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  • - No this is for,

  • this is for like my wrinkles.

  • - I don't have any of those.

  • - Yeah I know, you can't relate must be nice.

  • (groovy intro music)

  • Hi Happy Mothers day,

  • this is Brittany Xavier,

  • and my 13 year old daughter Jadyn.

  • - Hi.

  • - We thought it'd be fun to share our night time routine,

  • and we'll just walk you guys through what we do.

  • Ours are both a little bit different too so.

  • Okay.

  • - Okay moving on.

  • - Okay.

  • Actually first I'm gonna put my hair back.

  • - We gotta put our hair back.

  • - My roots are just really happening.

  • - Oh, I dyed my hair.

  • - Jadyn dyed her hair with,

  • it was a temporary dye kit though right?

  • It's gonna wash out in like eight washes?

  • - Yeah.

  • - It's temporary.

  • - I think so.

  • - Yeah for sure.

  • First off,

  • I remove,

  • with also from quarantine I've been putting on

  • full eyeliner every day,

  • even though I've been in lounge wear,

  • that's really just helped me feel normal.

  • And I've been wearing my earrings and jewelry.

  • So, just something like that little has really

  • helped me mentally.

  • And Jadyn do you, how much makeup are you wearing today?

  • - I don't wear that much,

  • I just put on foundation

  • and then I put on blush

  • and eyelash I guess.

  • - Well, she has online classes, so-

  • - I gotta get a little ready for that.

  • - You get a little bit ready, but

  • - Like what I usually wear to school.

  • I never really wear tons of makeup though

  • it's more, like, natural.

  • - Yeah, it's more just like,

  • - Unless I have some kind of,

  • event or something,

  • but I don't know.

  • - What events are you talking about?

  • - Like the school events.

  • - Oh, am I invited?

  • - No.

  • Only kidding.

  • - These are, we're using the Billie wipes.

  • - Biodegradable.

  • - Biodegradable, they're clean.

  • And they have this really nice-

  • - They smell good kinda.

  • - Yeah, they smell fresh.

  • - And they have little ripples.

  • - Yeah, they have weeding on it

  • so it's nice to remove the makeup

  • and it's really nice for waterproof mascara

  • and,

  • my eyeliner.

  • Hopefully I trained you well that you

  • always take off your makeup before,

  • - Oh, I never go to bed with makeup on.

  • - Even when she was really little

  • I would always make her take a shower before bed.

  • I'm very much of a clean freak like that,

  • I always take a shower before bed

  • and I always wash my face.

  • - There's only probably ten

  • or twenty times in my life

  • I haven't taken a shower before I went to bed.

  • - That's kind of a lot.

  • Ten or twenty? - Not for my whole lifetime!

  • - You're only 13!

  • I have instilled that you always

  • wash your face before bed,

  • would you say that?

  • - I always wash my face

  • or wash my face.

  • - Cause that's definitely a good habit

  • to keep your skin clear.

  • For sure.

  • Alright, so the main thing with the wipes

  • is just to really get the eye makeup off

  • because I do still wash my face with a cleanser.

  • - It gives you a glowy look.

  • - Oh, chic.

  • I still definitely wash my face with a cleanser,

  • this is just to remove the waterproof makeup,

  • is the main thing.

  • It's also just nice to wipe it down.

  • - So next we wash our face,

  • we both have different face wash.

  • But, I use the-

  • How do you say it?

  • The Tata Harper.

  • - Tata Harper, yeah.

  • - Clarifying mask.

  • - This is the clarifying cleanser.

  • - Detoxifying cleanser, yeah.

  • - It's nice too

  • because when she was looking into different,

  • When she started wanting to wear makeup, she wore-

  • When was the first time you wore makeup?

  • - Like beginning of seventh grade.

  • - Yeah, beginning of seventh grade

  • I said she could wear a little bit of makeup.

  • So I really wanted to find her a cleanser that

  • would be good for potential breakouts

  • or just keeping her skin really clear.

  • And this is nice because it's for,

  • it says blemish prone skin,

  • but it does have that really like,

  • makes your face feel really clean after.

  • But not dry.

  • For me, I use the clear skin probiotic cleanser

  • from Eminence.

  • And it's a clean brand that I discovered

  • when my skin was going-

  • Did you already put water?

  • - Nut-so. - Oh,

  • My skin was going crazy last summer

  • and I tried everything.

  • I realized I was just not using a lot of

  • clean products.

  • And I did a lot of research

  • and discovered this one

  • and really just changed the way

  • I viewed skin care.

  • And just different things that I would eat too,

  • I would make sure that,

  • I realized my jalapenos break out my skin.

  • And I was drinking so many spicy margaritas.

  • So, I had to just make certain changes

  • once I started diarying what was making

  • my skin break out.

  • - I don't know what makes my skin break out,

  • I get tiny little bumps

  • and then they go away sometimes.

  • - Yeah, but I don't really feel like you have acne.

  • - I don't have acne,

  • I have tiny little bump things.

  • They come and go.

  • - It's more just like because you're getting older

  • and puberty, but-

  • - I know.

  • - My eyes are starting to water,

  • what is going on?

  • - Your eyelids are,

  • did you get soap in your eyes?

  • Your eyelids are so red.

  • - Shoot, normally I'm in the water.

  • Okay, gotta little bit in my eye I think.

  • - I have to share this, but look,

  • when you clean with the cleanser I use,

  • it gets off, okay you can't really see it.

  • But, there's little brown spots,

  • those are the extra,

  • that's extra makeup I missed.

  • - From after, yeah.

  • So that's why we like to double clean

  • with the wipes,

  • but then also-

  • - Because the wiping isn't enough.

  • - Yeah.

  • I wash my face definitely morning

  • and night.

  • - Same.

  • - But, it's really important night after makeup.

  • Okay.

  • Oh, so cute!

  • - So pretty!

  • - It's been fun having, I mean,

  • we're trying to see the positive,

  • but during quarantine,

  • Jadyn and I have been spending a lot more

  • time together obviously.

  • She's been just so helpful

  • and we've been having fun together at night.

  • Kind of going through beauty products too

  • and just I don't know,

  • having more fun with face masks too.

  • - A lot of organizing.

  • - Yeah.

  • - Just like, watching movies, having family time.

  • - I'm trying to look at the positive in the sense of

  • she's 13

  • and in, you know,

  • 5 years you're gonna be out of the house.

  • You're probably gonna move out.

  • You know, for college

  • and all that.

  • So I'm really just trying to-

  • - If I go to college.

  • - Girl, you're going to college.

  • So, I use this serum from Biossance.

  • It's a tea tree balancing oil

  • and tea tree is really good for sensitive skin

  • and just keeping it clear too.

  • This is a clean product

  • and I just love the way it smells too.

  • I really am a fan of Biossance.

  • I just do a few drops

  • and I press it into my skin.

  • I do this right after I get out of the shower too.

  • So, if it's a little moist it's fine.

  • - So next I use my moisturizer by Starskin.

  • It's a pink cactus pudding.

  • So it looks like this but it doesn't come out.

  • (laughs)

  • You gotta like, I don't know,

  • it's like actual pudding though.

  • - But, don't eat it.

  • - It's like Jell-O.

  • But, yeah, don't eat it. - Don't eat it girl.

  • - But yeah, it's really hydrating and-

  • - It smells pretty good too,

  • does it smell like watermelon?

  • I feel like, Jadyn,

  • we've been doing a lot of Tik Tok videos as well.

  • And you've been doing a lot of skin care

  • items on there which I've been really liking.

  • - Yeah.

  • - Showing your different beauty finds too

  • which I thought is cool.

  • Alright.

  • Oh, I totally forgot.

  • - But we do that at the end.

  • - I know,

  • but I actually do this light from-

  • - Oh yeah, this helps a lot.

  • - This is so nice.

  • This is from Dr. Dennis Gross.

  • But, I do this before I put on products.

  • Or you can do it in the morning too.

  • But, this is really nice.

  • I use the blue light for,

  • and I use the glasses with it too,

  • but I put these on

  • and then you do the blue light,

  • I do it for three minutes.

  • And it really helps with- - Blue light helps with acne.

  • - Yeah, it kills acne causing bacteria.

  • - I had little like,

  • I had one right here,

  • and then you leave it on for 3 minutes

  • and the next morning,

  • I was like it's gone. - Yeah it's crazy.

  • It really does,

  • I've noticed a huge difference in using the LED lights.

  • They also have the red light too for skin damage,

  • or sun damage.

  • Since I've been incorporating that,

  • my skin has been so much better.

  • - Very helpful.

  • - Yeah, it's very nice.

  • - Oh, I like to use this too.

  • - This is so nice.

  • This is Skyn Iceland,

  • I am obsessed with this brand.

  • - Same.

  • - They have these really nice gel patches

  • for the morning that are so nice.

  • Also a clean brand,

  • this is the daily cooling lotion.

  • And it has- - It feels so good.

  • - So nice.

  • It has kelp

  • and white willow bark.

  • - It kinda feels like POV.

  • Okay-

  • (laughs)

  • - POV.

  • - It kinda feels like ice,

  • but it feels good.

  • It's cooling.

  • - But, it's honestly just like

  • one of the brands that I discovered

  • that is really good for sensitive skin.

  • Are you putting it on right now too?

  • - Uh huh.

  • - It smells so good,

  • but after a few seconds it even makes your skin

  • just feel so nice.

  • It honestly feels like icy cold.

  • - It's just cooling.

  • - Yeah.

  • Jadyn and I have also been staying up late

  • each night so-

  • But we've been making ear guards for health care workers.

  • It's been a nice family thing for us to do together.

  • And also a way to give back.

  • But, we've been using our 3D printer

  • to print these ear guards that pull back

  • and they protect the mask from going off the ears.

  • - People are getting bruises from their N95 masks

  • or whatever.

  • - Yeah.

  • - And it pulls it back so the little band

  • isn't sitting on their ears.

  • It's like sitting on their-

  • - On their bun, on their hair.

  • - Yeah.

  • - So, it's been nice.

  • It's been definitely a nice family thing

  • for us to do together,

  • but also we go downstairs,

  • we write a few thank you cards,

  • and we start packaging them up to deliver

  • to the post office the next day.

  • - Okay, so next I use cooling water

  • from Milk Makeup.

  • It's just like a little stick

  • and you can put it everywhere.

  • It's kind of like the Skyn Iceland thing.

  • But that was kinda my mom's,

  • but I wanted to use it

  • because it feels just so good.

  • But I'm going to add this one too.

  • And this one is, like,

  • I don't even know.

  • It just feels amaze.

  • And it's also, it's clean right?

  • - Yeah.

  • - Yeah, I like-

  • Love clean products.

  • - When she was starting to wear makeup

  • that's when I was going through my whole,

  • I cleaned out literally all my products

  • that weren't clean

  • and cruelty free.

  • And-

  • - We did our of research.

  • - Yeah, I did a lot of research

  • and she started using all the same

  • kind of products too,

  • making sure you're pretty aware of the

  • ones that are clean too.

  • You were getting rid of a few that you're like

  • I didn't know these were not clean,

  • but-

  • Okay, next I,

  • that's all I pretty much do for my moisturizer at night.

  • Because I do the light mask, it really,

  • I don't feel like I need a heavy moisturizer.

  • I don't do deep night creams

  • or anything.

  • And then I use this eye cream

  • from Biossance.

  • It's their peptide eye gel.

  • And I just use a little bit,

  • just to extra moisturize around.

  • I just do a few around the corners of my eyes

  • and up here.

  • - And what does that help with?

  • - Why is this so satisfying?

  • Like I'm a professional.

  • (laughs)

  • - MukBang who?

  • (laughs)

  • - No this is for, this is for- - No, that's eating.

  • - This is for my wrinkles.

  • - I don't have none of those.

  • - Yeah, I know, you can't relate.

  • Must be nice.

  • (laughs)

  • I wonder if this is doing anything for me mentally.

  • Okay.

  • - And then me

  • and my mom both use this lip balm.

  • - This Summer Fridays.

  • It's their lip butter balm,

  • it tastes like vanilla.

  • Or it is vanilla flavored. - Or caramel, or something.

  • - It's so good, it's also a clean product,

  • but it's so nice to use at night.

  • I use it during the day too, but-

  • Trying to make sure our lips aren't chapped

  • but wearing a lip conditioner

  • or lip balm at night makes it so much better

  • for when you wake up in the morning.

  • Jadyn always has chapped lips,

  • so I'm trying to tell her to get her-

  • - I always have chapped lips.

  • - That's basically my nighttime routine,

  • it's pretty simple.

  • - I have one more thing.

  • I have my little

  • Zero Chill Face Mist by Florence by Mills.

  • I love this brand by Billie Bobby Brown.

  • - I love the packaging too, it's really pretty.

  • - And I just spray it around

  • and it's clean,

  • and it's-

  • - It smells really good.

  • - It smells like flowers almost.

  • - Yeah

  • - It makes your-

  • It's like the-

  • the bow on the box.

  • - The finishing touch?

  • - The finishing touch.

  • Why did I say bow on the box?

  • - Okay nice,

  • I like that.

  • - Yeah, that's basically me

  • and my mom's skincare routine for night time.

  • - And typically we don't do our nighttime

  • routine together in the same bathroom, but-

  • - Obviously.

  • - Do you want to keep doing that each night now?

  • Alright, thanks so much for joining in.

  • I hope you guys enjoyed our night time routine.

  • And Happy Mothers Day!

  • - Happy Mothers Day!

  • Bye!

  • - Bye!

- No this is for,

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