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  • look at that.

  • It is our not alert amount is I am.

  • See?

  • Look at that, dude.

  • Your caps that perhaps I can't The cat sets on my map are Look at that eighties or rats?

  • ARATS a rat.

  • A rat.

  • The rat Weight register Judge read, attacked.

  • Read it on the catch.

  • Look at that.

  • He did your back on the road.

  • Get off much.

  • Do that.

  • And that's go right.

  • Attacks cats.

  • Oh, Uh huh.

  • Oh!

  • Oh, yeah!

  • Hum e Oh, hum Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.

  • Humpty Dumpty had a great back in a moment.

  • Hurry!

  • Mm!

  • Okay, Mom.

  • All the king's men.

  • Onda, Lthough King's horses way!

  • Goodness me!

  • Oh, good, Mama.

  • Oh, your mama chick.

  • Not you, huh?

  • The very tip for the very top.

  • Perfect.

  • As long as we avoid any terrible accidents, this will be a truly tremendous trick.

  • Trifles A what are you doing back here?

  • Click tiptoe away.

  • This could end in tragedy.

  • Still too close.

  • Still do close.

  • Ah, Um but oh!

  • Mm.

  • Okay.

  • Ah!

  • Ah!

  • Crash.

  • Ah ah!

  • Oh!

  • Ah!

  • Smart way was truly the most tremendous trick.

  • Here, have some tea.

  • Okay.

  • Typical.

  • There's our ship.

  • Oh, did wrong on theirs are must.

  • Now all we need is a sale.

  • Good.

  • Raise the mainsail.

  • Right.

  • Then who's ready for some pirate Ben routes away?

  • Oh, I did it!

  • This is the life Rough seas and rain ready about.

  • It's going to be a great, exciting, incredible Don't despair waves me hearty Rooth way a harm me hearty.

  • What a great day!

  • Oh!

  • Oh, are your birthday pull the other one?

  • Her?

  • Oh, really?

  • It is your birthday.

  • Shiver me timbers are knew that That's why I got you a present.

  • Ah, I've got you some, uh some, uh lots of air all around us or oh, people.

  • 00 yes.

  • For you.

  • Nothing.

  • Just sit on.

  • Don't despair.

  • I just popped in.

  • Who?

  • Terrific fund.

  • Incredible.

  • I like being in.

  • Not bad, but what are we in?

  • It's a It's a What is it?

  • Huh?

  • Terrific.

  • Were trapped.

  • Yeah.

  • Need any help?

  • Good.

  • I don't think so.

  • P, I got us in.

  • I can get us out.

  • Okay.

  • Peas.

  • My favorite.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Do you tiptoe Tipping Nice.

  • A pin Perfect for pumping.

  • Impressed?

  • I told you I to get us out.

  • Oh, no more nasty noises.

  • Not nice.

  • I'm so incredible.

  • I'm so important.

look at that.

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