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  • hi everyone Jennifer from Tarle Speech with your two for Tuesday today's words

  • are son which is a male child and sun the closest star to earth let's take a

  • look at these words easy lesson today three sounds we're going to start with

  • the s sss to do this the tip of your tongue is either behind your top front

  • teeth or behind your bottom front teeth the key here is it is not touching your

  • teeth at all and the air is going to move continuously out of your mouth next

  • we're going to add that short u sound to do this just open your mouth your tongue

  • is in the middle of your mouth and it's going to be nice and short uh

  • and then we are going to end with the NNN sound and to do this touch the tip of

  • your tongue to the back of your top front teeth and the air comes out of

  • your nose son son son and let's try it in a sentence the Sun warmed the back of

  • their Son the Sun warmed the back of their son give it a try people are going

  • to notice the difference if you like this please give us a like a share and a

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  • in kobo our on-demand classes at udemy and in-person classes at Tarle speech

  • comm thank you

hi everyone Jennifer from Tarle Speech with your two for Tuesday today's words

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