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  • Thanks for bringing in the Joker, Batman!

  • You're the best!

  • Yeah. I'm the best.

  • Kablam!

  • Ha ha ha!

  • Welcome to the mad house, Batman!

  • I set a trap and you sprung it gloriously!

  • Mua Ha Ha Ha Haaaaa!

  • Well... nobody's perfect.

  • I really like this architecture!

  • This ends now, Joker!

  • Oh, Bats, you can't kill me!

  • That's just not your style!

  • Oh he's right! I can't kill!

  • That's not my style!

  • Ha! I knew it! Get him boys!

  • Ha ha ha ha ha!

  • Bat flip!

  • Punch!

  • I gotcha!

  • (scream)

  • Boo! [Screams]

  • He he he

  • (bat squish)

  • Ha ha ha ha ha!

  • Psycho path.

  • Says the man dressed as a bat.

  • Bane?!

  • He has seen better days.

  • I completely agree! Let's give him some vitamins, shall we?


  • ow.

  • I will break you!

  • I'm not a fan of brakes.

  • Screw this! Gordan out!

  • Riddle me this, Batman!

  • I can be liquid, but also solid...

  • four tall men on a hill...

  • One short one pays the bill!

  • Broccoli on a pie!

  • Oh crap.

  • Hey Bruce!

  • Thanks for doing nothing while getting us shot and killed!

  • Yeah! You suck big time! [OoooOOOOoooOOOOoooo]

  • Scary parents!

  • Mwaaaaaaaaagh!

  • My parents!

  • (Bat Sobbing)

  • AAAAaaaagh!

  • Light! My only weakness!

  • How could you resist my fear toxin?

  • Because I'm Bat...

  • Ha ha ha ha ha!


  • Ha ha ha ha ha....

  • HA HA HA HA!

  • You will never stop me and my plants, Batman!

  • Hey! What are you...

  • Man, why don't I just use this stuff all the time?

  • This is awesome!

  • He he he he!

  • Party's over, Joker!

  • The party hasn't even begun!

  • Look! I even got a gift for you!

  • Ha ha ha ha ha!

  • Jim?! I thought you left!

  • I thought so too!

  • He's looking a little worn out.

  • Let's try to pep him up!

  • What do you say?

  • It did wonders for Bane!

  • Ha ha ha ha ha!

  • No!

  • Aaaaaaaggh!

  • Got to....

  • Fight

  • The venom!

  • Why?!

  • Why can you resist it!?

  • Because I'm Batman!

  • Also I got the antidote.

  • Okay well... whatever.

  • Ha ha ha ha ha!

  • Jim?! How did you...

  • I know! This doesn't make any sense!

  • Ha ha!

  • Hua! [AAAGH!]

  • Ooo that's gonna hurt tomorrow

  • Wow! That stuff is really helpful!

  • I know!

  • Now that's what I call having a bad night!

  • Luckily we can all rest knowing that peace and quiet has returned to Gotham.

  • (Someone Help!)

  • (Two Face is robbing the bank and we have no super heroes here!)

  • (We're useless!)

  • (Please Help!)

  • (Aaaaaaaaagh!)

  • Hmm.

  • What a guy!

  • So brave!

  • So bold!

  • So [BOO!!!]

  • Aaaaaaaagh!

  • He he he he!

Thanks for bringing in the Joker, Batman!

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