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  • On August 28th, 2020, Elon Musk hosted a livestream with updates on his company Neuralink's

  • progress toward making a brain machine interface. So what has changed in the time since we were

  • first introduced to Neuralink over year ago, and where does the company see themselves

  • going from here? A brain machine interface or BMI is just what

  • it sounds like, a machine that can interface with a brain. BMIs have potential uses helping

  • the disabled move robotic limbs or even helping able bodied people use computers and devices

  • in newer and faster ways. There are a few approaches to making a BMI, and Neuralink's

  • uses electrodes on strands just a few micrometers thick that are threaded in between neurons

  • to read their activity. Neuralink's latest BMI still relies on those threads but otherwise

  • looks radically different from how it first appeared. The rats that sported earlier iterations

  • had a USB-C port sticking out of their heads that sent information gathered by electrodes

  • to outside devices. Eventually, the goal was to have completely implanted chips communicating

  • wirelessly with an outside device sitting behind the ear. The latest device is much

  • more simplified. Dubbed Link V0.9, it measures 23 mm by 8 mm, about the size of a chunky coin.

  • Rather than residing entirely in the skull,

  • Link V0.9 actually replaces a piece of it. Once a hole has been drilled and the electrodes

  • are threaded into the brain, the disk-shaped BMI fills in the gap and the skin is super

  • glued over it. No, I do mean it's super glued over it, not joking. Anyway when it's all said

  • and done, the only evidence that a person is now a cyborg is a tiny scar which can be

  • hidden by hair. Each link has 1024 channels to monitor neural activity and compresses

  • and sends data to a device like a phone at a rate of megabits per second. A person could

  • even have multiple links depending on their needs and if they're ok with having a skull

  • that looks like swiss cheese. Though the Neuralink researchers aren't

  • too concerned about replacing bits of skull with their devices. They say that since bone's

  • properties are well understood it's not hard to design something that can withstand

  • whatever situations a normal skull might see. To demonstrate their latest prototype worked

  • and was robust enough to handle a rough-and-tumble lifestyle, Neuralink introduced a pig named

  • Gertrude. Gertrude had a Link V0.9 installed two months prior, and her device monitored

  • neurons that represented her snout. Whenever Gertrude sniffed food or a handler touched

  • her snout, a screen showed activity in her brain spiking, while making little beeps and boops.

  • Neuralink started testing with pigs because

  • of their similar skull thickness and membrane makeup to humans. But there were some unexpected

  • benefits, like the fact that they bump into things constantly which Musk said was a good

  • demonstration of the device's integrity. And pigs can be trained to walk on treadmills.

  • This allows the researchers to read neurons dealing with moving joints. Based on the readings,

  • they could predict accurately where the joints would move. Technology like that could be

  • huge for paraplegic and tetraplegic people. Musk reasons that because people who are paralized

  • due to a spine injury have effectively had the connection between their brain and their

  • limbs severed, their device could help people walk again by decoding movement impulses and

  • transmitting them to the other side of the break.

  • While miraculously making people walk again is an incredible goal, Neuralink's aims

  • go far beyond that. The device can also send impulses to the neurons so some employees

  • imagine it treating a whole host of brain disorders. Musk, ever the futurist, pictures

  • the technology could be used for storing memories, downloading them into robots, or communicating

  • at high speed with AI. Those are pretty lofty ambitions and there

  • are a lot of hurdles to clear between here and the future Musk pictures. The device needs

  • to be tested in humans, though the FDA has granted Neuralink breakthrough device designation,

  • moving them closer to human trials. The machine that weaves the threads into the

  • brain looks sleeker and more medical than it did last year, but it's still limited

  • to implanting electrodes into the cortex and can't go deeper yet. And then there's

  • the barrier that is our own understanding of how the human brain works. We'll have

  • to learn more about the language of neurons to be able to decode their spikes and techno-beeps

  • into something meaningful and we are very far away from that. Ironically the researchers

  • at Neuralink suggested their device, that can actually be inside the brain and monitoring

  • activity, could be just the thing that pushes our understanding of the human brain to new

  • heights. While some expected more from this presentation,

  • it's still progress. Based on what Neuralink has achieved with about 100 employees, it'll

  • be interesting to see where the technology is another year from now as the company grows.

  • The Link V0.9 uses a battery that Musk claims will last all day and can be charged wirelessly

  • overnight. How wireless charging on something embedded in your skull will work, I'm not

  • exactly sure, but I like to picture Neuralink will develop some kind of pillow too, which

  • will bring new meaning to the termpower nap”.

  • If you'd like to see what Neuralink's original concept looked like, check out this

  • video I did on it a year ago. So is this something you'd stay away from or would you sign up

  • to be one of the first transhumanist cyborgs? Let us know in the comments, don't forget

  • to subscribe, and I'll see you next time on Seeker.

On August 28th, 2020, Elon Musk hosted a livestream with updates on his company Neuralink's

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