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  • my guest tonight starred in the acclaimed Netflix series Orange Is the New Black She also created, wrote and starred in the Emmy award winning Russian Doll, and she's just directed her first Netflix special.

  • Sarah Cooper.

  • Everything's fine.

  • Please welcome the very talent did and very busy.

  • Natasha.

  • Leo.

  • Natasha, How are you?

  • Uh huh.

  • You know the crowd going not going nuts for you going nuts.

  • These people, I mean people near.

  • Looks like you should be saying, Come on down.

  • No one can beat our prices.

  • Nobody can beat our prices.

  • You got to see this special.

  • We've got the best prices in town.

  • I love the way you do, zoom.

  • Everyone else is just like this.

  • You bring energy to zoom the way it's supposed to be.

  • You got to get in there.

  • You know what I mean?

  • E sensation.

  • How could all the rings and you're clutching your purse?

  • You do look like you're waiting for a bus.

  • You look like a You know what I mean?

  • You're a lady waiting for a bus.

  • My goal to be a very hip, very old woman, you know, e agent to something between Penny Marshall and Gjurovski.

  • Those are my goals.

  • And I think I'm getting close closer each day doing great.

  • I also so many people in this town are doing all this kind of crazy stuff to pretend they're 25.

  • Uh, not you.

  • You're gonna go for it.

  • You're gonna just go crazy, eccentric old lady someday.

  • Yeah.

  • Someday I would say today, you know.

  • Are you getting through this thing?

  • Okay, I know you are with.

  • I'm gonna call him your lover, Fred Armisen.

  • Oh, I wasn't sure.

  • Which one?

  • Yes.

  • Uh, how are you and Fred doing?

  • Because this is a strain on couples.

  • And you, You know, I've known Fred a long time, and I love him.

  • He's a little eccentric house.

  • Is he tough to live with during this time of quarantine?

  • You know, he's He's excellent at things like quarantine because he's very organized.

  • You were different.

  • I'm like, I'm like a bear.

  • Um, you know, I really like thio hibernate.

  • And then I like thio do a lot of activities.

  • Uh, friends.

  • More like a white rabbit or something.

  • He he's taken to wearing jumpsuits.

  • He has, like jumpsuits and nine colors.

  • It's all it's a one z we got a picture.

  • Uh, one of our producers tracked this down.

  • This is a picture of Fred in a what looks to be, ah, a scene from the movie Chernobyl.

  • What?

  • It looks like he's coming out of the reactor and saying there's a problem.

  • This is what this is the feeling I'm getting from this picture.

  • Is this the one z one of the ones he's that he wears?

  • Now that's one of the ones is that's a rust.

  • He also has a cream of black, a green, a mustard.

  • This is more of a We did your scan and your son.

  • We have some bad news for you, but I'm gonna try and cheer you up with this wave.

  • This is a medical kind of one Z.

  • This is a real cutie pie character.

  • This guy I got to tell you, you know, I'm concerned about something, which is I know that you You told me a while ago I think the last time I saw you that you were going to quit smoking this year.

  • This is a tough year to quit smoking didn't pan out.

  • You know, it's it's not the time I was reading a few studies that said it.

  • Actually, it's sort of protects your lungs to smoke because, you know, from cove it because I think it toughens them up.

  • Oh, I just thought that medically, it wasn't the best idea of the best time.

  • Oh, this was that famous Marlboro study that just can't.

  • Well, you know, I mean, I just e kind of, you know, that's why you took up smoking.

  • Yeah, like you, I got all excited.

  • I thought I gotta toughen up my lungs.

  • So looking them up, eh?

  • So I started chain smoking filtered, unfiltered cigarettes from the 19 thirties.

  • Yeah.

  • This is why Robert Mitchum still alive as we know.

  • Okay, So he's a well known survivor and his patient zero.

  • So this is a obviously these air atrocious times, and you know it z harrowing, that we're all living through this as if it's reasonable.

  • You know, I actually think in many ways I've never been happier, You know, There's things I don't miss.

  • I don't miss.

  • I never was interested in going a brunch with anyone or meeting somebody for coffee.

  • You know, I'm not a social person.

  • You're not a very social person.

  • you.

  • As you said, you like to hibernate.

  • You want to go into a into a cave with a lot of salmon in your belly and just sleep through the winter, right?

  • That's what I like.

  • But But Fred is more active, and that keeps me young.

  • Could you have more rings on right now?

  • Would that be possible?

  • Is there room for more rings?

  • I'm gonna level with you.

  • I rarely am out of anything other than, you know, T shirts and panties.

  • Okay, So the idea that I had an opportunity to actually put on all of my rings and that there's no need here for, like a ah, full length, You know what I mean?

  • That would give any indication of I'm really enjoying that.

  • Everything is just so surreal.

  • Conan.

  • I really it doesn't for me.

  • Tell me.

  • Tell me, what are the things?

  • Because you've told me a lot of what you don't like.

  • What are like the three things you like to do during You know what makes you happy?

  • If you just had to boil it down to three things smoking, swimming and Zelda the video game.

  • I play that for about I would say 12 hours a day.

  • I mean, in place of sleep, because I'm a busy person.

  • But and yeah, I've been, you know, just periodically renting these, you know, shitty houses in the valley, that air just, you know, they're bad, but they have a pool on because, like, Fred runs around.

  • But I just moved from, you know, the bed to the balcony, you know, to like, you know, do conference calls and change.

  • It's not a healthy lifestyle.

  • So I've taken Thio getting these, you know, weird places.

  • And, uh, I love to swim because, you know, my joints in that great.

  • And, uh, I like to get in the water, move around a Obama quote, like, seven years ago, where he was like, You gotta exercise 20 minutes a day, and so I swim.

  • And I think about Obama 20 minutes and then, you know, I play Zelda for another seven hours.

  • You know, it's so funny because you are a young woman.

  • You're a young, vibrant woman, but you're coming across only boobs.

  • What?

  • I said only in the boobs.

  • Uh, I got boobs for days.

  • I got boobs, like I'm telling you.

  • Um, but you, you channel, you do channel this woman who's in her sixties and has a Zabar's bag.

  • Andi is wearing 95 rings and a bunch of cats.

  • That's who you be.

  • That's somehow times your personality.

  • Even though you were this this very young, vibrant, attractive woman it seems like you can't wait to be an old crazy lady.

  • You just can't wait, you know?

  • And why should I mean, I don't have thio.

  • I just feel like, you know, we make up these rules, you know, I think about ah, Young Gary Oldman playing Sid Vicious at the end of sitting and sitting Nancy singing my way.

  • And I think, you know what's the problem here?

  • There is no problems, only solutions.

  • So you get How did you get from Gary Oldman playing Sid Vicious two.

  • There are no problems.

  • Connection there.

  • You know what?

  • Come on and get in here, honey, Get in here.

  • Okay.

  • I want to make sure we talk about Sarah Cooper.

  • Everything's fine.

  • Of course.

  • I'm so glad that that you are behind this project directing this is very exciting because she's obviously this phenomenal talent she blew up online.

  • I think people are very excited now that she's got this, uh, this project and it's so cool that you're you're directing it.

  • Yeah.

  • I mean, I think you know, I have this, uh, this great production company called Animal Pictures.

  • Uh, with my Rudolph, Uh, I think we sort of felt like, what's the thing to launch this thing?

  • And all of a sudden, you know, when Sarah hit, uh, she just felt like the only thing that was really resonating are connecting with this moment as faras uh, a feeling of relief that encapsulated the sort of, you know, universal feeling of what the hell is going on here That she was sort of providing some sense of relief, and I think the goal of the special.

  • You know, we never really say Trump's name in it.

  • I think more so than sort of trying toe to comment on something obvious was trying to get to the heart of, you know, this kind of social paranoia and the sort of doom scrolling, sinking feeling that we all have kind of in bed as you're slowly melting into it, wondering where this all ends and, you know, trying thio, you know, tap into that through this kind of network.

  • Paddy Chayefsky Sort of as a gag.

  • You know, Fred holds up a sign is her producer.

  • That's, uh, the actual sign from Elia Kazan's face in the crowd.

  • You know, to show that the ratings air up, thanks to talking about, you know, sort of shitty politics.

  • And I just really think we wanted to kind of tap into the sort of the way that we all feel and sort of Sarah has done an extraordinary job of providing some relief and some sort of explanation to this, uh, absurdity.

  • I mean, it is so effing weird that we are, you know, that this has become some degree of normal somehow.

  • You know, what I really appreciate I appreciate about what she's done is I love silly comedy, and she's able to be very physical and silly and use her abilities to make you laugh and at the same time acknowledge how insane everything is right now.

  • Yeah, I mean, it's very, very weird, you know, and it's a it's a real curiosity of, you know, I mean, obviously, you know, I joke, but it's you know, what is what is jokes What is time?

  • What is a future?

  • What is making plans?

  • You know it, Z it's a very weird moment that we're in.

  • And it, Zaveri really like levels the playing ground, like we're in this collectively and sort of have to either.

  • So anyway, you know, jokes aside, I mean, I guess that really is when I say I'm relieved, I'm just relieved to see that we're, you know, we sort of stopped lying other than, of course, the fake news aspect.

  • We've sort of stopped lying a little bit of the society, which, you know, hopefully gets Thio the heart of the truth.