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  • without giving too much away.

  • What's your favorite plot?

  • Twist and ratchet that you're excited for viewers to experience without giving too much away?

  • What do you think this is, amateur hour?

  • I'm not falling for that shit.

  • No.

  • Hello.

  • I'm Sarah Paulson.

  • And I am going to read some of your theories about my films and television programs and see what you guys know and what you don't.

  • Here we go Ratchets.

  • Okay.

  • I bet I can guess how this ends.

  • Clinic manager.

  • We have a new patient, hands over a file.

  • Ratchet opens the file and sees a photo of Jack Nicholson.

  • I'll look into it.

  • That's just how I'm gonna do it.

  • Um, that is not what happens.

  • That is not what happens on this program.

  • If we make it all the way to Season four provided you guys give a shit about it, we will ultimately end up in the era of cuckoo's nest.

  • But perhaps not in the hospital.

  • That's all you're getting from me on that.

  • Okay.

  • The poor nurse with the peach.

  • Guess we'll have to find out of Ratchet tortures her to death over a peach.

  • I don't see your name on it.

  • And who would do that?

  • Do what?

  • Put their name on a peach.

  • What you gonna do about it?

  • What?

  • Do you death?

  • No, just thinking of all the things I'm going to do about it.

  • That doesn't happen, either.

  • You're gonna be surprised about what happens there, and I don't torture her to death.

  • I do torture her, but it's not over a page, Kids, not over a peach.

  • My prediction.

  • By the end of the show, we'll all sympathize with Ratchet.

  • Maybe she's not so much the monster and cuckoo's nest.

  • After all you might be onto something might be on design.

  • Are we all gonna pretend Sarah doesn't run the Ratchet Twitter account?

  • I don't.

  • I don't run the Ratchet Twitter account.

  • It seems that someone is very good at having my voice, though, because I, too, was like, Did I write that?

  • But I didn't.

  • It's not me.

  • Although one day, maybe I will take it over and you'll have to determine, and then maybe you'll know that it waas me from the beginning.

  • It wasn't That's a lie.

  • Um, I telling the truth.

  • Or is a door fiction Okay?

  • Your American horror story theories I have a theory.

  • Michael Langdon doing the seven Wonders could have become the supreme after the death of Cordelia if Mallory never existed.

  • So if this is true, then could Jesus have become the first supreme not having to wait for anyone's death?

  • What?

  • No, no.

  • I can't get into the world of Jesus And no, I don't know.

  • I'm the supreme.

  • I'll always be the supreme.

  • Doesn't matter that I died.

  • I'm the supreme forever, so y'all can just suck it.

  • You could certainly goto hell, but you won't find her there.

  • Ryan Murphy said the HSE Season 10 theme was hidden in an episode of 1984.

  • I didn't want that season because I wasn't in it.

  • I'm a narcissist.

  • So my prediction The time has come for aliens and we're about to get full on Area 51 storyline for H s Season 10.

  • I plead the fifth.

  • Everyone's gonna think that's me confirming it.

  • I just think it's possible.

  • How about that?

  • I think that is possible.

  • I'm gonna get in so much trouble.

  • Ocean's eight.

  • I have a theory about Debbie and Lou in their back story.

  • They were in love once upon a time and now reuniting.

  • And Sandra Bullock says something along the lines.

  • When Lou and I were on a break, I think they meant when Lou and I were on a break from our partnership, not the domestic partnership that you wish they had, but mawr.

  • The working relationship.

  • You wanna hit a jewelry store or what?

  • The Met they would be a good couple.

  • I get why you want it.

  • My theory is that the highest of the diamonds never took place and that we only saw the plan play out in Sanders Head being the perfect heist, as described by Ruben.

  • That would be fucking cool, but I don't think that's what it is.

  • My personal theory.

  • One of Cate Blanchett's Twitter fan accounts is actually run by Sarah Paulson.

  • Yeah.

  • No.

  • You guys know I have a life.

  • I love Kate.

  • I consider her a friend.

  • I don't I don't I don't run anything for Kate.

  • No Bird box.

  • What if the monsters air actually serving humanity by facilitating the Christian idea of a rapture?

  • Thes monsters might actually be angels, not demons.

  • Convincing humanity to come with them toe live in heaven for eternity.

  • Well, That would be a different kind of movie, wouldn't it?

  • It would be a a lovely movie and not a terrifying movie that I was unable to watch.

  • Do the creatures make you go crazy or take over your mind and force you to kill yourself?

  • The lady in the hospital just starts bashing her head into the glass with a blank expression.

  • But Mallory sisters, visibly distraught, it seems to be suicide in just to escape the situation.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Yes.

  • Yeah, you know I for me playing Jessica, But I'm fine to be Mallory Sister Sandra Bullock, sister, that's all fine by me.

  • Um, I think the thought was that it made you visit every horrifying moment in your life in such a way that there was no you would have no choice.

  • But in order to make the pain stop, you would have to end your life, but I don't know, but that's what I thought.

  • That's what I was playing.

  • People asked me if I was looking what I was looking at.

  • Um, while I'm having that breakdown and the answer is absolutely nothing.

  • I was staring in the middle distance, sobbing the whole point is that creatures should be incomprehensible.

  • That's the horror element.

  • It appears that they aren't some kind of virus, but capable of psychologically destroying the viewer.

  • Yes, there is reason to believe this due to the fact that people react very differently.

  • Yes, to the site of these entities, Some with anger, fear, sadness.

  • But we only get a hint of what realization they reach because we're supposed to fear for our own sanity.

  • Yes, Yes, yes.

  • Ding, ding, ding, ding ding.

  • You are right.

  • I mean, I agree with you.

  • I don't know what they intended when they made the movie, but I agree with you.

  • Boom.

  • Done so with your theories.

  • Thank you for all of your very interesting questions.

  • And if I didn't answer your question, it's because Harper's Bazaar didn't provide me with your question.

  • And you should go and complain to them, Not to me.

without giving too much away.

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