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  • Let me ask you a question.

  • Do you understand English?

  • Because even if the answer is yes, medical land in this English speaking country, you feel like you don't not.

  • You do not.

  • This'll is Ireland a unique country where the locals have some of the thickest accents in English that we have ever heard.

  • You're acting.

  • The maggot would be something as simple as what up people say.

  • It's a crack.

  • How are you?

  • How are you?

  • Good.

  • And full sentences become really hard to understand.

  • What mind you, all of this is considered English here in Ireland.

  • What?

  • Can't you understand that in this country you need to pay full attention, toe every word they say to understand them.

  • But go for a pint of Guinness.

  • And if you don't, it's okay.

  • Just get a pint of beer.

  • A friend or two on have a mighty good time in the country.

  • You too.

  • If you like this video, then I think you're gonna love Knots Academy.

  • It's a new online school.

  • We just started to give you a voice.

  • Yes, Making videos has given me a voice.

  • And with this voice you can reach millions of people on the Internet.

  • Tell them stories that you care about and actually change their opinion.

  • This skill off, making videos change my life, and I think it can change yours.

Let me ask you a question.

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