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  • 12 17 required a valid Wisconsin driver's license or proof of US citizenship to qualify for any state or municipality program or benefit, such as food stamps, welfare and so on and so forth.

  • So moved 2nd 2nd.

  • I have a second.

  • Excuse me, fellas.

  • Jack, I already told you you could widen that easement on Hamburg.

  • Actually, it's about that resolution you're thinking about passing.

  • With all due respect, Colonel, that discussion is ended.

  • Yeah, so I heard.

  • But thing is that it's a bad idea.

  • You can't say.

  • Well, already second here.

  • But I know we're in a bad spot, but you can't bring it back by throwing these people under the bus.

  • We're not throwing anybody under anything, Jack.

  • Money was tight when the base was still open, but now, I mean, we just got to be smart.

  • We got toe eliminate cheating programs and not a damn soul using those programs that doesn't need them.

  • And you know it.

  • And all they need to do is produce the acceptable ID and the benefits when we know they can't do that.

  • Well, I don't make the rules tax.

  • I mean, I do, I guess not by myself.

  • but this is over, okay?

  • We have emotion that has been seconded.

  • It is time, you know.

  • Just curious.

  • You know, when the river backed up and the folks you think might be cheating stood shoulder to shoulder with us stuff in sandbags for three days straight.

  • Ended up saving your store.

  • You check their ideas, then discussions closed.

  • Checking I d.

  • S when they're bringing food to the church.

  • Potluck.

  • Walt, enough, Jack, You had your say, Look, we got rules here, but that don't make us bad people.

  • I'm not saying your bad person, Billy.

  • I'm saying you're scared.

  • Hell, we all are.

  • Damn.

  • Town went from 15 05 overnight on business.

  • Went with it.

  • We're not bringing it back by turning on each other.

  • Court taught me the chains.

  • Only a strong as its weakest link.

  • And father, you will hear taught me that I am my brother's keeper.

  • Wait.

  • Whatever that week like this, you do for the Lord, okay?

  • Yeah.

  • I mean, this guy work core taught me the chains only as strong as its weakest link.

  • Pretty good, Father Huebel here taught me that I am my brother's keeper.

  • Whatever you do for the least of us you do for the Lord Looks conservative sounds progressive.

  • Point is, it's easy to be stronger character in the good times.

  • The test is the bad times.

  • If you can't live your principles, then we'll I guess they are principles.

  • They just hobbies.

  • Where is this again?

  • Wisconsin, dear Locking beer luck.

  • Mm.

12 17 required a valid Wisconsin driver's license or proof of US citizenship to qualify for any state or municipality program or benefit, such as food stamps, welfare and so on and so forth.

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