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  • I can't believe I'm sitting here surrounded by a group of parenting critters.

  • Hey, everyone, I'm Rebecca and welcome to watch Mojo.

  • Today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 mythical animals that turned out to be riel.

  • The mysterious narwhal has inspired myths around the world, and it goes from cute to kill her in an instant.

  • Let's go get some tail for this list.

  • We'll be looking at animals whose existence was once thought impossible also will be including riel animals who are mistaken for legendary creatures.

  • Which mythical animal do you most wish were rial?

  • Be sure to let us know in the comments.

  • All right, let's get into it.

  • You number 10 or fish might be the rial.

  • Sea serpents.

  • Tales of sea monsters have pervaded human society the world over ever since we began to sail the seas.

  • Even today, we're still discovering new animals in the depths of the ocean.

  • One of the most frequently cited mythical sea creatures is the sea Serpent, a giant snake like creature that lives in the deep or fish, or one of these strange exotic fish that really catch people's attention.

  • So when they do appear they lead to speculation like a sea serpent myth.

  • As it turns out, there is a creature who shape matches that description, possibly explaining some sightings.

  • For years, we only knew they existed from the occasional one washed ashore everything they have hardly ever been seen alive.

  • However, it's not a snake, but a fish.

  • The or fish has an incredibly long, undulating body, with the longest confirmed specimen reaching 26 ft, although unconfirmed reports have some possibly reaching almost double that length, I think more people have seen you're from space.

  • I've seen one of these, this place number nine comodo dragons, a huge lizard living on a remote island, sounds like something from legends or someone's tall tale.

  • The Comodo dragon is a modern day dinosaurs At the peak of its powers, Westerners were initially skeptical about the existence of this comodo dragon, and it wasn't until 1910 that Europeans first documented the beasts.

  • Thes are comodo dragons, the largest lizards on earth.

  • Andi, just extraordinarily broad, powerful 1926 expedition to Kimoto Island to bring a live specimen to New York served as the inspiration for the movie King Kong.

  • We can imagine an alternate universe where the title ended up being King Kimoto.

  • Instead, some zoologists believe it could be a subspecies of another large lizard, which in the past lived on the continent of Asia.

  • In regions ruled over by the Chinese.

  • They're now popular zoo attractions worldwide, looking very much like something from a lost ancient world.

  • Number eight unicorn horns really belonged to narwhals.

  • Supposed unicorn horns were objects of fascination and great value throughout the Middle Ages.

  • However, as it turns out, people who dreamt of one day spotting the creatures to whom the horns belonged should have set their sights on the sea rather than land.

  • The mysterious narwhal has inspired myths around the world.

  • In the Middle Ages, the narwhal tusk was sold as a unicorn horn.

  • Physicians believed it could cure the plague, increase virility, detect poison and even raised the dead.

  • Many of the unicorn horns traded during this period were actually narwhal tusks retrieved by Vikings during their exploration of the Arctic thes whales.

  • Status as the unicorns of the sea was confirmed when Mawr explorers began to sail into the far north.

  • There, 3 m tusk is in fact no mawr than Anno overgrown canine tooth.

  • But its exact function, like so much about novels, is still in part a mystery.

  • Fun fact Onley.

  • The males have tusks.

  • They act as a distinguishing feature, much like antlers on male deer.

  • But whether it's a joust or a jaw session is anybody's guess on the NOR walls aren't telling Number 70 copy.

  • What if you crossed a zebra with a giraffe?

  • The result would probably look something like Theo Copy, and people would be just as likely to believe it was made up.

  • Such was the case with Europeans in Africa.

  • Who suspected the creature said to inhabit forests of the Congo was a local myth and not a riel animal.

  • It's elusiveness, and the horn like protrusions on the heads of males have even given it the nickname the African Unicorn.

  • Europeans didn't discover the oh copy until the late 19th and early 20th century, when it's myth became reality.

  • Number six manatees might be the rial mermaids.

  • Not every mythical sea creature is malevolent.

  • Sailors have frequently cited seeing beautiful women with fish tails in the ocean.

  • Mermaids and early explorers that came over to the New World like Columbus, wrote in their logbooks about seeing mermaids.

  • It's hard to believe that they ever mistaking that face for that of, ah, of a mermaid.

  • But evidently those boys have been on the boat a little too long.

  • However, the reality is probably not as glamorous as the myth.

  • One of the possible origins for the Mermaid myth is the manatee.

  • He's gentle.

  • Sea cows are often spotted from and sadly injured and killed by boats, particularly in the Caribbean.

  • And as you can see, many of these manatees of not all of them, have some evidence of their interaction with boats.

  • And we could see how, from a distance they might resemble something more human like than other ocean residents.

  • Let's go get some tail.

  • Well, we certainly wouldn't want to romance them.

  • Manatees are pretty adorable.

  • Number five platypus, a platypus.

  • What an unexpected surprise.

  • Ah, lot of Europeans were skeptical of the animals reported by explorers.

  • In Australia, we mean a deer that hops like a frog, and some of them have two heads.

  • That's just ridiculous, but easily the most unbelievable animal from the land down under at least two Europeans was the platypus, with its webbed feet beaver like body and bill, reminiscent of a duck's on it goes from cute to kill her in an instant.

  • Skeptics were initially sure they were made up, and that preserved specimens brought to England, where hoaxes created by clever taxidermy platypuses can only be found in the river streams and lakes along the east coast of Australia.

  • It wasn't until knowledge spread and more specimens were examined that people began to believe in platypuses in the platypus number four guerrillas.

  • This is just one of the most fantastic moments of my life.

  • I can't believe I'm sitting here surrounded by a group of parenting Greta's outside of Africa.

  • These great apes were the subject of rumor for centuries.

  • Think Bigfoot.

  • Before Bigfoot was even a thing in around 500 BC Carthaginian explorer Hanno the navigator, encountered Harry people who were capable climbers and threw rocks.

  • His interpreters called them gorilla.

  • These may have been gorillas or other great apes, although we can only speculate each gorilla has a personality and style of its own.

  • It wasn't until the 19th century that Europeans began to take tales of Harry man like creatures seriously, with explorers happening upon them in the jungle.

  • After all, seeing is believing to see these incredible creatures in the world.

  • What a humbling gift.

  • It hits me on a gut level, a sense of responsibility on a clear need to protect them.

  • Number three The Juan Came Turtle.

  • According to Vietnamese legend, 15th century Emperor Layla was granted a sword by the turtle God Kim Qui.

  • After carving out Vietnam's independence, Leila returned the sword to Kim Qui while sailing on the lake leading to the lake, being named Juan Quim, or the lake of the Return Sword, the lakes Giant soft shell turtles were thought to be just legends until the 20th century, when they were spotted sadly.

  • The last known individual, known as great grandfather Turtle, died around 2016 meaning the species is possibly extinct.

  • Number two black swans as early as the second century in Europe, the expression Black Swan was used as a metaphor for something that was impossible.

  • After all, all swans are white, except when old world explorers reached Australia, they discovered that really Black Swan's existed.

  • Like their white counterparts, black swans are often used as ornamental birds in ponds in Europe and other continents, thes days, black swans have become synonymous with a logical fallacy in reference to the previous expression, or else for events that seem unpredictable yet are believed to be obvious.

  • In hindsight, Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.

  • You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.

  • If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.

  • Number one.

  • The Giant Squid, then on the 87th photo making its film W.

  • Theo Elusive Giant.

  • Arguably one of the most famous sea monsters ever, the giant squid has been a fixture of sea legends worldwide, inspiring figures like the cracking.

  • However, despite its vaunted size, its existence was not confirmed until the late 19th century, when specimens were found washed up on shore.

  • Specimens have been reported weighing close to £10.

  • Narrator The giant squid is not as heavy weighing in at around £600 but they do have far longer arms and even longer feeding tentacles.

  • And even then giant squids weren't observed in their natural habitat until 2004.

  • do toe how deep underwater they live.

  • For this reason, there are still things that remain unknown or unconfirmed about giant squids keeping it Smith alive for a little while.

  • Yet people are very interested in this kind of thing, and we need to make people more aware of just how many incredible things there are in our ocean.

  • Are you surprised any of these aerial or are you more surprised that we ever thought they weren't be sure to let us know in the comments or come talk to me on Twitter or Instagram at Rebecca Britain or on my YouTube channel?

  • See you.

I can't believe I'm sitting here surrounded by a group of parenting critters.

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