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  • The most talented subreddit ever!

  • Ling Ling 40 hours unite!

  • Ling Ling wannabes!

  • Ah!

  • Practice, practice!

  • Did you practice today?

  • - Ling Ling 40 Hours! - Ling Ling 40 Hours!

  • - Ling Ling 40 Hours! - Ling Ling 40 Hours!

  • Ow, my ears...

  • Sound the alarm.

  • Ding ding! Woah!

  • r/lingling40hours has been attacked!

  • Ling Ling wannabes unite!

  • We have an enemy.

  • Goes by the name...

  • Davie 404 cannot be found.

  • Haha, what an original joke.

  • What did Davie 404 say about the Ling Ling subreddit?

  • And I also found this subreddit called r/lingling40hours.

  • Which should be about violin.

  • But I can only find memes.

  • r/lingling40hours and r/violin subreddit, not approved.

  • Did he just insult the most talented subreddit

  • in the history of humankind?

  • - Ah! - Ah!

  • - Ah, the attack is real - My heart, Ah! - My heart! Ah!

  • Ah! I need sleep.

  • I need sleep.

  • Working too much.

  • Guys, we must unite...

  • And stay strong in these tough times.

  • But music...

  • Shall reign supreme.

  • Join us.

  • We will prove them wrong...

  • By reviewing the r/lingling40hours.

  • The most talented subreddit on the Internet.

  • Clearly, these are not just memes,

  • but memes of the most high intellect...

  • Only the most talented...

  • Musicians and artists

  • can appreciate the memes on r/lingling40hours.

  • That's right.

  • Make sure to support it by accenting...

  • Did your bone just crack?

  • - All that violin practice. - Practice. Let's start.

  • I'm like trying to hold it together.

  • Was that a night time concert or day time concert?

  • Do you remember?

  • I can't. I think it was a night time concert.

  • Maybe, I look tired.

  • Yeah, you look out of it.

  • Hey, look, as a musician,

  • sometimes we got a concert at like...

  • It's going on till like 9pm.

  • - I think... - I'm assuming that's a cadenza too.

  • - Yes, it was. - So, yeah.

  • It's a tough job.

  • It's a very tough job.

  • Requires lots, all that practice.

  • That pose too, with the violin bow and the thing.

  • Yeah.

  • That's just such a typical like

  • orchestral musicians that are out of it.

  • Ah... I know right?

  • Uh, so hard.

  • Just press a button and...

  • Ling Ling insurance!

  • Just kidding. All instruments are S tier.

  • What?

  • Wait, is this a thing?

  • Did they actually?

  • I have no idea.

  • Plants appreciate music.

  • I wonder.

  • I mean, animals react to music.

  • You saw our video you uwu you lose, right?

  • I wonder if our plants react to sound waves.

  • Ooo.

  • And they start growing maybe.

  • Actually, it's pretty messed up if you realize like...

  • Violins are made out of wood.

  • - Oh!! - Oh!

  • That is true, guys.

  • You must go practice.

  • Yes.

  • If you haven't done your 40 hours a day...

  • Go practice!

  • Then, come back and watch this video.

  • For those that have already practiced,

  • we welcome you to our arms.

  • Every time there's orchestra competition,

  • - everyone just like goes... Yeah, at school. - At school orchestra.

  • - Yeah. Oh, good days. - Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • Actually, that's true, too.

  • Because if you think about it like...

  • A sports team only has like 11 members.

  • But a band, each one has like...

  • 20 plus.

  • And there's orchestra.

  • - Yeah. And then the school has like orchestra A, B, C. - They're like a hundred.

  • There's like multiple tiers and all these different schools.

  • Yeah, yeah.

  • I remember touring in Korea with SSO,

  • the Sydney Symphony...

  • All of us go to - Went to one coffee shop.

  • - Really? - And they got smashed.

  • - They didn't even know it was coming and... - That's gonna be awesome.

  • The first guy that went there, the trumpet player,

  • taught them how to make a flat white.

  • Taught the coffee shop?

  • Yeah, they're like, "you're gonna make this,

  • - it's called a flat white, we all want this." - Such an Aussie thing. Yeah.

  • We all want this.

  • And everyone's like, "oh, dude they make flat whites!"

  • "Yeah, Dave taught them how to do it."

  • Dave was the principal trumpet player.

  • And then, they just served flat white.

  • No one's safe on this channel.

  • The only way to make sure you are safe...

  • Is not be sacrilegious and practice.

  • So practice now!

  • That's the secret to becoming a great musician.

  • That's also the way to renew your Ling Ling insurance.

  • It is.

  • People are like,

  • "did you pay your Ling Ling insurance premium?"

  • Well, just pay it through practice hours.

  • Yes, you pay through practice hours.

  • Dude, that's cool.

  • Damn.

  • Oh, man, that's awesome.

  • I like how the nose is slightly red.

  • See? Most talented subreddit.

  • Is this a meme? More like, genius work of art.

  • u/Cyrke_, thank you very much.

  • That's awesome.

  • - Nice one. - You guys should draw Brett too, as Bach.

  • Oh!!!

  • TwoSet Violin helping people get married.

  • Creating families.

  • - Music... - Finding love...

  • Through music and romance.

  • And they breed more Ling Ling wannabes.

  • To be forced to practice 40 hours a day. Wa-chow!

  • Yeah, wa-chow!

  • That's actually pretty crazy.

  • That's pretty crazy. Yeah.

  • Hey, we're the best wingmen.

  • - We're helping all of you guys find your partners. - Dude, you know how they're like...

  • Netflix and chill?

  • Feel free to use our videos...

  • TwoSet and chill.

  • TwoSet and bubble tea.

  • Yeah, TwoSet and bubble tea.

  • You see a girl or a guy that you like

  • in orchestra rehearsal.

  • You just go up and be like...

  • "Hey, have you seen the bumblebee roast?"

  • "No, what is it?"

  • "Oh my god."

  • "Do you wanna have bubble tea..."

  • "And watch the bumblebee TwoSet roast at mine afterwards?"

  • "TwoSet and bubble tea?"

  • - "Wow!" - "Oh!"

  • It is crazy.

  • Yeah.

  • I feel like just yesterday, we were just like...

  • Two violinists.

  • And now, it's like, we see people comment "TwoSet"

  • in almost every like classical recording on Youtube.

  • We did not expect this at all.

  • - Yeah. - That's the craziest part.

  • Oh, we still feel the same.

  • We're just two guys, average dudes playing the violin.

  • - Yeah. - Doing what we love.

  • Yeah.

  • Sharing what we do.

  • We feel very fortunate to have you guys watch us.

  • Alright, anyway.

  • - Whoa! - Whoa!

  • Dude, that looks like a legit manga.

  • Who drew this?

  • u/sadsamrain.

  • Violin.

  • That looks - Actually looks like an actual manga.

  • TwoSet Viol - And you're wearing a sacrilegious hoodie.

  • Yeah.

  • - I got my flannel and 40 hours everyday. - Oh, wow!

  • Chapter 40: Chase.

  • - I love it. - I would read that.

  • I would actually read it.

  • When is chapter 41 coming out?

  • - I want to know. - Hurry up.

  • Yeah.

  • - Every manga you read, "come on!" - I know, right?

  • - u/sadsamrain, sugoidesu. - Thank You.

  • *Cling*

  • Well, that was one.

  • Sorry, I just dropped that into the basement...

  • - Where... - Yeah.

  • - Editor-san is currently being held. - Hello, editor-san.

  • You know not to release those footages.

  • - Oh, wow. - I don't even know what I'm saying at this point.

  • It's been such a rough week.

  • Sibelius is killing me.

  • - The freaking tenths in the third movement. - Oh my god.

  • I cannot.

  • And no sleep is killing me.

  • Bro...

  • How are you guys doing this?

  • Dude, this is coming non-stop.

  • I would swipe right to that.

  • That...

  • I'm not sure.

  • Actually, nah, it's pretty cute. I think it's the glasses,

  • but I think she's pretty cute.

  • The more I look at it, if I saw that...

  • I would probably swipe right to it.

  • No...

  • Nah, dude, come on. She's cute.

  • Did they photoshop my boobs as well?

  • - I swear they did. - Did they?

  • It looks like I got boobs.

  • Do I get boobies?

  • Yeah.

  • *Gasp*

  • We're like three-years-old kids.

  • - "Wow! Boobies!" - "No way!"

  • I feel the pain.

  • - Yeah. - We feel you. Watching all those prodigies online.

  • You're like, "what's the meaning of life?"

  • Dude, that's next level.

  • Do you know any pianists that tune their own pianos?

  • - I don't know any. - I don't know any.

  • Violinists can tune their own violins.

  • Ooo!

  • No, we love you piano gang.

  • I can actually relate to that.

  • Yeah, me too.

  • It's like, you're like "mmm, damn."

  • - "Yeah, I did an extra ten minutes today." - "Yeah, I did it. Woo!"

  • "Yeah, woo!"

  • It's so true though. That one's a very good one.

  • I see what you did there.

  • Oh, wow, so punny guys.

  • Hey, you're not far off.

  • - You're on 2400 likes. - Yeah, that's pretty close.

  • Oh! Ding, ding, ding!

  • Hey, come on, we're not the grim reaper.

  • We're bringing joy and love.

  • We just remind you to practice.

  • Yes. Go practice!

  • Oh!

  • Interesting!

  • That's a different type of style.

  • Dude, it actually is really cool.

  • So much talent here guys.

  • u/linglinglingling, thank you for the epic drawing.

  • So true though.

  • That's how violinists feel playing Paganini.

  • Yup.

  • Damn.

  • - Woah... - I swear hands are the hardest to draw.

  • I used to do a bit of drawing.

  • My art... Did art class.

  • And hands are so hard to make look natural.

  • I know they say like, if you practice hands...

  • You basically just need to go through this phase that

  • all you do is draw hands

  • in all different angles and postures.

  • I can see that.

  • That looks so natural. I love it.

  • Aha.

  • Hey, at least you're not falling asleep.

  • - Oh! Just kidding. - Dude, I'm appreciating Tchaikovsky piano concerto.

  • What the...

  • Dude, I wish I could just...

  • Dude, that kid's figured it out.

  • Oh, yeah, you got me good.

  • Bang!

  • - That's like the... - Bruckner.

  • Yeah, the Bruckner 8 video we did.

  • I don't know if you guys seen it, it's like a...

  • One of our...

  • Old school skits, back when we used to do skits, and...

  • That was inspired off a true story.

  • A percussionist...

  • Actually missed their only note to play

  • in a whole one-hour symphony.

  • It's pretty tragic.

  • That's pretty tragic.

  • Oh!

  • Dude...

  • Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.

  • We ain't looking at that.

  • Well, by the time this video is out,

  • I'm sure you would have seen our response.

  • All right, guys, that's it.

  • Please like, oh - Please accent, oh -

  • All right, guys, that's it.

  • Please accent the like button.

  • And legato the subscribe button.

  • And thank you so much, all you Ling Ling wannabes.

  • Remember it's time to practice!

The most talented subreddit ever!

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