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  • we made it to peggy's cove  nova scotia canada we sure did

  • i have a feeling we're gonna love it i already  like what i've seen so far we've literally  

  • just stepped on the trail what happened  today i don't even know what to say i mean  

  • okay no i'm pretty wet that's that's a fail  yeah looks like i did something else right  

  • good morning good morning guys good morning guys  welcome to the blue rocks yeah another gorgeous  

  • day here in nova scotia the sunshine province yes  no where's the rain and fog we've been expecting  

  • but today we are continuing our canada road trip  along the south shore of nova scotia we're leaving  

  • lunenburg behind kind of sad because we really  enjoyed our stay there it was such a beautiful  

  • little town and there are still so many more  communities and fishing villages that we just  

  • didn't have enough time for oh yeah um so this  morning we are stopping at the blue rocks and then  

  • we are going to head over to peggy's cove canada  but making lots of little stops along the way  

  • right so that's the focal point of our day  basically heading there but there's also  

  • some beaches that we're gonna visit might dolittle bit of hiking along the way we've plotted  

  • a couple cute restaurants we could possibly pop  into and yeah it's just gonna be another great  

  • day we're heading north but um yeah super pumped  about today and with the weather being like this  

  • it's just so inviting and with the breeze  it's also i gotta say like it's it's not the  

  • kind of weather that makes you sweat right  now it's just very comfortable i love it

  • the community of blue rocks gets its name from  the blue slate rocks that lead down to the water  

  • for anyone with a bit more time this isreally nice little village to spend a few days  

  • plus it's a popular destination for  kayaking tours with the option of glamping  

  • i wish we'd had a few extra days  to spend here but our trip was  

  • winding down and we needed to start  driving so this was just a quick visit

  • well well familiar name here i'm back in gold  river my hometown just kidding actually there is  

  • a gold river in nova scotia we had no idea we made  two detours to come here so i could get a shot by  

  • the gold river sign how does it compare to gold  river bc it's completely different obviously west  

  • coast versus east coast where i grew up it was  more of a logging in a mill town but um yeah it's  

  • fascinating to be in gold river so our next random  stop of the day is graves island provincial park  

  • because it was on the way because we like islands  and because we just feel like stopping over  

  • on this kind of sort of long drive we have today  yeah and so far a very tranquil beautiful place  

  • um well set up for families lots of picnic  benches there's outhouses there's access to a  

  • little beach area you can walk along the the dirt  road here i mean just a nice little place to come  

  • yeah a quick stopover yeah yeah really nice  i'm just wishing we brought a picnic like  

  • this would be such a nice spot for lunch it's  a little bit early for lunch i'm not sure why  

  • we're thinking about food already but it's kind  of us that's us that's us to a tea isn't it yeah  

  • so we're just gonna explore this islandlittle bit do some walking and see you soon

  • hey are we gonna be friends ducks hey hi hi cocky  we've come across three cute little ducks they  

  • swam right up to us i think they're probably  used to getting little snacks from humans  

  • they're wondering what's for lunch yeah because  they're not very afraid of us but sorry duckies  

  • we're not going to be feeding you but you've got  seaweed and little sea creatures happening here

  • well hello guys we have stopped in the town  of hubbard's for lunch today we came to the  

  • trellis cafe where i've ordered a new to me dish  this is an african peanut soup and it is so good  

  • it's so creamy and nutty i really like it it  has like chunks of tomato sweet potato in there  

  • sweet potato i gotta try that i love itlove the nuttiness it was part of a soup  

  • and sandwich combo yeah i got an avocado and  a green cheese sandwich a toasted sandwich  

  • i look really good too it looks real  like homemade bread lots of ingredients

  • pairing it with an iced tea

  • just what we need and i love this  outdoor terrace patio they have  

  • it's it's really nice yeah covered by vines  you have a bit of shade yeah it's the just the  

  • perfect place i'm so excited to be trying this  burger this is called the bc burger i thought  

  • maybe it's named after my home province of british  columbia but then we started thinking about what  

  • were in the ingredients and it's the bacon and  cheddar so it also comes with caramelized onions  

  • and aioli sauce so very excited for this and  it's made with grass-fed nova scotian beef

  • should be good oh very cheap

  • another thing a beauty very very nice  patty obviously the bacon compliments it  

  • lots of cheese lots of sauce  lots of cheese on his mustache  

  • guys it's just it's too good just enjoying  a burger here and keep it off my face

  • do

  • what happened today i don't even know what to  say admittedly better well this this place was  

  • trickier because the the waves were stronger andmean okay no i am pretty wet that's that's a fail  

  • yeah looks like i did something else right well  you know this is a great little spot so close to  

  • hubbard's right um just love this little beach  here it just stretches out for a small distance  

  • but it's the waters are inviting it is a little  cold but there are more people swimming here  

  • than i've seen in other beaches i feel like the  theme for this trip on the south shore has been  

  • sam getting salty i'm getting salty  getting some salt water on that leg wound  

  • that is healing nicely at this oh man i can't  wait until we're not talking about the wound  

  • the leg wound i don't want it to  be a permanent uh you know feature  

  • but it's been going up for a while but yeah i mean  i love all the beaches in this area you could just  

  • do a whole trip based on beaches beach hopping  yeah you definitely could we totally could we  

  • had a few to choose from we decided on this one  queensland yeah yeah and now we're gonna pick up  

  • the pace a little bit and start getting closer  to peggy's cove nova scotia let's get going

  • peggy's point lighthouse also known as  peggy's cove lighthouse is pretty much  

  • an iconic symbol in nova scotia this classic red  and white lighthouse sits on a granite outcrop  

  • and it very well may be the most photographed  lighthouse in all of canada normally during  

  • the summer months you can expect to find  hundreds of visitors walking across these rocks  

  • but we visited in summer 2020 which explains why  we had the whole place almost all to ourselves  

  • but now that we've shown you the lighthouse  it's time to enjoy a stroll through peggy's cove  

  • hello hello we made it to peggy's  cove canada we sure did pretty cool  

  • we've been exploring for quite a while the reason  we're doing the update in the car as opposed to  

  • out there is that it's very windy and we don't  want to give you guys a muffled audio recording  

  • yeah no but honestly it's really impressivewould say the thing i like most about this stop  

  • is the rocks like getting to walk on the rocks  and like scramble up and see the lighthouse  

  • from different vantage points exactly the rugged  coastline is just unbelievably impressive it's  

  • kind of like i mean it's not the same and it is  the giants causeway in northern ireland but it  

  • sort of reminds me of that experience like it's  just this massive formation of rocks that you  

  • can walk on i mean it stretches way further than  what we were even able to explore so to me that's  

  • the most impressive now the one thing you do have  to be aware of is that there are black rocks and  

  • that people slip on them and so be very careful  where you go but there's a lot of areas you can  

  • explore safely yes yeah and i mean the lighthouse  is definitely iconic but it's your view of it  

  • from all over the rocks that you that you climb  and that you walk on that makes it special in my  

  • opinion yeah and now we're just gonna drive into  the town itself walk around a little bit there's  

  • a lot of little shops restaurants cafes you can  also rent cottages and stay right in peggy's cove  

  • but yeah it's very very small so we'll walk  around on foot and show you guys what that's about

  • so

  • peggy's cove was founded in 1811 when the province  of nova scotia issued a land grant of more than  

  • 800 acres to six families of german descent the  settlers relied primarily on fishing though they  

  • also farmed and used the surrounding lands to  raise cattle by the early 1800s the population  

  • had peaked at about 300 and the community had  its own schoolhouse church general store and  

  • lobster cannery while peggy's cove still remains  a fishing community today its economy does rely  

  • heavily on tourism there are plenty of cottages  restaurants and souvenir shops to choose from  

  • but i think if you really want to experience the  charm of the place it's worth spending the night  

  • so you can have it all to yourself once the  tour buses and day trippers like us have gone

  • so now we are going to do a little hike to  pollie's cove maybe a five-minute drive past  

  • peggy's cove apparently there's a really nice  lookout over there and yeah fewer people oh yes  

  • definitely and let's why don't we  describe how we found out about this place  

  • this place was recommended to us by one of our  servers at a restaurant right yeah exactly and how  

  • yeah yeah so she told us about this hike that  you just park on the side of the road there's  

  • a little bit of space there sorry i'm just  gonna jump in here basically all of our best  

  • recommendations for travel and restaurants  on this trip have come from locals or i mean  

  • local nova scotians so yeah yeah um i have  a feeling we're gonna love it i already like  

  • what i've seen so far we've literally just  stopped on the trail but let's go check it out

  • pollie's cove is a 3.9 kilometer loop trail  through coastal barrens that offers numerous  

  • look-offs and cliff views we only completed  a portion of the trail since we had quite a  

  • distance to cover before sundown  but we really enjoyed what we saw

  • after that little hike we drove down to rhubarb  restaurant in indian harbor for another tasty meal

  • an early dinner guys we've worked  up an appetite hiking in police cove  

  • so we came to rhubarb and i've gone for the  fish tacos which are so plump so colorful  

  • like we've got fish obviously red onions red  pepper orange yellow peppers cilantro lime juice

  • oh it's just dripping with the lime you put on  that those look good they look plump plump from  

  • over here i'm very very nice wow i was really  hungry yeah yeah surprisingly hungry all the  

  • walking we do it we eat a lot but we've been  moving we burn it all we've been burning it  

  • off each day and sam got a lovely pizza i think  i'm more impressed by the knife i'm wielding  

  • than the pizza in front of me that says  a lot because this is the house specialty  

  • it comes with a it's an eclectic mix bacon  pineapple onions and peppers lots of cheese too  

  • just the right size too for one person this is the  first time i see samuel using cutlery for people  

  • you know what they brought such a nice knife  i normally pick up the slices with my hand but  

  • i feel an obligation to use  the knife they brought me

  • look nice nice thin crust lots of cheese very  juicy with all the ingredients in there and i've  

  • tried the propeller ginger soda  so now i'm trying the root soda  

  • that one's really good too ginger one has  more bite though so i prefer the ginger  

  • then it was time to hit the road again  we had a two plus hour drive to reach  

  • our accommodations in the outskirts of tatamagoosh  

  • we found a really cool place on airbnb  so here's a little sneak peek at that

  • do

  • is

  • vine wine we got the wine from argentina vine you  know so this is from one of our favorite brands  

  • uh well-known trepice never had this one before  though the extravaganza it's a red blend um looks  

  • like a product that we've never seen in argentina  or canada so excited to try it 2018. alright guys  

  • so we have made it to home sweet home for the  night tata magoosh yes outside i think we're like  

  • 15 minutes away yeah we're actually in the woods  yeah sorry for the lack of update guys we just  

  • had a lot of driving we're both tired of driving  and i wasn't feeling well but you know what we are  

  • going to have a bit of wine yeah cheer ourselves  up and we're going to watch some tv and we're in  

  • this beautiful log cabin right beautiful cabin  here on the woods yeah i hope you guys enjoyed  

  • this nova scotia road trip we did a lot today and  um yeah we were going to still show you a lot more  

  • in our next episode so yeah so this is going  to be our final destination nova scotia coming  

  • up tata magoosh we have two days here so we'll  show you what that is like we found a very unique  

  • stay in the woods so expect a tour in the next  episode but for now we're going to sign off with  

  • zivine and chocolate chocolates we've got what  blueberry chocolates local blueberry chocolate so

  • that's a good wine yes it is yeah  ho ho another sip extravaganza  

  • argentina we're going to have an ice cream bag  

  • yeah it's really smooth my goodness i love itlittle bit sweet too wow anyways see you tomorrow

  • bye  

  • you

we made it to peggy's cove  nova scotia canada we sure did

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