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  • - Wharrap! Wharrap! Wharrap! Fruit lovers?

  • - Orange and I have been watching a bunch of people

  • do the blind, fold makeup challenge on YouTube.

  • Basically, you're supposed to blindfold yourself

  • and then try and do your friends' makeup.

  • - We're serious you can't make this stuff up.

  • (laughs)

  • (groans)

  • - Anyway we want it on the fun.

  • So I went out and got a bunch of makeup for the occasion.

  • - Wait! Why did you do that Pear.

  • We could have just used mine.

  • - What! You wear makeup orange?

  • - Oh yeah, all bunch,

  • my natural skin color is actually green.

  • (laughs)

  • - No it isn't.

  • - I'll never tell.

  • Let's do this.

  • I wanna be blindfolded first.

  • - All right.

  • Just be careful.

  • Don't poke me in the eye.

  • - Pear, Pear, Pear you worry too much.

  • I told yah, I do this all the time.

  • - Obviously not blindfolded.

  • - Well, I do it blindfolded in a way.

  • See, a lot of times I can't see what I'm doing

  • because I have a nasty habit

  • of accidentally poking myself in the eye.

  • (groans)

  • - You don't say.

  • - Okay, I've got my makeup all organized.

  • First, I'm gonna put a moisturizer on your face.

  • Let's see if I could find it.

  • - Dude.

  • - I know It's around here somewhere.

  • Here we are.

  • - Dude, that's not the.

  • - Pear that's a no, no.

  • You can't give me any hints.

  • That's cheating.

  • - But that isn't the.

  • - Pear I get it.

  • This probably isn't the brand of moisturizer you prefer,

  • but so what? This what makes this challenge so much fun.

  • So sit back and try and have some fun would you?

  • - But. - Now keep your mouth shut

  • so you don't accidentally get any in there.

  • (murmurs)

  • I'm applying a lot to your lips.

  • Gotta keep those puppies nice and moisturized.

  • (murmurs)

  • Good job keeping your mouth closed by the way.

  • Thank you for following directions.

  • I'm gonna apply this foundation with a foundation brush.

  • (groans)

  • Now, let's put a little on you.

  • (groans) That's weird.

  • My brush got stuck to your face.

  • Oh well, well I know I have another brush

  • around here somewhere.

  • There we go.

  • (groans)

  • That's it Pear, keep your mouth shut tight.

  • Well I apply foundation to.

  • (murmurs) (groans)

  • It's so weird all my brushes keep getting stuck

  • to your face Pear.

  • Did you not shave this morning or something.

  • (murmurs) [Indistinct]

  • we're gonna move right along to the eye pencil.

  • Where is it hiding?

  • Oh, is this it?

  • (groans)

  • Well this feels like a match, I don't want that.

  • I want an eye pencil.

  • (groans)

  • Here it is.

  • Yep, this is definitely an eye pencil.

  • Now let's just swing it around towards Pear.

  • (groans)

  • Here we go.

  • [Indistinct]

  • (laughs)

  • (groans) (explodes)

  • Yo, yo, yo, it's a new challenge video yo, yo.

  • (laughs)

  • - The first one is called,

  • The Kylie Jenner Lips challenge.

  • (upbeat music)

  • This is pretty easy.

  • Step one, you gotta get a glass.

  • And step two, Just suck.

  • - That's harsh, you don't even know Kylie.

  • (laughs)

  • - I'm not saying Kylie sucks dude.

  • I'm saying you actually suck with your lips

  • inside the glass.

  • Like this.

  • (sips)

  • That's what makes them big and puffy.

  • - Yeah, this doesn't seem very smart.

  • - Also, I'll have, you know I do know Kylie Jenner.

  • She almost ate me one time.

  • - Wow, that's awesome.

  • But why didn't she eat you though?

  • (groans)

  • - She decided I was too many calories.

  • - Now that's harsh.

  • (laughs)

  • - It's fine, yeah I'm totally over it.

  • - Still, there are worse ways to go

  • than getting eaten by Kylie Jenner.

  • - I know, right.

  • Oh man, if I had a time machine.

  • - Back to the challenge at nonexisting hand, little Apple.

  • - Right, and here's your cup, while I'll take mine.

  • Put it over your mouth and.

  • - Talk like [Indistinct]

  • (laughs)

  • - No! We're gonna suck for a while.

  • And entertain the audience while we do a dance,

  • Abraham Lincoln.

  • - Wharrap y'all, hit it.

  • (upbeat music)

  • Remember to [Indistinct]

  • - Are you ready for the big reveal?

  • - Oh, I'm ready all right.

  • (laughs)

  • (pops)

  • (pops)

  • (laughs)

  • - Wow! Your face is like all mouth.

  • - Come here, give me a kiss. (laughs)

  • - No! Orange, no!

  • - I look good, how you doing?

  • (laughs)

  • - My lips are so huge

  • I'm having trouble standing upright.

  • I'm like, on the verge of tripping over.

  • [Indistinct]

  • (laughs)

  • (groans)

  • - Well, it wouldn't be the Kylie Jenner Lip challenge

  • if we didn't take some selfies right?

  • - Take me upright, would you?

  • - Say Kylie!

  • - I didn't see the flash go off.

  • That's 'cause I took a video, I'm posting it

  • tagging Kylie Jenner.

  • (laughs)

  • - What! Don't!

  • - You two had a moment dude,

  • I bet she remembers you.

  • - Stop!

  • Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I'm so embarrassed.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • Tell me this isn't happening.

  • Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh.

  • - Whoa, she wrote back.

  • - Oh my gosh! What did she say?

  • - Oh no, is it bad?

  • Give it to me straight Orange.

  • I can't take it!

  • - Well she said you look really cute.

  • - Off to a great start.

  • - But she says you're not quite her type.

  • - Why not? Why not?

  • - Because she likes her little apples without big lips.

  • - Noo! Kylie this ain't my normal lips,

  • tell her my lips they are usually small Orange.

  • - Too late, apparently she's dating Kennedy rapper now.

  • - Noo!

  • (laughs)

  • (explodes)

  • - So whatsapp layer players?

  • Pear and Orange here

  • with a fruitacular, funkie fresh edition

  • of the 100 layers challenge.

  • - Now in case you don't know about it,

  • this is a challenge where w ehave to apply 100 layers

  • of something, it could be a face mask,

  • it could be hair spray, it could be any number of things.

  • All we know is the answers are contained in this bowl.

  • You wanna go first Orange?

  • - Nah, you can go first 'cause you're my best friend.

  • - I am not your, okay, whatever.

  • Let's do this.

  • First up, I'll be applying 100 layers of, lipstick.

  • - Wow, a challenge where Pear has to put on lipstick.

  • You can make up this stuff.

  • (laughs)

  • - Yes, very funny.

  • All right, here we go.

  • Let's see what a hundred layers of lipstick looks like.

  • (bright upbeat music)

  • ♪ 100 layers of lip stick

  • ♪ 100 layers of lip stick

  • Tell your mother

  • Tell your brother

  • Tell your favorite [Indistinct] ♪

  • ♪ 100 layers of lipstick

  • ♪ 100 layers of lipstick

  • Tell your mother

  • Tell your brother

  • Tell your favorite [Indistinct] ♪

  • Yeah.

  • What, what do you think?

  • - Well I think you can kiss,

  • any chance of getting a girlfriend, goodbye.

  • (laughs)

  • (groans)

  • - Okay, your turn.

  • What do you have to do a 100 layers of?

  • (clears throat)

  • - Megaphones!

  • - Megaphones? I don't understand.

  • Usually the 100 layer challenge

  • is for like beauty products.

  • How would you even go about doing a hundred layers of.

  • ♪ 100 layers of Megaphones

  • ♪ 100 layers of megaphones

  • Tell your uncle

  • Tell your sister

  • [Indistinct]

  • What? I'm almost done.

  • - Yeah I see what you're doing.

  • You're just making another mega mega megaphone.

  • Have you considered what kind of sound blast

  • that could send through the kitchen

  • if you talked into that thing?

  • - Of course I considered it.

  • That was the whole appeal.

  • (laughs)

  • - No, we are not blowing up the kitchen today.

  • Got it.

  • We're not doing a 100 layers of megaphones.

  • You hear me?

  • - Wow, that mega mega megaphones

  • is got pair mega mega mega tech.

  • (laughs)

  • - Time to get back to the true spirit of this challenge.

  • Fingernail Polish.

  • Perfect.

  • All right, here we go.

  • Let's see what it looks like

  • when I apply a 100 layers of nail Polish to this finger.

  • ♪ A 100 layers of nail polish

  • ♪ A 100 layers of nail polish

  • Tell your grandma

  • Tell your neighbor [Indistinct

  • ♪ A 100 layers of nail polish

  • ♪ A 100 layers of nail polish

  • Tell your grandma

  • Tell your neighbor [Indistinct] ♪

  • See, now that's how you do a 100 layer challenge.

  • - I couldn't agree more.

  • You really nailed it.

  • (laughs)

  • (groans)

  • Okay my turn, my turn.

  • - Yeah I can't wait to see what you pull.

  • Probably chainsaws or something

  • ridiculously stupid and dangerous.

  • - Nop! I got nail polish.

  • - Oh, really?

  • Well that's surprisingly great.

  • - I agree.

  • I think it's gonna be a real blast.

  • (laughs)

  • - Wait! Why'd you say that?

  • Say what? Take a bat.

  • (laughs)

  • - No, I mean why'd you make a joke about a blast?

  • - Because, I wanted to make a statement

  • that was really dynamite.

  • (laughs)

  • - There it is again.

  • Are you about to explode the kitchen somehow?

  • Let me see that nail Polish.

  • Is it explosive nail polish?

  • Are you hiding TNT behind your back?

  • This finger was on top of a TNT detonator.

  • You were gonna put a 100 layers

  • on this finger nail causing it to push the detonator down.

  • - Well, yeah, I thought that was part of the challenge.

  • - And why on earth would you think that?

  • - Because your finger over there

  • was on a TNT detonator all along.

  • (screams) (laughs)

  • (explodes)

  • - Hello, fruit lovers, it's me passion.

  • And today I'm doing the boyfriend does my makeup challenge

  • with, Grape fruit.

  • - No, she's doing it with Orange.

  • She finds me more appealing.

  • (laughs)

  • Hey! What's the big idea?

  • [Indistinct]

  • - Guys, stop! I'm doing it with Gigi.

  • He's my boyfriend.

  • Remember him right?

  • - Hello.

  • (groans)

  • - Yeah, I remember him.

  • - I was kinda hoping he wouldn't carry over

  • into a second episode, but here we are.

  • So Gigi is going to do my makeup

  • and we'll see how it turns out.

  • - I am afraid the two of you are therefore not required.

  • Adios.

  • - Wait, wait, wait.

  • It's called boyfriend does my makeup challenge, yeah.

  • Well we are two boys.

  • - Yeah and we're friends.

  • So maybe we'll do the challenge too.

  • - Oh, you believe you can apply makeup better than I.

  • - I believe we can do a lot of things better than you.

  • - Such as?

  • - Let me get back to you on that.

  • - Whatever, fine.

  • You guys can do the video too.

  • (cheers)

  • - I shall now begin.

  • Following a lavender face mist and high end flamer.

  • I'll be applying a liquid foundation

  • that I've matched to Passion's skin tone

  • under multiple light sources.

  • There we are.

  • Perfect.

  • Stunning.

  • [Indistinct]

  • - How are the boys doing over there?

  • - No, I'm gonna put the makeup on you.

  • - I'm gonna put the makeup on you.

  • - We're running out of time.

  • I suppose my smooth skin isn't ideal canvas.

  • Fine, but don't blow this for me Orange.

  • I wanna look good.

  • - Don't worry, I promise you'll look great fruit.

  • (laughs)

  • - All right.

  • Next, the concealer.

  • Here I like to use two shades,

  • one slightly lighter than her skin tone

  • for areas I wish to emphasize.

  • And one slightly darker

  • for areas I wish to draw the eye away from.

  • Passion is already perfect in every way.

  • I have no use for this darker concealer today.

  • - Bro, he's like three steps ahead of us already

  • and he's hitting on Passion like mad.

  • You picked the right color foundation yet?

  • - I'm gonna go with the classic grey.

  • (laughs)

  • - Find a nice foundation you moron.

  • - Foundation, powder, bronzer.

  • - This is so not my skin tone.

  • Whatever, just keep going.

  • We have to at least finish.

  • Oh my gosh, I look like Kirby, don't I?

  • - Not at all, Kirby is way less pink than this.

  • (laughs)

  • (groans)

  • - Now, for the brush.

  • I'll be using a plum brush.

  • Keeping in mind the lens is small.

  • - Wow, I feel like I'm learning things

  • about makeup that I didn't even know.

  • - Can I open my eyes yet?

  • Are you done applying brush?

  • - Sure I'm, and boy do I look great.

  • (laughs)

  • - Oh my gosh, we are gonna lose these things so hard.

  • - A touch of eyeshadow,

  • a very, very conservative amount of eyeliner.

  • - Did you hear what he said?

  • Be conservative with the eyeliner.

  • - I know, I know,

  • I've only gone through a couple of pencils.

  • - Okay, good.

  • - I have a particular brand of mascara that I prefer.

  • L'Oreal Voluminous Blackberry.

  • - Orange are you using L'Oreal mascara on me?

  • Hashtag not a brand deal.

  • L'Oreal, oops! I misread the label.

  • - You're putting Oreos on my eyelashes

  • and to make matters worse, you knew I'm on a diet!

  • - After blotting the excess lip bum,

  • it is time to apply the lip gloss.

  • - Orange, stop eating the lip gloss!

  • - But I'm hungry, you took away my Oreo.

  • - And finally eye setting powder.

  • - Whoa, this is even better than how I do it.

  • - Okay, apply setting powder.

  • That's what he said.

  • A setting powder.

  • - Okay, here it goes.

  • - Am I beautiful?

  • I misread it, that was garlic powder.

  • - That would explain why my eyes are bleeding!

  • - Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead

  • and say that Gigi and I won this round.

  • - Good girl.

  • - Now can someone get me to a doctor?

  • - Do not worry my friends.

  • In addition to being a modern philanthropist

  • and a professional football player,

  • I'm also, a doctor.

  • (groans)

  • - Of course you are.

  • (upbeat music)

- Wharrap! Wharrap! Wharrap! Fruit lovers?

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