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  • hey everybody Jennifer from Tarle speech with a quick tip for today the

  • question today is how do I know how to pronounce the ly ending is a an i or is

  • it an e so let's go ahead and take a look I wrote a few things up for you I

  • think the confusion here is that when we have certain words we end those words

  • and I the long I sound when the word is spelled with a Y and we see this and try

  • my sky and fly so that's the case for these words that's pronunciation number

  • one when we have a Y at the end of a word when we use the suffix LY to

  • change a root word we're always going to pronounce it as Lee Lee so we have

  • currently promptly previously and usually so again just to summarize for

  • our quick lesson for today the difference is going to be we can

  • pronounce the Y at the end of the word several different ways we can pronounce

  • it as an I in try my sky and fly but when we do add that suffix ly we're

  • always going to pronounce the Y as an E currently promptly previously and

  • usually so I hope that helps again how do you pronounce the ly at the end of a

  • word and if it's a suffix just say Lee and make that e and nice and long so give it

  • a try I know people are going to notice the difference if you found this helpful

  • please share it with a friend give us a like and a subscribe check out our

  • products on Google Play on iTunes and visit us at Tarle Speech dot com thank you

  • all so much and I'll see you again soon

hey everybody Jennifer from Tarle speech with a quick tip for today the

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