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  • Let me just turn the camera around and show you guys what this looks like.

  • Look at that.

  • That's just That's just a nice view.

  • Let me set the scene.

  • It's nighttime.

  • We are in the Shimba, she area, and by we I mean today on with Lucas on Hannah.

  • Hi, E O Lucas has brought us out tonight to do some exploration of Tokyo.

  • What we're doing tonight is basically walking through one of Lucas's photo adventures called Vertigo.

  • Let me show you these views.

  • You notice their chains here, which means this is a no entry zone.

  • This staircase and elevator has public access.

  • So Lucas does his best to make sure that we're not breaking any rules in order to get into these places.

  • Go to the most impressive part about that last spot.

  • It was only on the seventh floor.

  • Yeah, really High up places are kind of less impressive in a way too far above right.

  • You get, like the bird's eye view.

  • I mean, you might as well just have a drone.

  • Yeah, but when you're kind of on the same level as the other, Bill Lucas has done it once again, he's brought me to a shrine that I was aware of yet have never been to And that his car a summary shrine right here in Shimba.

  • She Look.

  • What?

  • Yeah, I think it's pretty cool that we get to see just a little bit of Tokyo Tower up there.

  • I like that.

  • But the challenge is that it's just so dark e e because you've got, like, the dirty kind of grungy looking Tokyo City side.

  • And then you got, like, a wallet street here, which was with e.

  • Think we need, like, some kind of rating system for, like, the rooftops.

  • Lucas is saying we should do like, how maney Blade Runner's out of 10.

  • I'm gonna say how Maney Lucas heads.

  • Uh huh.

  • The first location.

  • How Maney Lucas heads.

  • Would you give that?

  • I don't want to base it up because they haven't haven't done all of them yet.

  • E 77 All right.

  • It's about a 7.5.

  • Okay, maybe because it's more wide she cut Lucas his face and half.

  • I'm glad to hear it, cause I order them specifically to get a little bit better with climax.

  • So nice that should be a 10 out of 10.

  • If this is a 7.5, the last one will be attending.

  • The railing can go here, you know, And then the camera like that.

  • It just kind of sits there, right?

  • Yeah, that's fairly sturdy.

  • Just on my arm.

  • So you get a metal railing, you jam it on their on.

  • You could do long exposures, but then that leads to tip number two.

  • Don't make your exposures too long.

  • I'll be getting maybe four seconds for the shots, but not going to 30 seconds, cause when you're on the railing, 30 seconds gonna be tough.

  • I just like the colors around here too high.

  • And, uh, Lucas found an alleyway.

  • Let's try and see what happens.

  • Thing is a pretty shady alleyway.

  • This'll is the kind of place that by myself, quick little clamps.

  • Oh, wow.

  • This place is like a really, really good restaurant.

  • Actually, this place, that alley view that's a photo in its own right there.

  • How safe do you feel in here?

  • Very, very safe.

  • I just feel like I'm really It's okay.

  • I'm Australia, and I can handle it, and I well, a researching for the next spot now.

  • Hannah, how maney Lucas heads.

  • Would you give that alleyway at least one?

  • It's not a rough spot.

  • That's the spot between the spots.

  • And we're actually on the roofs.

  • That's that's what counts is the spot.

  • So I don't think it should be rating those spots, you know.

  • Oh, okay.

  • There's a hidden shrine right in here.

  • It's in this video right here.

  • It was like a really bright floodlight over here.

  • Need an nd filter?

  • How many e get that way?

  • It was nice, but we ran into a couple of people up there and they were all like, Hey, how's it going, guys?

  • Yeah, super friendly about it.

  • Speaking of running into people when Hannah and I met up with the station Cakey cakey.

  • Nice to meet you.

  • Thank you for coming up, cakey.

  • Oh, nice guy, nice guy.

  • Something that come from There's a whole bunch of these modern buildings and I love their signs.

  • Thistles.

  • Sadly, something that's probably gonna go away someday.

  • Thes McGugan buildings back here.

  • Some of them are semi abandoned.

  • Some of them are completely abandoned, but all of them make amazing shot.

  • Also, we've been here for the better part of what I'd say 15 minutes and we still haven't made it to the roof because the stairwell views air just so amazing here.

  • That way, last location is a bit of a secret, so we're gonna go their way.

  • Way.

  • A large part of me is curious as to how Maney Lucas heads hand.

  • It's gonna get this one, because this it's just a nice view just standing here on looking out.

  • Let me just turn the camera around and show you guys what this looks like looking at.

  • It's just it's just a nice view.

  • Yeah, Lucas was just saying that the first time he came up onto one of these rooftops was about half a decade ago with a common friend of ours, and they just kind of wandered up there and explored.

  • Ever since then, it's been all about finding those open rooftops and open stairways.

  • His big pro tip that he's been sharing is a If you run into somebody, just be friendly and smile.

  • Be if they say please don't come up here, then then don't go up.

  • Tell them what you do is just be honest.

  • I'm here taking pictures.

  • Yeah, We've just been taking up stairwells and maybe one or two elevators all night.

  • We have run into a ton of people, and they've all been really friendly about it.

  • Yeah, it's surprising.

  • I mean, obviously, when you don't break the rules, if you do jump over a fence so they're gonna be last night, but never once had a problem in this place.

  • Thanks, Roof for probably the better part of easily.

  • 40 minutes.

  • Just been like photo, photo, photo photo.

  • Maybe I'll show you a couple like, Did you like that one?

  • I like that one.

  • How long have you known about this spot?

  • A couple of years.

  • Can I ask how you found it?

  • Actually, Axel found it.

  • Okay, partner?

  • Well, he found it.

  • So I found every other spot I showed you tonight.

  • But this was his spot from the outside.

  • It's not very like it doesn't look like a bad Like it's kind of inviting, right?

  • Just, like catch the elevator to the top.

  • Yeah, exactly.

  • He doesn't forbid you exactly.

  • Yeah, Damien texting.

  • He's like Lucas.

  • I found, like, the coolest spot in games like, very, very skeptical.

  • But just show me next time blew me away was, I guess plays awesome.

  • Eso I wish he was here, but he's in Kansai on As if by magic, we're back walking the streets of Ginza.

  • Lucas.

  • That was a lot of fun, man.

  • I'm glad to hear it.

  • I had a lot of fun on.

  • I gotta ask.

  • I gotta ask.

  • All right, Hannah, A big moment.

  • That final rooftop.

  • How many Lucas heads?

  • Okay.

  • Yeah.

  • How do you feel?

  • Bad.

  • Feel pretty good.

  • But I have to say I expected that.

  • If you guys don't already know Hannah and aren't following her channel, she's she's doing a video on This is Well, eso I'm gonna link that.

  • Uh, it'll be linked.

  • So go check it Thistle is something that you're interested in doing and checking out.

  • I'm gonna link I explore down below it also be linked straight in the comments section.

  • If you have questions about nighttime photography or any of that, Lucas loves to hang out in the comments section with me, so feel free to ask.

Let me just turn the camera around and show you guys what this looks like.

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