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  • This is not 11.

  • This Friday at Fluffy Snack is an all time favorite Egyptian street food made with dried fava beans.

  • Some saves the precursor to fill F in its name Doll Mega.

  • We're here in Juba, an Egyptian street food chain that's bringing traditional dishes like Samia to New York City.

  • Joining me today is Kareem Jovian, a youtuber and Egyptian American.

  • Sometimes when the dummy is right, your day is gonna be amazing, because when you have that the right flavors and the right ingredients, you're gonna have a nice day.

  • When you think Egyptian street food you're gonna think of Full and Tommy.

  • They're both made with the same fava bean raw, raw material ingredients, and they really constitute everyday meal of every Egyptian.

  • Dharma is a beloved Egyptian staple that is thought to date back to ancient Egypt, and Coptic Christians were forbidden from eating meat during Lent and other holidays To make up for the hardiness of meat.

  • They came up with the dish made of fava beans, a lagoon high in protein, and called it Dalmiya.

  • Although the origins of the dish remain contentious, many historians named Egypt is the birthplace of the street food staple because traces of fava beans are said to have been found in ancient Egyptian tombs after the dish spread throughout the Middle East.

  • Historians say some countries replaced so fava beans with chickpeas and called it for 11.

  • Khalifa says you can't give Tamia and falafel as close cousins.

  • Egyptians are very proud of the idea of Tamir being authentically Egyptian thing we thought a lot about.

  • Do we try to do.

  • We call it Egyptian forever.

  • Do we call it Tamia Way?

  • We're never gonna call it Egyptian forever to make it easier for people to comprehend.

  • Tamia and Fuller, very unique to Egypt in the way that they're made and as a result of their affordability over time, have become part of every Egyptian's everyday existence.

  • It's really part of the culture that I think brings the whole country together to see just how that Mia is made.

  • Kareem and I step behind the counter at Zuba with their head chef Ahmed Hegazy are excited.

  • I'm very excited.

  • I've never made Tommy in my life and I'm Egyptian so that that's already a bad thing.

  • So I need to learn today.

  • All right, so we're gonna start by adding our parsley and cilantro to the road book Who?

  • Over here, Which is just a very high powered food processor and our garlic and onion.

  • I'm gonna add our fava beans.

  • Hot smells so good.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah, It smells like fresh herbs, salt and coriander.

  • Here you go.

  • All right.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • Wow, Look at that.

  • This is our first mixing.

  • Dalmiya, use a spatula.

  • Bring everything down.

  • You already looks so good.

  • It is really light.

  • And fluffy is Yeah, it smells amazing.

  • It smells so So how am I doing, E think they're doing a great job.

  • All right, E.

  • Think you guys are doing a great job?

  • We're looking for cooks.

  • If you guys need a geo e up, so we're gonna fry our tomatoes.

  • This over here is our sesame and coriander mix.

  • So we're just gonna take a little bit, wipe it off, put it into the other hand, depart right hand in the top me about her to get her a little wet.

  • Press necessity.

  • Coriander in there.

  • I just called the top of our town has slip it over the other hand and then just slowly dropped without dipping your fingers in the oil I'm so scared of.

  • Look, you got this, Okay?

  • By dirt.

  • Okay, so I take a little 30 g e do that, right?

  • Yeah.

  • Okay.

  • And then drop.

  • Drop floor is a very place e already picked up on your natural.

  • I made a little fat one.

  • So that's good people.

  • I don't know if I'm supposed to do that.

  • So we have the classic that Mia sandwiches?

  • Yep.

  • And they come to this really great wrapping paper.

  • It's like newspaper.

  • It is?

  • Yeah.

  • That's what we do in Egypt.

  • You do that in Egypt?

  • Yeah.

  • Curry noodle first.

  • All right.

  • What do you think?

  • Amazing.

  • Yeah, it's amazing.

  • Yeah.

  • Taste is so good.

  • You could think of oil flavors and sesame seeds.

  • It's the best part of eyes that it's so fresh.

  • Now I need to know what you think.

  • Pentagon.

  • A goal fresh.

  • I didn't The ballad the salad really complements.

  • That got me really well and then this bread is very fresh.

  • You know what melody means?

  • No.

  • What does that mean?

  • Melody is like the word Bella means like town or city.

  • Neighborhood.

  • So better things.

  • It's like from its authentic from the neighborhood.

  • Right?

  • So it's a community type way to cook their food and make their food.

  • It's amazing.

  • That's what better than means.

  • One of the most important things for me in Cambodia is that it has to have that nice, crispy outer layer on then that mushy, gooey inside.

  • Just this full of flavor.

  • This has it just like the tomato that my grandma used to get in Egypt.

  • Every time we go anywhere, my mom was like, I want some fool in tomato like she wants to find a spot.

  • Him And we've been trying to find a spot for her here in New York with Now that I know about this spot Zuba, I'm gonna take her to it.

  • You gonna take her?

  • Yeah, I'm gonna take her.

  • I love how many because of her.

  • You know, she put that into my mind, and now it's a part of this.

  • Like what?

  • Your grandma and mom be proud of the way you cooked that media today.

  • Is this different?

  • Hope so E hope so.

  • They're very, very strict.

  • I mean, my mom, she's very strict when it comes thio cocaine.

  • She doesn't let me touch anything in the kitchen?

  • I hope so.

  • All right, let's go.

  • Every kind of scared Because I've never done this before.

  • E usually see my mom making this all the time, Not me.

  • Eso Mom, I hope you're proud of me.

This is not 11.

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