Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles - I wonder what this rope does. (rings) (upbeat music) - Welp, that's the last of them. - I still can't believe we're leaving. (blows raspberry) - What's the point? Now that we have a TV show, who needs this stuff? - It's like I say, I'm a mover and a shaker. (laughs) - It's kinda sad. We had a lot of good times here. - Yeah, there's also been a lot of stabbing. - Yeah, I guess we've all got a little baggage. (laughs) - Come on everybody, let's get this show on the road. Geronimo! (bright upbeat music) (crickets chirping) - [Little Apple] Hello, hello! Hello? Oh man, did everybody just leave without me? I never thought it would end like this. - [Narrator] End? (laughing) Dry your eyes, little apple. This isn't the end. It's just the beginning of "Annoying Orange 2.0." (metal thud) (startled shout) Get ready for brand new thrills, brand new laughs, and even a brand new cast. - You're talking to me? - Huh? - You talking to me? - [Narrator] That's right, Robert De Niro is Grapefruit. - I'm watching you. - [Narrator] Looks like he could use some tough love. Good thing he's got Marshmallow. - Aha, yay, I love everything. - [Narrator] As portrayed by the legendary Christopher Walken. - Everything is something that I love, yay! - [Narrator] And here's the new Grandpa Lemon, Gollum! - So bright, so beautiful, so precious. - Bleh, that's gonna haunt my dreams! - [Narrator] Give it up for academy award winner, Meryl Streep, as Passion fruit. - This is so exciting. Isn't this exciting? We're gonna have the best time ever. - Wow, she really is a great actress. - [Narrator] Speaking of talent, it's our new pear, Denzel Washington. - Alright, alright, okay! - What? - Today is training day, Little Apple. - Yeah, that's not what I'd call it. - Bull! (shouts) - Haha, you never know. That's the point. - Oh, okay. - [Narrator] And don't forget the star of "AO 2.O," it's Tom Cruise. - I feel the need, the need for speed. (spits) - Ow! Hey! - Oh, you're in the office now, baby. - Oh, at least they didn't recast me. - [Narrator] Oh, and don't forget about the breakout sensation of 2012. It's Zamboni! (laughs) - Hey everybody, it's -- - Ice to meet you. (laughs) - But that doesn't make any sense at all. Why would we need a Zamboni? - Hey, don't forget I'm a time traveling Zamboni. Shazz bot. (poofs) - What? (poofs) Haha, told ya. (laughs) - Yay, I love unicorns. A lot of people don't know this, but the horns can cure athlete's foot. - Oh come on, this is insane. - Hey, hey, chubby cherry. (laughs) Hey. - Argh, I'm not a chubby cherry. I'm midget, Little Apple! - Whoo! - That guy is giving me the willies. - Wicky, trusty willies. They stole it from us. Must have it back. Must have the precious. - Oh shut up grandpa Gollum! Nobody cares. - Whoa whoa. Get a load of this guy. This guy, whoa. - Ehe, don't forget about Zamboni. - It's ice to meet you, Ice-man. (laughs) - Would you stop saying that already! You. You fake orange. - Call me Maverick. - No, I will not call you Maverick. - Aha, I ain't holding no hands, I ain't baby-sitting. - You know I gotta be honest with you, I enjoy hugs. Hugs is something I enjoy. - Stop it, stop it, stop it! None of this make any sense. And I'm not just talking about the Zamboni. - Shazz bot. - This can't be happening. There's got to be a logical explanation for this. - Like maybe we're just fooling around? - Huh? - Happy April Fool's day. (laughter) - Whoa. Thank goodness, it's such a relief! - Whoa! (laughter) - Ah, speaking of which, what are we gonna do with these guys? - Hmm, I don't know. Maybe they could sign some autographs or maybe they could just sign. - Huh? - Sign. (clashing and thudding) (screaming) - Whoa. - Whoa! Looks like the cast is gonna need a cast. (laughs) No, just kidding. There's no way they survive that. (laughing) - Shazz bot! - Hey, guess what tomato. - What? What is it? - You're a vegetable again. - You, you really mean it? - Yeah, they just announced it on the news. You're not a fruit anymore. (gasp) - That's, that's oh my God, I'm a vegetable again. I knew this would happen. This is the greatest day of my life. - Hey, hey Tomato. - Yes, Orange? - April Fools! You're still a fruit. (laughs) - What? You, you jerk! You just can't prank people like that. - Sure you can, everyone's doing it. - Hey Pear, get a whif of my new flower. - What? I don't smell anything. (water spraying) (mumbles) (laughs) - Happy April Fool's Day. - Whoa! (laughs) - Hey you guys you better watch it. - I think you mean wash it. (laughs) - That felt like rain, and rain makes me think of rainbows. - Um, okay.