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  • just five days to go.

  • The tuning out decision desk gave me their predictions, and I asked, Did you steal these from FIVETHIRTYEIGHT?

  • And they shape initially said yes.

  • In 88 out of 100 scenarios, Biden wins the presidency, and in one scenario, the military steps in and makes Americans learn new anthem lyrics about drinking and eagles blood.

  • Larry does the 88 scenarios where Biden wins account for voters made complacent by the prediction that there are 88 scenarios where Biden winds.

  • Well, that could happen.

  • In fact, we've been a lot more careful this session this election cycle than we were in 2016 where I think, actually, the fact that everybody said Hillary Clinton was going to win uh, induced overconfidence in the Democrats.

  • What Fivethirtyeight geeks won't tell you is that those 11 paths agrees with bacon fat and barbecue sauce.

  • And that's the path Americans want because we like bacon fat and we like barbecue sauce and oh, Daddy, make my heart explode.

  • We do have sort of a bombshell.

  • Larry, we know you have your crystal ball predictions.

  • We just have just Larry can speak to this and we sort of just discovered that you also have somewhat of an offensive fortune teller costume that's disrespectful to the Romani people that NBC News made a major shift in their battleground map.

  • Moving Texas from lean Republican to toss up Larry.

  • Is there a real risk that on election night, innocent Americans will be subjected toe watching Beto O Rourke be excited?

  • Look, I think Texas is close.

  • I'll be surprised if it ends up going Democratic, because I've heard this every four years since the last time that Democrat carried Texas for president.

  • But, you know, if it turns into a blue wave and the water splashing all over the map, I suppose Texas could get wet, too.

  • Uh, early voter turnout has been historic.

  • The US has already hit 58% of total 2016 voting with 75 million votes, according to turning out Decision Desk Junior Pollster Squad.

  • We are on track for a gazillion percent turnout.

  • You should not be able to vote early.

  • Everyone you vote on Election Day, you can't score a touchdown.

  • Before the game starts, I tried and Pop Warner I thought I was destined for the NFL.

  • Turns out my dad just drop me off with the game two days earlier.

  • That's one hole that will never be filled.

  • Seeing his chances of a win dwindling President Trump tried to keep his options open at Tuesday's Omaha rallied by freezing his supporters solid to be thought out for his 2024 campaign.

  • The Busses couldn't navigate the jammed airport roads for hours.

  • Attendees, including many elderly Trump supporters, stood in the cold as police scrambled to help those most at risk it toe warm.

  • 30 people needed medical attention.

  • Over the course of the rally, seven were taken to local hospitals with a variety of medical conditions.

  • It's nice that these trump rallies have a 40 experience where, just like Trump, you get to be rushed to the hospital Now, Larry, according to your models, do voters support a candidate who attempts to kill them in multiple ways?

  • Incredibly, some of the trump people dio, judging by the interviews I've seen with those people who practically froze to death in Omaha.

  • We love Trump trying to kill us.

  • That's that's no secret.

  • I'd attend any trump rally that promised to me, Ah, finale.

  • That was a half hour napalm job.

  • Yeah, let's move on down ballot, honey and discuss who will be in control of the greatest deliberative body that can't pass a covert relief.

  • Lindsey Graham is facing a serious challenger and Jamie Harrison.

  • Here's Graham, showing South Carolina that he's a strong, capable leader by desperately begging for any help you could get.

  • Senator Graham.

  • Thank you so much.

  • Uh, way.

  • All right.

  • Okay.

  • Laura Ingraham.

  • I see you, girl.

  • Welcome to the resistance, Larry.

  • Well, Lindsey Graham win and Democrats all just get nostalgic for the time when he seemed in danger facing consequences Well, in South Carolina.

  • And in the end, because Trump will end up carrying South Carolina maybe 789 points.

  • That will probably pull Lindsey Graham through.

  • But this is the race of his life.

  • And in Jamie Harrison, he's found somebody who will not pull any punches.

  • Now, this South Carolina race, I've got to say, has really frightening implications that if you go back on all of your principles and become a lapdog for the Fascist president, you run the risk of having toe work at re election a little bit.

just five days to go.

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