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  • - Hey, fruit lovers!

  • Welcome to Story Time.

  • Today, I'm gonna tell you the story of

  • the Sword In The Stone and...

  • Orange!

  • - Hm?

  • - You paying attention?

  • - Oh, yeah.

  • Stone In The Sword, got it.

  • - It's the Sword In The Stone!

  • I'd expect my cohost to pay attention

  • a little better than this.

  • - How could I pay attention when there's a sunset outside?

  • Like, how often does that even happen?

  • - It happens everyday!

  • - Oh, right. (laughing)

  • - Now then, I'm gonna begin the story.

  • You ready? - Yep!

  • - You gonna pay attention? - Mm hmm.

  • - The entire time? - Wow!

  • If you look right at it, your eyeballs start to hurt.

  • - (groans) Well, the show must go on.

  • Once upon a time, long, long ago,

  • the king of England died with no heir.

  • - That makes sense.

  • If you don't have air, you're definitely gonna die.

  • - Not that kind of air, Orange!

  • I'm talking about children.

  • He had no one to take his throne.

  • - [Orange] Hey, you don't need kids for that.

  • I know a couple guys.

  • They'll move any furniture you got at rock bottom prices.

  • - Moving on! - [Orange] That's the name

  • of their company.

  • You've heard of 'em?

  • - [Pear] (groans) - [Orange] (laughs)

  • - [Pear] Anyway, shortly after the king passed away,

  • a sword magically appeared in the middle of London.

  • It was stuck into an anvil and it had an inscription.

  • - [Orange] Oh, let me see if I can read it.

  • "Whofo pulleth out the fword in the ftone--"

  • - [Pear] Those are S's dude.

  • That's how they wrote them back then.

  • - Those are S's?

  • What the F?

  • (laughing) - (groans)

  • Point is, whoever pulled the sword out of the anvil got

  • to be king.

  • But no one, no matter how big and strong they were,

  • could even get it to budge.

  • - [Orange] Until one day, "Macho Man" Randy Savage arrived

  • and-- - No!

  • There are no WWF superstars in this story!

  • - Silly Pear!

  • In old timey England, it's WWS.

  • - Stop!

  • Now then, one day, a scrawny lad named Arthur was preparing

  • to become a squire to his huge, buff brother named--

  • - [Orange] "Macho Man" Randy Savage!

  • - [Pear] Fine!

  • Arthur's buff brother was Macho Man.

  • What's important is that Arthur chased one

  • of his brother's arrows into the woods

  • and met a wizard named-- - [Orange] Hulk Hogan!

  • - I'm no different than I was before, man.

  • - (groans) Orange, will you pay attention to the story

  • if it's filled with WWF superstars?

  • - As a matter of fact, it's the only way I'll pay attention.

  • - Whatever!

  • Hulk Hogan proceeded to teach Arthur a bunch of lessons

  • about life. - [Orange] Like how to do

  • a pile driver. - [Pear] Sure, why not?

  • Anyway, since for years and years,

  • no one could pull the sword out of the stone,

  • they decided to crown whatever knight won

  • The Great Tournament.

  • Arthur's brother entered,

  • but on the day of The Great Tournament,

  • Arthur, his squire, accidentally forgot to bring his sword.

  • - Wuh oh!

  • You do not wanna get on "Macho Man" Randy Savage's bad side.

  • - Exactly!

  • So, in a panic, Arthur ran around town searching for

  • any sword he could find.

  • Finally, he spotted one and grabbed it.

  • And wouldn't you know it?

  • It happened to be the sword in the stone.

  • Arthur, of all people, was the first and only person

  • to pull the sword out.

  • - [Orange] He was crowned king of England

  • and wore the WWF championship belt with honor

  • for the rest of his days.

  • The end.

  • (laughs) - [Pear] (groans)

  • (upbeat music)

- Hey, fruit lovers!

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