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  • Bonnie faced soft team Wang G was an outraged activist turned political candidate in Kenya.

  • Now he's the star of a new award winning Kenyan documentary, Softy, which shines a spotlight on the country's battle with corruption.

  • The film, which swept up awards at the Sundance and Durbin film festivals, follows his evolution into politics.

  • Wow, it's going toe topple the government.

  • But between death threats, family turmoil and sending their Children to safety in the US it's ultimately a film about how a family can survive such pressure, Boniface says.

  • Change can't happen alone.

  • What I've learned in a very painful way during this entire process that changes or an event.

  • You don't have one event Allah and this change.

  • It's a very slow, painful marathon.

  • Kenya is East Africa's richest nation, but its booming economy has an ugly underbelly.

  • Runaway corruption has trapped millions in poverty.

  • Extrajudicial police killings are common on elections punctuated by deadly violence.

  • Softly begins with Bonnie face outraged by the 2000 and 7 to 8 election violence, it documents his journey towards creating his own political party.

  • A decade later, Jerry is his wife and fellow activist.

  • By the time he was telling me that this is going to have a lot of my life.

  • I was very afraid.

  • I was like No, no, no, no, that's not what we talked about.

  • This is not it can't be But when he told me the importance of it and I saw what this really is doing for not just me but the families off human right defenders of activists, I was like Okay, I want people to know what that we exist.

  • I want people to know that we struggle.

  • I want people to know that our Children really struggle.

  • Filmmaker Sam Soccer, who is an activist himself, said the film started out as a five minute YouTube clip about organizing a protest.

  • It sprawled into a seven year project now streaming on PBS in the United States on Britain's BBC manifest.

Bonnie faced soft team Wang G was an outraged activist turned political candidate in Kenya.

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