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  • Allison, just take care of it.

  • Take care of it. Move on.

  • What's gonna happen with your career?

  • How are you gonna tell them?

  • l'm not gonna tell them for a while.

  • l have a while before l have to say anything.

  • How could you not tell them? They're not gonna know.

  • l mean, l'm only gonna start to show when l'm like,

  • l don't know, six months or something. Seven months.

  • Three months. No.

  • Three months. Fat in the face, jowls, fat ass.

  • Debbie didn't get fat.

  • Debbie is a freak of nature.

  • Mom, you know, it's important to me that you be supportive.

  • l cannot be supportive of this. This is a mistake. This is a big, big mistake.

  • Now, think about your stepsister.

  • Now, you remember what happened with her?

  • She had the same situation as you, and she had it taken care of.

  • And you know what? Now she has a real baby.

  • Honey, this is not the time.

  • l'm gonna be a grandfather.

  • You happy about that?

  • Absolutely. Delighted.

  • This is a disaster.

  • No, this is not a disaster.

  • lt is... An earthquake is a disaster.

  • Your grandmother having Alzheimer's so bad

  • she doesn't even know who the fuck l am, that's a disaster.

  • This is a good thing. This is a blessing.

  • l have a vision for how my life would go,

  • and this definitely is not it.

  • Wait. Is this your vision? Are you living your vision right now?

  • l am kind of living my vision, yeah.

  • Well, that is sad, l'm telling you.

  • Life doesn't care about your vision. Okay?

  • Stuff happens. You just got to deal with it.

  • You roll with it. That's the beauty of it all.

  • l just don't get how l tell the kid not to do drugs when l do drugs.

  • l'll feel like a hypocrite.

  • Well, remember what l told you when you were a teenager?

  • What did you say? l said, ''No pills, no powders.''

  • That's right, that's right.

  • Right. If it grows in the ground, it's probably okay.

  • l mean, l guess it worked. Like you told me not to smoke pot all those years,

  • and then l found out you were smoking pot that whole time.

  • Not the whole time.

  • Just in the evenings and all day every weekend.

  • Not that much.

  • Honestly, though, when you look at me do you not think at all, like,

  • ''You know, if he just never existed,

  • ''l would have avoided a massive heap of trouble,'' you know?

  • Absolutely not.

  • l love you totally and completely.

  • You're the best thing that ever happened to me.

  • l'm the best thing that ever happened to you?

  • Yeah.

  • (LAUGHS) Now l just feel bad for you.

Allison, just take care of it.

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