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  • yesterday on the jump M v p A vice president Malcolm Brogdon told us he quote absolutely expects today's deadline for the MBA or the Players Association to opt out of the collective bargaining agreement.

  • He expects that to be pushed back as both sides work through several issues.

  • Before we can find out how the 2020 2021 season is gonna look, when it's going to start, how many games it's gonna be, whether next season begins like Christmas or Martin Luther King Day, it's gonna be a sprint.

  • Either way, reports indicate the league does not want to conflict with next summer's Tokyo Olympics.

  • So given all that Paul, how much load management do you expect next season, when the turnaround possibly could be opening night seven weeks after the n b A Finals?

  • I really don't expect a lot because you gotta figure there's eight teams that did not get invited to the bubble, and so there they've been off pretty much like eight nine months.

  • And then if season starts in December 10 months, uh, then you have six teams who didn't make the playoffs that played another eight games on DSO.

  • They've been kind of off quite a while.

  • Maybe the teams at the top, maybe the Lakers, because they're older, you know, they're just coming off a championship, not Miami.

  • They're still young, you know they need more experience.

  • So I don't expect a lot of local management from ah lot of teams this year.

  • Just the older guys that are in the league that that put in a lot of mouth.

  • Your typical Kawhi Leonard LeBron.

  • Maybe that's about it, man.

  • Listen, you cannot tell me the sky is green and the grass is blue.

  • Low management been happening anyway.

  • Every year it gets more and more serious.

  • So let's not blame this on the return of the scheduled to Quick.

  • Like Paul said, eight teams haven't played since March.

  • You've got another 16 had played since August.

  • So we're talking about more than half league hasn't played since mid August early September.

  • That's plenty of time to come back.

  • I look back at the lockout season in 11 4012 and the number of back to backs was about a quarter of the schedule.

  • That's more than enough time for guys to go out there and play I don't think it's gonna be a big problem, Rachel.

  • Not more than a regular season.

  • I'm more worried about what they make the arenas look like.

  • I think that they do need the big names to play right.

  • You're already talking about games without fans.

  • There's a possibility that it has more of that rec league.

  • Feel what saved that in the bubble, where those giant video screens you see right?

  • So that really made it.

  • You forgot pretty quickly that you weren't in an arena with fans.

  • You walk on that court, it actually felt like you were standing in the middle of video game.

  • I don't know how dramatic they could make the lighting in every arena, but I start to worry about if it doesn't look like a real N b a game and then we have load management and then you're not seeing some of the stars you mentioned Paul.

  • Those are the draws.

  • That's the attraction, right on a Tuesday or Thursday or Wednesday or whatever.

  • Like midweek night.

  • Um, I worry about that a little bit, so we'll see what happens there.

  • There is so much for them to figure out, you know, LeBron James.

  • By the way, speaking of had a nice Twitter exchange with former teammate Tristan Thompson last night, it began.

  • Quote Just had a drink with my brother Forever.

  • Real trust in 13 Miss McGee Love, Bro.

  • To which Tristram replied, My big brother for life missed you, too, Brodsky.

  • Miss.

  • These times a dinner going back and forth, LeBron replied.

  • And this is the kicker.

  • More to come, bro.

  • For sure.

  • Why does the cell matter?

  • Well, Tristan Thompson is an unrestricted free agent who won the title.

  • Of course, with LeBron in 2016 Dwight Howard is a free agent jail.

  • JaVale McGee has a $4.2 million player option.

  • He's making a decision on that.

  • So I mean, we look at the bigs for the Lakers.

  • Is LeBron do a little recruiting there?

  • Rachel.

  • I'm address you like the numbers on the house.

  • Here's the deal.

  • Nobody thinks the game like LeBron James.

  • He thinks the game two steps ahead of everyone like you mentioned Dwight Howard, free agent, trying to get a big pay bump.

  • JaVale McGee Player option.

  • So there is a need for the Lakers toe fit in.

  • Ah, big at that status.

  • On the other hand, Tristan Thompson needs to come play for L.

  • A.

  • Like old people need saw shoes thistles, a guy who not only had the best basketball of his career playing alongside LeBron James but also has family ties here in the L A area.

  • He could be a lot closer to his family and have an opportunity toe play for a championship.

  • And the last part about it is the Laker bigs.

  • During the playoffs, we saw how they have to get benched whenever teams will pull them out from away from the paint.

  • So you saw even when Bam out of the bayou was out there, uh, playing.

  • They still have Dwight Howard and JaVale McGee on the bench.

  • Tristan Thompson is a big who Congar away from the basket as well as in the paint.

  • Well, you gotta forget.

  • Not only is LeBron one of the best basketball players in the N B A, if not the best, he's one of the best GM.

  • You gotta understand everywhere he's been.

  • He's always brought in Kik players from orchestrating the Miami, orchestrating back to Cleveland, getting after the Davis to the Lakers, and he's gonna continue to do this, Aziz Long Aziz in the game and always trying to find a way to improve, to enhance his championship resume on.

  • And absolutely.

  • And look, he's the one who got Tristan really paid in Cleveland.

  • So if he has to come here for a little bit less money Hey, you know, one hand, whatever hand you've done such a good job as Kendrick Perkins.

  • I really do like that.

  • The whole routine here.

  • But I'm not really a good judge.

  • The person who should evaluate your performance is Kendrick Perkins.

  • Eyes here work.

  • What do you think?

  • What's going on, E.

  • I mean, first of all, I like the impression, but you're talking too fast.

  • Second of all, your beard is not field.

  • And I want to come on here and address you like a mannequin, not the numbers on the house today.

  • All right, So you gotta work on your boss, and then look on your change.

  • You gotta have a piece on there.

  • You can't just have a chain and look your chain not even hanging a man.

  • I didn t o Look, I'm gonna give you a seven.

  • No, I'm gonna give you a seven.

  • But you was dropping your boys at the wrong time today.

  • You just dead birds.

  • Tall grass, man.

  • Yeah.

  • Oh, see, Perk, even when you're not here.

  • I got both members of the 2000 and eight championship team You.

  • No way you could send him for other tasks that you want him to do to be your double like parent teacher meeting.

  • Oh, look, he didn't even look.

  • I see you got one pillow tuck in your shirt.

  • You need three or four, man.

  • I got a belly.

  • Nine days.

  • Thanks for watching ESPN on YouTube.

  • For live streaming sports and premium content, subscribe thio, ESPN, plus.

yesterday on the jump M v p A vice president Malcolm Brogdon told us he quote absolutely expects today's deadline for the MBA or the Players Association to opt out of the collective bargaining agreement.

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