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  • We're here today at Universal Studios in Hollywood and we are going to experience

  • The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

  • [Wizarding Music]

  • Here we are at the front gate of Harry Potter's Wizarding World

  • and I am so excited to be here.

  • I've wanted to come since this opened up last year and it's a faithful reproduction down

  • to the last details of Hogsmeade Village and Hogwarts Castle.

  • I cannot wait to check it out.

  • Come on, let's go.

  • Now bow your head.

  • Well done! Rrrup!

  • Go on then!

  • Woo!

  • Woo!

  • Woo!

  • We're in line to go into Hogwarts Castle.

  • Welcome to Hogwarts. This way please. Thank you.

  • They are more than welcome.

  • [Unintelligible chatter from talking paintings]

  • That's one of our younger guests [continues in unintelligible conversation]

  • ...young men, many of whom have gone on to distinguish themselves

  • as fine witches and wizards.

  • You must be more than goblin sized - 48 inches.

  • The proud sons of Durmstrang.

  • Hey!! Yes! Ha ha!

  • [Drums beating]

  • Hai!

  • Ha!

  • Ho!

  • Hallo!

  • Welcome to Hogsmeade.

  • We're in Ollivander's for a wand fitting.

  • Welcome to Ollivander's, makers of fine wands since 382...B.C.

  • Ah yes, I feel a very powerful magic in this room, I feel a very powerful magic come

  • No two Ollivander wands are the same just as no two dragons or unicorns or phoenixes

  • are quite the same.

  • I chose the Hazel wand and it looks like this.

  • Aim low in the window, and make your C twister.

  • Finite.

  • Finite.

  • Very good and the quill has stopped writing.

  • Ventus.

  • Yes sir, well done.

  • Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit!

  • So I was told the butter beer is way, way sweet.

  • So instead I got this, the pumpkin fizz which is pretty good.

  • It's really refreshing especially on a hot day like this.

  • It's a book.

  • It's a book.

  • Humph.

  • Humph.

  • That was so much fun.

  • The best part were all the little details that made this experience so unique.

  • Even in all the retail stores there were little whimsical details that just brought back memories

  • of Harry Potter.

  • It's not very big, it's only about 2 or 3 hours to go through everything but I would

  • highly recommend that you come and check it out.

  • 'Til next time, peace out Geeksters.

We're here today at Universal Studios in Hollywood and we are going to experience

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