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  • Making your way evil today...

  • sure does take a lot.

  • Thinking of ways to distribute hate...

  • takes everything you've got...

  • Wouldn't you like to rule a place?

  • Sometimes you wanna go...

  • Where everybody hates your face

  • And the villains share your rage.

  • You wanna be in the evil seat.

  • Heroes are all the same

  • You wanna go where everybody hates your face

  • Well everyone.

  • It has been a long time coming

  • but it is finally time for our janitor, Thanos...

  • to finally go out and make a name for himself.

  • *cheers*

  • Yes! Here's to the one who's done absolutely nothing

  • but is being treated as the scariest villain of all time.

  • *cheers*

  • It wasn't my time

  • Okay Okay. Now that he's finally going to do something with his life...

  • Who's up for a little wager?

  • Oooh I am! Mee MEEE!

  • So be it!

  • I thought we'd start a dead pool on how many heroes Thanos is officially going to kill.

  • Did somebody say Deadpool?

  • Not you Deadpool!

  • It's an actual Dead Pool.

  • Now get out of here!

  • You're gonna have a dead pool without the real Deadpool?

  • Don't you know how profitable I am?

  • Get out!

  • Eh, whatever.

  • I'll see you later, Cable.

  • mreeegh

  • Who wants the first wager?

  • Oooo ooo OOooo!

  • I wanna bet!

  • Put me down for ZERO.

  • What?!

  • Zero!

  • Yes! Zero!

  • It's Marvel!

  • The good guys always win!

  • No they don't!

  • Remember Quicksilver, man?

  • And Yondu.

  • I'm just saying...

  • the majority get away...

  • a lot.

  • Very well. Next!

  • I'm going to say... five.

  • I bet he gets Iron Man

  • Because he's like their dad and that would be really hard to watch.

  • Doctor Strange

  • Because he's got to have magic taken out of the picture.

  • The Incredible Hulk

  • because he's super strong

  • Hawkeye

  • Because arrows are stupid.

  • Hawkeye is definitely gonna die, man!

  • And my last pick is uh...

  • Spider-Man

  • No way he can't get Spider-Man.

  • What are you nuts? Oh yes he can!

  • Oh yes I can!

  • Put me down for drei

  • I think it's going to be

  • Captain America

  • Captain America...

  • And Captain America

  • You just said Captain America three times

  • Because I want him to DIE three times!

  • Okay. Red Skull for three Cap deaths

  • I bet he just gets one, and it's Loki.

  • Oh yeah! Loki's totally gonna die!

  • Oooo! Put me down for Loki faking his death, and then killing Thanos later.

  • Hey!

  • I'm just saying, he's a trickster.

  • No way! If anyone's gonna kill him, it's gotta be Nebula.

  • Put ALL of my money on Wolverine!

  • Okay... Apocalypse thinks the X-Men are going to show up for some reason.

  • Anyone else?

  • I bet he only gets two...

  • I bet it's Vision and Scarlet Witch

  • Oh yes! I want to change my vote now!

  • I forgot Vision has a stone in his head.

  • You can't change your vote.

  • This is outrageous!

  • You guys are over thinking this.

  • He's just gonna get the support team.

  • Put me down for Falcon...

  • Ant-Man...

  • Black Widow...

  • Drax...

  • War Machine

  • and Korg.

  • All I know is if you kill Groot, I'm gonna be totally pissed.

  • What? He's adorable!

  • What about you, Palps?

  • What do you bet?

  • I think he's going to kill every last one of them...

  • Except Ant-Man.

  • How does he do that?

  • Ant-Man will go molecular between time and space...

  • and come back in the past meeting up with Captain Marvel

  • and they will work together to destroy Thanos in the sequel.

  • Oh that sounds cool!

  • I mean Boo!

  • Heroes are so annoying!

  • Is that everyone?

  • No one thinks he's going to kill Black Panther?

  • They're not gonna kill Black Panther!

  • That would be commercial-suicide!

  • Almost like doing a dead pool video without actually having Deadpool in it.

  • I said Get OUT!!!!

  • Well guys, it's finally my time.

  • I'm off to destroy the universe!

  • You guys were fun.

  • You guys indeed brought a smile to my face

  • I hope they remember you.

  • What does that mean?

  • We're not in danger hehe...

  • Are we?

Making your way evil today...

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