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  • Google Docks has a tool that can create an ad citations automatically.

  • I'd like to add one hair to get started, opened the explore tool by clicking the icon at the bottom right of the page or going to tools explore.

  • You can use the search part of Search the Web for whatever you want, or you can click on one of the topics that Google has recommended based on your document.

  • This works just like a normal Google search.

  • A few results air previewed, and you can click on any of the links to visit the full website.

  • If you already know the website that you want to use, you can copy the U R L by selecting it and pressing control C or command.

  • See if you're using a Mac, then you can go back to your document and press control V or Command V to paste the U.

  • R L into the search bar.

  • Press enter in.

  • The first result should be the correct website if you need to, you can change the citations format before adding it.

  • Click the three dots next toe wet results and choose between M.

  • L.

  • A, a.

  • P A and Chicago to create the citation, hover over the result that you want and click the quotation mark.

  • The citation is added as a footnote with the proper formatting.

  • This feature works well, but it does have a few limitations.

  • For example, you can Onley site as a footnote, which means you won't be able to use this tool to create your bibliography.

  • Another limitation is that you can only create citations for Web sources to cite books or magazines.

  • You still have to do it yourself by going Thio, insert Footnote and then typing the citation manually.

  • G C F.

  • Global.

  • Creating opportunities for a Better life.

Google Docks has a tool that can create an ad citations automatically.

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