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  • Alright, let me tell the people at home

  • what's going on, okay?

  • We are taping here at the Largo Theater,

  • the historic Largo Theater,

  • in La Cieniga Boulevard,

  • in Los Angeles, West Hollywood.

  • And, you know, we come to this theater

  • because we thought theaters are in trouble,

  • let's revive a theater,

  • let's keep it going.

  • Seemed like a nice thing to do.

  • [Andy] Right. Right?

  • What happens?

  • We get here this morning,

  • and we find out that someone broke in to our little theater

  • and took some of our equipment!

  • Some of the equipment we use to make the show.

  • We got robbed, Andy!

  • Robbed!

  • Who would've thought?

  • [Conan] Yeah. You would have thought

  • that the minute they came in

  • and saw Conan on anything,

  • they would've been like

  • "no, c'mon,

  • "he's one of the good guys."

  • [Conan] Yes. Let's go break into

  • someone else's spot, yeah.

  • Yeah, and whoever broke in here

  • had to stare what I think is about 350 cardboard cutouts

  • of exuberant fans in the eyes

  • and say, "hey,

  • "don't mind me, I'm gonna steal some shit."

  • Wow, imagine if the robber was still here.

  • [Conan] Yeah. Just sitting here quietly

  • in all the cutouts, oops.

  • The robber probably,

  • we probably walked in and the robber just went-

  • (laughter)

  • Robber's here somewhere, I don't know who it is.

  • I wanna ask our field producer.

  • He's been with me almost since day one,

  • and he holds the show together,

  • Jason Chillemi, I call him Chills

  • or Chilly Willy, as he prefers.

  • Jason, what did they take exactly?

  • They got a couple of laptops.

  • Laptops?

  • I mean, they took our laptops.

  • That's just the lowest.

  • What's that?

  • It's how we do our interviews.

  • That's how we do the interviews.

  • We do the interviews on Zoom.

  • They ripped off our laptops!

  • What else did they take? They took our slate.

  • Okay, whenever we make a show,

  • Jason steps in and does a slate.

  • This thing, you've seen it all the time.

  • It's been around since the beginning of movies

  • where they go "and."

  • You know, "here we go."

  • They took that!

  • That's the lowest!

  • I can't think of anything lower.

  • Okay, the laptops fine,

  • you took the slate?

  • Yeah I know.

  • That's crazy.

  • No, you know what I was thinking about?

  • Look at us!

  • What happened to us?

  • This kind of shit isn't happening

  • to other big time late night shows.

  • No one breaks in to the Tonight Show

  • and steals all the equipment.

  • What happened to us?

  • We've become this garage band that drives around.

  • We got our van, and we parked in an alley

  • and someone broke in and took our amps!

  • [Andy] Right. What is that?

  • This doesn't happen to the other talk show hosts.

  • This would never happen to Kimmel or Fallon

  • or any of those guys.

  • No one breaks in,

  • "what happened?"

  • "We couldn't do a show today."

  • "What happened?"

  • "They broke in and took our shit, man.

  • "They took our shit while we were sleeping."

  • (laughter)

  • What kind of new low is this for us?

  • And then who do I have to bitch,

  • what's our security?

  • Our security is a bunch of photographs.

  • (laughter) Cardboard photographs of fans

  • from across the country.

  • Jason, you've been with me for like 27 years.

  • You gotta admit this is a new low.

  • It is a new low.

  • (laughter)

  • "Hey man, there's gonna be no Late Show tonight,"

  • says Colbert.

  • "No Late Show tonight."

  • "What happened?"

  • "They broke in to the Ed Sullivan,

  • "they stole our shit, man."

  • They stole my desk. (laughter)

  • I'm sorry.

  • I'm sorry, whoever you are-

  • (laughter)

  • Man, just for the laugh alone,

  • maybe it's worth it.

  • Right right.

  • Enjoy the laptops.

  • Yeah, what's the robber gonna do with this thing?

  • [Andy] I don't know.

  • What?

  • And he probably was like,

  • "and that's a robbery!" Clack!

  • And it wasn't like a battery one that was like synced.

  • It was just like wood.

  • Yes, it's what kids use.

  • It's what 16 year olds use to make a student film.

  • Or that you can go buy on Hollywood Boulevard.

  • You can buy them.

  • Probably in Hollywood, they're on the street.

  • They're everywhere, and he took it!

  • It's ridiculous!

  • I think we got ours at a souvenir shop.

  • Suddenly this show that I've been working on for 27 years

  • is a Nissan Sentra.

  • (laughter) It's a 1995 Nissan Sentra.

  • They took the air conditioning right out.

  • I put a blanket over the stuff.

  • I didn't think anyone would notice.

Alright, let me tell the people at home

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