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  • Hey, let me ask you a question.

  • How long is your name?

  • See, most names are actually not that long.

  • Sarah, Mark and Josh, but e have just arrived to a place where people's names are extremely love like this Name Melanie Kaiko.

  • Cokie Neema Kyle.

  • Tonight, Allah, This'll is Hawaii one of the most unique US states where people have names in the Hawaiian language that are so long they can barely fit on an ID car because here, names have meaning.

  • So this name Canyon Nocona Lonnie actually means heavenly man of the stars.

  • Hawaiian names are not just words.

  • They can also be e sentence, a poem thought or a feeling.

  • Come visit the state of Hawaii because here the people actually live up to their name.

  • That's one minute.

  • See Hi there.

  • This shirt is why Hawaiian close are the best.

  • See, in many countries around the world, people judge you based on what you wear.

  • If you dress a little bit different a little bit off than you're weird, but not here in Hawaii.

  • In this island, you can look as colorful as you possibly want, and no one will judge you.

  • Instead, they will love you on put even mawr colors on you because even that boring business suit in Hawaii looks like flowers.

  • So many people, including me, could learn a thing or two from these guys that life is not black or white, so your clothing doesn't have to be either.

  • Here you can wear whatever you want.

  • E homelessness, poverty, drugs.

  • So many people say Be careful off the homeless.

  • But what I'm about to show you will change your mind just like it changed mind.

  • See, I have just arrived to an entire village with no houses because everyone here is homeless.

  • Now many people will stop watching this video because we have a stereotype against homeless people.

  • Most likely, they do drugs they steal, and most likely they are dangerous.

  • We think they are homeless and hopeless, but this village is not in this village.

  • 200 homeless people got together and made their own village with their own rules.

  • That will surprise you Here.

  • You can't make noise after eight PM you can't steal.

  • You can't do drugs.

  • You can't even unleash your dog.

  • And if you do any of the above, you are out.

  • We have strict rules here and zero tolerance policy.

  • So this homeless village has become a place that's safe for everybody, tourists and locals alike.

  • It is also a place where a community lives.

  • They built a park for kids to play at a gym toe workout at a small zoo, a plantation farm and a small made up beach.

  • Every Sunday, people have to clean this whole place up, and every month they have to spend eight hours of volunteering per adults.

  • They they celebrate Christmas and they teach each other sign language.

  • Why?

  • Because this village has one deaf kit, and they wanted him to feel included.

  • Mhm.

  • All of this is in a city full off homeless people.

  • This life is the choice off.

  • Nobody.

  • Hawaii, where they live is beautiful, but it's also one of the most expensive US states with the highest rates off homelessness.

  • Just ask their leader.

  • Hello, I'm the leader here in the village.

  • Even if we are Housel is, 60% of us do have jobs.

  • They just don't have enough toe have ah, house.

  • I don't choose to live like this, but this is all my money can afford.

  • And even if people live intense.

  • This village is safe.

  • They have rules.

  • They are inclusive.

  • And they are appreciated off what they have, no matter how much they don't have, you could be in worse places than when you are right now.

  • Just be thankful for you.

  • Stay and make it work.

  • S Oh, sorry.

  • A little bit emotional?

  • No.

  • Luckily, this story has a happy ending.

  • The village is so respected that donations of money and food have come from all around the state and support for them has been tremendous so much that in the next few years they will purchase their own land and live in their own homes.

  • We're halfway there.

  • This'll village wanted me to tell you that even if they don't have money, they are not homeless or hopeless or lawless.

  • They are just house Lis.

  • Love you guys love you too Narrow.

  • But maybe not for long.

  • The guy you see next to me doesn't need to use Google.

  • Here is why.

  • Hey, I am calf.

  • I can do everything on Lee using my body body body with his body cab can do wonders.

  • He can start a fire with his hands and put off the fire with his feet.

  • Hey, confined a coconut tree with his legs, passed a coconut with his mouth, open it with his muscles and milk it with his hands.

  • Mhm.

  • Okay, 100% organic And his tattoos.

  • I did by myself.

  • This 52 year old it's super fit and young because he only eats vegan food.

  • But sometimes you gotta eat fish cap grew up in the small country off Samoa.

  • On in some more we learn how to survive from our ancestors At a time where everything we know we get from the Internet, it is refreshing to see people who can survive without it.

  • That's one minute we'll see you tomorrow.

  • This video is about the life of a teacher like Mr T.

  • Hi, I'm Mr T and this is my life.

  • Mr.

  • T is a history teacher who is paid to teach kids history No more, no less.

  • But Mr T loves to put effort.

  • So he spent his own money on pianos, supplies, ukulele lease to teach his kids music.

  • Remember, he does all of this as an extra music allows.

  • So breathe in any other job, Mawr work equals more pay.

  • But Mr t like many.

  • Teacher doesn't do it for the money.

  • This job you can't do just for the money.

  • He comes in early, leaves late and is exhausted by the end of the day, every day.

  • So boom, Shaka.

  • So many teachers go the extra mile.

  • They put the extra effort extra time, extra love to raise future generations for little money and little recognition.

  • Today we celebrate the Mr Teas off with hi.

  • Yesterday my father called me and said, You're lucky you're going to Hawaii I said, Why then?

  • He replied, Because in Hawaii there are no snakes.

  • No snake snake, Snake, snake.

  • Turns out my dad is right.

  • The Hawaiian Islands are so remote from the rest of the world that here there are no animals to be scared off.

  • No snakes, no tigers, no hyenas, no lions, no crocodiles.

  • Not here, here or anywhere in the entire state of Hawaii.

  • Theo Onley thing toe worry about our tiny bugs pigs, your neighbor's dog and a few sharks theme in the ocean.

  • Yeah, tell your dad from my dad that at least on this beautiful island in the middle of the ocean, you that's one minute.

  • See you tomorrow before you go.

  • One last thing.

  • That video you just saw I made using this camera and this microphone.

  • But for the first time ever, I'm ditching my camera and I'm picking up my podcasting equipment because, yes, I'm starting a podcast.

  • It's called mass talks.

  • It's free.

  • And it's on Lee on Spotify.

  • And if you liked that video, I think you're gonna love the podcast because I just wanted to make a podcast about things that I would listen to about topics that I wanna listen.

  • Thio Yes, no stocks is 100% honest and raw and deep, and by the way, it's 100% free.

  • So keep your money and give me your ears.

  • Because if you like this video, I think you're gonna love this podcast.

  • See you on Spotify.

Hey, let me ask you a question.

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