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  • So you hear 12 then on to the tank behind me blew out and then three.

  • So it took everything in my power.

  • Thio, Stay there for three.

  • Welcome to watch Mojo.

  • And today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 secrets about how mission impossible stunts were filmed.

  • Basically, what I'm doing is taking Tom and Rebecca through breath.

  • Hold Special Operations program.

  • It's a program that I've designed for military.

  • That's sexy.

  • Oh, yeah?

  • Are you kidding?

  • Things is just another day at work on Mission.

  • Impossible for this list.

  • We're looking at the incredible true stories behind the franchises.

  • Best action scenes.

  • What's your favorite stunt from the mission?

  • Impossible movies.

  • Let us know in the comments below.

  • If you like what you're hearing, be sure to check out the full song at the link below Number 10.

  • The roof jump was a freak accident Mission.

  • Impossible fallout.

  • I'm sure you all saw the footage in.

  • It was in the papers and things online off the accident.

  • Sometimes a stunt becomes legendary when it goes wrong.

  • Tom Cruise learned that the hard way while filming Mission.

  • Impossible fallout during the film, Ethan Hunt leaps from one rooftop to another to try to catch up to John Lark.

  • When Cruz shot the jump, he was attached to a harness.

  • He was supposed to slam into the building, pull himself up and keep sprinting.

  • But when Cruz hit the building, he unexpectedly broke his ankle.

  • Here he goes again that although the footage of this incident was widely shared, the moment he was injured doesn't appear in the movie.

  • The only evidence of Cruz's broken ankle is a momentary limp.

  • Fortunately, his injury didn't stop him from doing more ambitious stunts down the line.

  • Anywhere else to go, Well, that's over.

  • No, get uh, get.

  • He's running number nine.

  • They built a convincing Vatican double mission.

  • Impossible three.

  • The 109 acre sovereign state in the middle of Rome, surrounded by 60 ft wall, which is monitored 24 7 with over 200 CCTV cameras.

  • That side of it makes it a challenge during Mission Impossible three.

  • Ethan needs to infiltrate the Vatican when no one is looking.

  • He runs up the side of the wall before dropping in on the other side on a wire.

  • Since the pope didn't grant Cruz permission to film at the rial Vatican.

  • Ah model 40 ft wall was built to imitate the real thing.

  • The actor ran up the mock wall himself while attached to a safety cable.

  • Cruz's drop into the Vatican was riskier.

  • A dedicated crew held one side of the cable as the actor fell.

  • If they didn't hold it correctly, crews could have hit the ground hard.

  • Although he bounced against the ground and at least one take the final result looks ridiculously cool.

  • Yeah, are you kidding?

  • Number eight.

  • A knife came close to Cruz's I mission.

  • Impossible to go ahead.

  • Use a hunt.

  • It's not by the way to go.

  • If you're squeamish, you might wanna look away from this behind the scenes fact.

  • In the climactic final fight of Mission.

  • Impossible to Sean Ambrose attempts to stab Ethan audiences air, then treated to an uncomfortable, close up shot of the pointy weapon nearly poking heathens.

  • I out.

  • Although this scene could have been accomplished with C G.

  • I.

  • Cruz insisted on doing it for Riel.

  • The crew attached a knife to a steel safety cable so it would stop.

  • Before hitting his eyes.

  • Cruz stared directly into the pointy end as a stuntman pretended to bring the weapon down.

  • The realistic nature of this eyebrow raising stunt made it the most memorable part of an exciting fight sequence.

  • It's fun.

  • That's why you want to make these movies.

  • You know, you get to roll around and get to do these wild things.

  • Number seven.

  • The cable drop is pretty accurate.

  • Mission.

  • Impossible.

  • And you really think we could do this?

  • We're going to do it.

  • The most iconic stunt in the franchise is the cable drop.

  • When Ethan has toe hack into a CIA computer without touching a pressure sensitive floor, his teammate Krieger lowers him into the room on a cable.

  • The scenes tension lies in the fact that Franz could lose his grip at any moment.

  • This difficult mission was hard to execute behind the scenes.

  • When crews performed the stunt, he was held up by two crew members, ropes and his insane core strength.

  • Everyone involved had to coordinate the stunt perfectly, so Ethan was always at the right height and crews had to avoid getting lightheaded from hanging upside down for extended periods of time.

  • Their hard work resulted in a Nikon IQ and often parodied scene.

  • School number six crews wanted riel Rock climbing Mission.

  • Impossible two.

  • It's amazing how Keeney is to go do this stuff and how relaxed he's entrusting Mission.

  • Impossible two opens with an impressive rock climbing sequence.

  • Ethan Hunt confidently scales a tall cliff in Utah without rope or fear.

  • John Wu initially wanted Tom Cruise to shoot the scene at a smaller location.

  • When the actor inevitably refused, he started practicing for the rial climb.

  • Times have no fear.

  • You have no fear.

  • Unlike Ethan, Crews performed the stunt with safety equipment that was digitally removed in post production.

  • But that doesn't mean the scene was any less difficult to shoot.

  • It took five days of climbing to get all the shots they needed.

  • Cameramen and helicopters also had to fly extremely close to the actor to capture all of the action.

  • Cruz's dedication and passion for climbing definitely shine through this stunning sequence.

  • That was the most fun that I've had, probably on the entire picture.

  • Number five crews got extremely good at holding his breath.

  • Mission.

  • Impossible Rogue nation.

  • So I have to hold my breath for three minutes.

  • You could do that.

  • Most people can hold their breath underwater for at least 30 seconds.

  • Tom Cruise blew that breath, holding average out of the water for Mission.

  • Impossible Rogue Nation.

  • During the film, Ethan has to hold his breath for three minutes toe alter an underwater security system.

  • Crews prepared for this stunt by training with a professional free diver.

  • Although the actor blacked out occasionally during the training, he was eventually able to improve.

  • By the time cameras started rolling on the scene, crews could hold his breath for over six minutes.

  • That's nearly twice as long as Ethan needed to hold his breath.

  • If Cruz and Ethan never had a free diving competition, we know who we would bet our money on.

  • Five, 43213 Number four Cruz did the helicopter stunts Mission.

  • Impossible fallout.

  • I mean, a helicopter going after walk.

  • Hold on.

  • How did you get in the helicopter?

  • You can fly a helicopter.

  • Did you say helicopter?

  • What the hell are you doing in the helicopter before Mission Impossible Fallout ends.

  • Ethan nearly falls out of the sky, performs crazy maneuvers in a helicopter, survives a crash and fights Henry Cavill's Jonathan Lark on top of a Mountain.

  • While the crash was done on a stage, nearly everything else was done on location.

  • The actors filmed most of their fight on an actual cliff.

  • Crews also fell out of a helicopter backward with just a safety cord and no other protection.

  • But the most mind blowing part of the scene is that Cruz did all of the helicopter flying himself.

  • He performs all of the dizzying and nerve racking maneuvers you see on screen cruises.

  • Incredible flying skills.

  • Take this already amazing scene to a completely new level most products wouldn't attend.

  • This corkscrew turn is very challenging for a pilot minute break.

  • It takes a lot of skill.

  • A lot of practice.

  • Number three hanging often.

  • Airplane isn't easy.

  • Mission.

  • Impossible Rogue Nation.

  • I'm on the plane over the door.

  • How did you get in?

  • The blithe audiences didn't have time to settle into their seats for Mission Impossible Rogue nation before Cruise blew them away with another incredible stunt near the opening even gets stuck on a military aircraft's wing as it's taking off.

  • All he could do is hold on to the door for dear life.

  • When the cue said, Look, what about hanging off the side of a 400.

  • Alright, now let's do it.

  • Before crews attempted this crazy stunt, the crew sent up dummies and brave stunt people to make sure it was safe.

  • The creative team also gave their star special contacts so he could keep his eyes open in the extremely fast winds.

  • Once the prep work was done, the crew strapped cruise into a special harness and took off.

  • We wish every movie could open with a stunt as stunning as heathens.

  • Unexpected flight.

  • That was pretty amazing watching him that he was just laughing and giving the thumbs up.

  • Number two.

  • Scaling the Burj Khalifa was a race against time Mission.

  • Impossible Ghost protocol.

  • I'm telling you, we can get to it from outside.

  • We I'm on the computer shooting.

  • The scene where Ethan Hunt climbs outside of the Burj Khalifa was far from easy, since the windows of the world's tallest building get pretty hot, crews prepared by climbing on a heated glass wall.

  • After modifying the building to accommodate safety equipment, the crew discovered the harness that kept cruise safe could cause his legs to go numb if they shot too long on top of that the helicopters could only record film for 30 minutes at a time.

  • And if that wasn't enough pressure, the IMAX footage they captured could only be checked a few days after shooting.

  • Despite the sheer number of moving parts it took to make the Burj Khalifa sequence work, the final result looks absolutely seamless.

  • Who s that?

  • Was no easy, but I did it.

  • What?

  • I mean, before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.

  • You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.

  • If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.

  • Number one.

  • The record breaking halo jump took over 100 takes.

  • Mission.

  • Impossible Fallout Way.

  • Got a job.

  • Need to rethink this with Mission.

  • Impossible fallout.

  • Tom Cruise made Hollywood history by performing a halo jump from 25,000 ft.

  • Hello, being military jargon for high altitude low opening.

  • There's always a ticking clock in filming a movie, but it's not usually the earth flying up.

  • Told you before becoming the first actor to do this on camera, his production team built a huge custom winds tunnel for training.

  • As they prepared for the stunt, the studio found a camera man willing to jump out of the plane alongside Cruise to record the action.

  • Since the team only had three minutes of good lighting to capture the scene each day, it took them around 106 attempts to get the perfect shot.

  • And did we mention Cruz did all of this with a broken ankle?

  • Three.

  • Only problem with this record breaking jump is that we're unsure how the franchise can top this stunt in the next film.

  • Thank you.

  • Nice one.

  • E can't wait for an audience to see this.

  • I still can't believe we got it.

  • Do you agree with our picks?

  • Let us know in the comments.

  • And hey, if you're a fan of the song playing right now, be sure to check out the music video for it right here.

So you hear 12 then on to the tank behind me blew out and then three.

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