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  • I'm gonna be there soon.

  • Over the Moon is Netflix's latest animated film, and it's based on the Chinese legend of the Moon Goddess.

  • It follows a 12 year old girl named Fei Fei, whose mother tells her about Chang’e, a goddess who lives on the moon waiting for her true love.

  • So when Fei Fei’s mother passes away, she’s determined to go to the moon to meet Chang’e.

  • You and me, Bungee,

  • we're gonna prove she's real. Wow! What in the world?

  • The star studded cast includes John Chou, Sandra Oh, Margaret Chou and Ken Jeong as this dancing light up otter thing.

  • The story is set in one of China's famous Watertown.

  • To make sure their portrayal was accurate, the team went to Wu Chen, a Watertown in Eastern China.

  • We tried to go to places that were more unexpected, and so beautiful but lesser known and kind of showcase China that way.

  • We actually went like door to door and just knocked on doors and ask people if we come in and see their house, and people were so warm and welcoming and they're like, "Yeah, come in."

  • And one of the houses we went thio, you know how like a very enthusiastic Chinese grandmother that wanted to, like, really share about her experiences growing up in the town, and it was really quite amazing experience.

  • We made sure that everything that we were portraying was as authentic as we could.

  • But we wanted it also to feel like anybody from the world could relate to the humanity In this.

  • I can understand and appreciate how unique this culture is in the way that they live, and you know how they sit and eat together and the foods that they eat.

  • Our production designer, she I think, took a million photos.

  • In one family dinner scene, you can see the family eating hairy crabs, a seasonal fall dish, lion's head, meatballs, a local specialty and deep fried spring rolls.

  • A classic festive dish in eastern China.

  • Win cakes.

  • Check bungee cords.

  • Check.

  • We have bungee e Think a lot of people around the world are experiencing grief right now.

  • I think the greatest part about this film is that it's about healing.

  • We get to wash this young girl who's lost her mom at a young age, understand that she can let her mom go while still celebrating the person that her mom wants before to be able to share the story of Chana with audiences who've never heard it felt like such an honor and such, Ah, privilege to do that.

  • And we always would just, like, look at each other like, wouldn't that be crazy if just like kids in the U.

  • S.

  • Would just know the word Chana and know that it's about the moon Goddess?

  • I remember picking up my son from preschool.

  • I think he was only like three.

  • And he was like Mommy, I was telling my friends at school about Chunga and I was like, Floor shine bright thio him.

  • It's just like another story that we've told him, you know?

  • And I just thought, This is what This is what we're trying to do.

  • It'll make it.

I'm gonna be there soon.

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