get at a specialty?

  • Yeah.

  • Unique place.

  • What they've done is they've taken the parts that you can't really sell for Yaqui nicu, and they chop it all up and they make these delicious mommy packed burgers and I just love it meat itself.

  • It's not really finally cut.

  • It's very course.

  • You can see that it's really, really chunky.

  • It's gonna take another bite.

  • Hmm?

  • My soul has filled.

  • The bread is kind of like a soft and chewy you can taste like, kind of like the butter that's been infused in that see right there they have kind of like their special sauce.

  • It's almost kind of reminiscent to 1000 Island, literally.

  • This is one of my favorite burger spots in Tokyo, because the meat is so flavorful it Zito packed with Mommy.

  • Before we continue on, I wanted to give a quick shout out to our sponsor for this video.

  • Squarespace.

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  • Hey, Michael, do you hear the fire alarm?

  • Because it's about to get smoky in here media.

  • Okay.

  • Number three Ultimate chicken and egg rice ball from Miyazaki.

  • Easy, Doria.

  • Sumi Bianchi Kruma eso Are we doing this?

  • Are we doing this?

  • Yes, we are.

  • We're doing that chicken on chicken or chicken on egg.

  • So we have charcoal grilled chicken on a bed of melty a fluffy egg and then some rights at the bottom just to fill it out.

  • You can see right there that chicken thigh is blackened by the charcoal.

  • All of that smoked chicken Miyazaki, which is known for their semi bianchi, which is like smoked grilled chicken.

  • I'm gonna actually have to use a spoon for this so I can get all of the flavors all in one week in a bite of that now?

  • Mm hmm.

  • The first thing that hits you is just all that smoke flavor.

  • Then you combine it with a melty egg.

  • It just kind of like gooey And add just a little bit more flavor to the chicken.

  • And it just ah, perfect, perfect meal.

  • And then the righteous balances it out.

  • Right.

  • Hmm.

  • So I feel like they've added kind of like a dashi to the egg as well, giving it like an additional flavor.

  • Kind of a deeper mommy.

  • Look at these pieces of chicken.

  • Right there.

  • You look at it.

  • You almost think it's an oyster.

  • Yeah, it looks like it almost looks like an oyster.

  • It's nice about the egg and the rise itself.

  • It's so good you don't even need the chicken toe.

  • Have it because of all that dash in there is so flavorful.

  • You can just take the rice and make him put it in like a little fajita.

  • And this Christmas a little do Do you want to go on camera?

  • Say hello, everyone.

  • Hey.

  • Yeah.

  • Number four Wagyu beef Sunu Black Curry from Taki Nicu Majene, Wagyu Maru.

  • So this when I go to when I want a little bit of fire in my belly, it's not the spiciest ever, but it's ultra delicious.

  • So what's special about this curry, first of all, is that it uses prime wagyu beef.

  • You can see their heart, beef chunks all look at that.

  • There's a lot of just curry beef chunks and then just mix it in with some rice.

  • Ultra simple but ultra delicious at the same right.

  • Hmm.

  • The beef is wagyu, and it's quite tender.

  • I believe that it's been kind of just like sitting in this curry, making it just ultra tender.

  • And the curry picks up a lot of umami coming from the wagyu beef.

  • It also has a dashi taste to it.

  • Just one little bite.

  • There's so much flavor in there.

  • Hmm.

  • Mm.

  • But overall, you have this tender while you beef in this black, thick, potent curry over some rice, another meal that you just can't get wrong.

  • And number five Yaqui nicu bento from Kintanar Punggye yucky nicu.

  • I know this one is a little bit mawr expensive than you know what people might I think as an acceptable meal for delivery.

  • But look at this beauty premium Japanese wagyu be delivered to Yodo.

  • So this meat bento boxes on Lee available at the end of the month and Onley 10 of them are available per day, and I got one of the 10.

  • Let me just Yeah, it's a lot If you just dig deep in here, you can see that it's not just this one layer, but there's several layers that go pretty deep into this bed of rice.

  • So if you look right here, you have the economy, which is like a red meat.

  • You have the juicy Kalbe right here in the middle, and then you have, like a dry aged utahn, which is beef tongue.

  • I've been talking way too much.

  • I just need to take a bite.

  • Oh, that is juicy.

  • You can definitely taste.

  • The sweet sauce is a little bit sweet.

  • It has a little bit of savory nous to it, but it's just the meat itself.

  • It's so tender.

  • Mm hmm.

  • Now let's try the red meat itself.

  • You can see that Kami has less fat is a lot of sauce on there as well.

  • Wow.

  • So the commie, it doesn't have a lot of fat, but it makes up with all this flavor.

  • It's quite a different experience.

  • Like the Kalbe, you can taste a lot of like the juices coming from the fat.

  • It's nice being able to taste all of that meat in the comment.

  • Want to taste some of my meat?

  • Michael?

  • Think I don't understand.

  • Don't you want some of my me no secret message?

  • You have me here, Have a bite of their meat.

  • Okay, maybe the people watching would like to try.

  • What you guys like a bite of this instead instead of Mike.

  • Oh, so good.

  • Right on, Lee.

  • At the end of the month and it's available.

  • You're doing it because after people want to go home and eat some good meat, this is the place to go.

  • The final piece you have, utahn.

  • Mm.

  • There's a lot of flavor in this one too, right?

  • It's more of like a standard, not a lemon sauce, but onion or garlic sauce.

  • You really get a sense of the barbecue.

  • Have the charcoal.

  • Can you guys get premium wagyu beef like this delivered to your door.

  • I don't know.

  • Let me know in the comments.

  • So that concludes a video.

  • I hope you like it If you did help me out and hit that like button.

  • If you guys want to see more Japan food videos, Japan guides or anything related, Japan hit that subscribe button and the bell but and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

these air my favorite Japan home delivery foods.

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