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  • Now let me update you on the fighting between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

  • This is all over a breakaway region called Nagorno Karabakh, and this escalation is now into its fourth day tonight.

  • This is video released by Azerbaijan's Ministry of Defense showing artillery strikes on Wednesday.

  • We're told nearly 100 people have been killed since Sunday.

  • Now Nagorno Karabakh's a landlocked region inside Azerbaijan, and even though it's recognized internationally as Azerbaijan's territory, it's controlled by ethnic Armenians.

  • In fact, the region declared independence in 1991 on has ruled itself since then with the support of the Armenian government.

  • That, as you might imagine, has been a major source of tension between these two former Soviet Republics.

  • They fought a war in the late eighties and in the early nineties over it that eventually ended with a ceasefire in 1994 which gave Armenia full control of Nagorno Karabakh and some surrounding and clay visas well marked in dark yellow.

  • While there was a ceasefire.

  • Crucially, there was no formal peace treaty reached, so this area is still disputed.

  • As we're seeing on on Sunday.

  • This happened, there was artillery fire and shelling from both sides, Armenia is accusing Azerbaijan a beginning a military operation inside the region.

  • Azerbaijan contests.

  • That version of events on this is now an extraordinary situation, is, the Guardian puts it.

  • We have a situation where trench warfare is going on in Europe more than 100 years after the first World War, it says.

  • In some areas the lines are so close they can hear and potentially talk toe one another.

  • Now Azerbaijan hasn't come out and reported any military losses, but we know it has suffered casualties.

  • These pictures are from Azerbaijan today.

  • We believe this is the funeral of a Nazeri soldier who died in the fighting, and this picture was also taken today.

  • It's the aftermath of shelling inside and Azerbaijani district bordering Nagorno Karabakh, and you can see the extent of the damage.

  • Next.

  • Let's hear from people in another town that's also close to the fighting.

  • E woke up to the sound of the bomb thrown by Armenians.

  • Our house shook.

  • I woke up my family, my Children.

  • We went outside and the bomb flew over our head and fell into our garden.

  • This has been our life for 30 years.

  • Only the noises off shelling.

  • We're scared.

  • We're very scared for our Children, for our young people, for our babies.

  • We want this to end soon.

  • All our relatives are on the front line.

  • But the BBC's Goodell Safarova is close to the town of Tartar, where fighting broke out on Sunday.

  • Let's hear from, but today I have heard sounds of artillery and shells.

  • Today, other Virgin government announced that Armenian military units fired heavy artillery at the city off tartar, and as a result, seven civilians were injured.

  • I have talked to many people, they say, that they fled city off, started on many off them say, is that they were living under threat of attack for 30 years and they just want this conflict to be resolved.

  • Now Turkey is relevant to this conflict.

  • It backs Azerbaijan.

  • And yesterday, Armenia accused Turkey of shooting down one of its fighter jets, killing the pilot.

  • Today it released this footage, saying, This is the proof.

  • It says This is wreckage of the jet.

  • I'm a Armenia claims it was shot down by Turkey in Armenian airspace.

  • Now Turkey denies this.

  • Here's the Armenian prime minister in an interview on Russian state TV because Armenian, Uh, our Armenia and the Armenians of Nagorny Cara back are now exposed to a direct threat from Turkey.

  • According to our data, Turkey is looking for a pretext to intervene even more broadly in this conflict.

  • I mean, you're also claims Turkey has sent Syrians to fight for Azerbaijan.

  • Now there's no clear evidence of that, though The Guardian is reporting a Turkish security company has recruited Syrian rebels as border guards in Azerbaijan aunt, he have a Syrian journalist reporting the deaths of two Syrians in the fighting.

  • Now Turkish officials have dismissed the idea they're sending Syrians to fight is baseless allegations.

  • But Turkey is clear about its support for Azerbaijan.

  • This was from Monday.

  • But together the time has come for the crisis in the region that started with the occupation of Nagorny Karabakh to be put to an end.

  • Once Armenia immediately leaves the territory it is occupying, the region will return to peace and harmony.

  • Now, as you'd imagine, many of the international community are worried.

  • The U.

  • N.

  • Security Council is calling for an immediate halt in fighting and a return to negotiations, and this is the French president, Emmanuel Macron, e have noted Turkey's declarations, which I think are ill considered on dangerous, and I say this, particularly with regard to Armenia.

  • Frantz, within the Minsk group in its role which Presupposes the impartiality that justifies my prudence, remains extremely concerned about the war, like messages that Turkey has sent these last few hours.

  • We also have this from Azerbaijan's president today, he said.

  • We only have one condition.

  • Armenian troops must leave our lands unconditionally, completely and immediately, he added.

  • This condition remains in force.

  • If the Armenian government meets this condition, the fighting will stop on blood will not be shared.

  • But of course as he well knows, that's a very long way from Armenia's current position.

  • While Formula is an Azeri journalist here at BBC News and the news editor for BBC Russian for Meal, good to have you on outside source.

  • They're all setting out their stalls, but they seem a long, long way apart.

  • Absolutely, that's the biggest problem.

  • The biggest problem.

  • We've seen the positions of Azerbaijan and Armenia close to each other at some after some negotiations when the means group, but since then a long time ago, the positions are as far apart as it is possible, these air to really sworn enemies now what I could do with some help with is.

  • Why is Azerbaijan pushing this issue so strongly now, when Armenia is effectively bean running this region for many years?

  • Indeed, Azerbaijan has lost the war.

  • It lost the control over the Karabakh itself and also seven surrounding regions.

  • It suffered, uh, casualties as well as Armenians, but also hundreds of thousands of refugees which had to be resettled elsewhere in those over John.

  • And this is the biggest possible problem and issue for the Derby Johnny Public.

  • They feel that they've been overlooked by international community.

  • They feel that they've been victims in this war, and they want to turn back to their homes.

  • But there's one big problem that the two governments do not speak to each other in those terms.

  • And I wonder familiar, You must have been in touch with many friends, family and journalistic colleagues in Azerbaijan.

  • How are they reacting to this escalation?

  • Well, the public mood now is that there had to be war, and if there's a war, will have to unite a, uh, with the army with the government of Azerbaijan that probably was something that the government was counting on because with the social problems, the falling price of oil with the reforms that are needed in the economy, the war probably is the best possible outcome to make sure that public rallies around the leader.

  • But after that, you know what next, but also what I'm thinking about my generation.

  • It's our Children who are fighting now on the in the trenches off Kaba.

  • It's our Children on both sides that are dying and the blood that is felt.

  • There is the worst possible outcome in this problem.

  • And that's what the government do not take into consideration the blood that will make sure that the two nations are as far assed far apart as possible for many years to come for meal.

  • Thank you very much for joining us.

  • That's for me, Alicia.

  • One off.

  • BBC Russian.

Now let me update you on the fighting between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

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