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  • Hello, everyone.

  • I'm Emma.

  • Ready, and we have just finished up A big trip in school.

  • Got its being so much fun.

  • But we're leaving now at the airport, and we went around and bought a lot of Miyagi A souvenirs.

  • So we're gonna be trying a lot of them you guys today and check them out.

  • He's a role specialized Teoh.

  • So there's a lot of things to try.

  • Yeah, we got from the airport that so many things to do.

  • Wait, wait, Some wait.

  • So I have an occasional longtime way money.

  • Just It's really good that moment.

  • Eichel underneath Michael Spice Spice more into it.

  • I even better.

  • It was like another layer.

  • Spice pastry is ready.

  • So this speech is from the area.

  • The place with me and Emma went to soothe with that.

  • I think it works really well.

  • We've been shopping.

  • Seven is for a while, but there's so many things here that you could eat straight away.

  • Don't have to take it smooth with no get I got a way.

  • Also have I'm gonna need to go die for good because guys famous model which is kind of strawberry deceased inside much agreement in a way it's so sweet.

  • Do you interest in this?

  • Wow Not much agreement, sir.

  • Good.

  • So sweet, Right?

  • So beautiful.

  • You can do that out of your account for the's a role specialized Teoh.

  • So there's a lot of things to try to open the 1st 1 In my logical, it is a pseudo no call.

  • So it is the cranes egg eso this one.

  • It's a marshmallow sounds with a view mixed with a white bean paste.

  • Who does?

  • So this is kind of like the traditional very old sweets.

  • It's quite all sweet boy in Hakata, and it's bean like one more than 100 more than 100 years.

  • So fluffy.

  • That's crazy, that is being probably a little more than 100 years.

  • 21 wing wing wing.

  • It's much more than that.

  • So is it Japan that has every known every prefecture, but lots of reflectors have a different pattern.

  • Cola bottle, carefree door, far foods.

  • This is a whole area tonight, because the fever here last year only it's screamed.

  • I guess you guys can watch our 24 hours in the video.

  • You can see what we got up to in football good.

  • Everything's what it was so good and the food is way.

  • So the next thing we have is aged dried mint Eichel.

  • Tyco is a sack of fish eggs, so it's a sack of Cold War that has bean spice.

  • Yes, so it's a little spicy.

  • Very, very, very popular and famous.

  • And the company has this kind of the dry cycle, which is kind of new thing, according to the shop Midi.

  • But we kept a young ammonia on the one with payments, then take off brands one.

  • It's kind of like us, like more than 11 Speak happens, kid.

  • Well, he or she already has a lot of just one.

  • Just one guy, I guess that's supposed to be cut and eat, but we don't have a knife.

  • So we're just gonna bite it because of you.

  • While we're wild, wild people.

  • People call this a minute like with Jackie Jackie, my first.

  • Okay?

  • Oh, it's really strong already.

  • So fishy.

  • Smell so strong.

  • I feel like it's very concentrated.

  • Flavor.

  • My dry.

  • It's quite appreciate.

  • Normal cycle meter, Definitely no woman title.

  • It's just a little bit fishy, but has so much more flavor and this one, I feel it's it's all overpowered fish.

  • Sorry, Dr Psycho.

  • Sorry, that psycho Jackie.

  • But if you liked drinking like any morning shoe or short, I think it goes well, that's our strong witness.

  • Yeah.

  • Okay.

  • Next one is knee.

  • While God save pates and paying a yes, it's no same day.

  • They said, Yeah, Sunday is fresh crackers, but I don't know what Some days I just say this run call their own sim be sent.

  • Abate?

  • Yeah, the package.

  • Things really cute on the other side.

  • It is local dialogue, local spying.

  • Turkey is a machine and they rescue Cito.

  • That's I like you asking.

  • Diane, look.

  • What?

  • Definitely some sounds cute Kyushu dialogue.

  • It's very popular.

  • Girls, you go speaks lovin you dream men's e No idea.

  • I don't know anything.

  • Oh, no, I'm sorry.

  • I thought it was gonna be savory, so I'm pleasantly surprised Faces because of the same one.

  • But you can be some someone else.

  • As you know, we're finished with the biscuit.

  • We're gonna go into 20 months.

  • Thought 40 months.

  • This is apparently a really popular souvenir.

  • I saw it on a website so soft, kind of cakey give it about?

  • Oh, no.

  • There's a really good I can taste that.

  • It's moist.

  • It is sometimes don't like the word moist.

  • I'm sorry, but only the one must.

  • I think it's OK in relation to fix and wait, Wait, come in.

  • Knowing the whole box they want so many will me again that it's been years.

  • The last thing we have is a meant Eichel, Simba or a member.

  • And then that's why includes, like squid and little Billy Ray pickles.

  • Beautiful.

  • See seafood Psycho.

  • And we got the mayonnaise version.

  • So usually that doesn't include the mayonnaise, but we've included a mayonnaise.

  • Somebody is really popular on me again.

  • Right?

  • But it's so that's why you cannot take it.

  • The media gets at Sylvania.

  • Yeah, for long distance this donation, that's why.

  • So you can take it somewhere way?

  • Yeah.

  • This is a good choice.

  • I don't want to drink local governments.

  • Such amazing food.

  • Seriously, Never the best food journey.

  • Um, there's been so much fun here in Fukuoka.

  • We've done so much stuff in so much food and have the best time.

  • So what?

  • What?

  • What do you think these guys?

  • Definitely, definitely.

  • Yeah.

  • So good.

  • So good.

  • I still beating.

  • Sold PICO sweetly.

  • Thanks for coming along.

  • I'm enjoying food.

  • Local food with us.

  • Which one of dishes that we ate.

  • Did you like the look off.

  • Which one do you guys want to try?

  • Thanks.

  • Coming on the trip with meaning food.

  • Thanks.

  • Watching guys.

  • We'll see you next time.

Hello, everyone.

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