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  • Skratar du (Translation: You laugh)

  • rlorar du (Translation: You lose)

  • manneeeen

  • The rule is simple. If you laugh you lose do not laugh during this video

  • Cuz then you will lose, and if you lose

  • Then you laugh and if you laugh

  • You lose and let me know in the end of the video if you laughed or if you lose-did *inhale*

  • Now let's go uh this time we're not gonna react to

  • *licc*

  • Any dank memes cuz YouTube just seems to

  • Be striking down extra hard lately that, the yellow

  • the yellow sign is everywhere, and I'm getting a little fed up, so we're gonna keep it nice and

  • family-friendly please

  • so I thought we're gonna do the

  • 25 most viewed twitch IRL videos that will be a good time, let's go everybody

  • *tuturuUUu*

  • [woman] "I once had someone, who I was with, making out with him and I went to uh...

  • give them a hand job, and I just barely touched his penis, and he jizzed like all over my stomach

  • [Sodapoppin]: Okay, you can just say my name there Leah. Let's not try and hide it there. It makes it work. Okay? Let's just be real here.

  • [Felix]: good! *claps* Nice family-friendly! Thank you.

  • Good one. [Felix imitating woman] "I jUst oNCE HAd a GUy tOUch mY bELLy"

  • "anD THeN hE jUSt JIzZEd aLL OvER"

  • [Normal Felix] Why does she talk like that?

  • [woman]: "I once had someone who I was with"

  • [Felix]: "Relatable though, relatable story... uh..."

  • It always makes for a good laugh when you can be like, 'hah!' that never happened to me"

  • [woman]: "...those bot lane, and she's a marksman" [Paco]: "ah"

  • [woman]: "so if you were to play then we could go into the same lane together. It would be really cute and then"

  • [man]: "I'm... I like... I don't know if I would... I mean it'd be cool

  • but I think, cuz there is a champion that I do know, and he kind of looks quiet think I'd be a

  • Malphite player cuz he's pretty like he's edgy and such"

  • [woman]: "you don't want to go bot lane with me?"

  • [man]: "No, cuz you can be the bottom, and I'll be on top."

  • (smooth af, paco)

  • *akward umm*

  • "But yeah... so uh."

  • [felix cuts in]: *chuckles* "Are you kidding me right now?"

  • Did he just say?

  • "You can go bottom and I go top," in a MOBA that joke has never ever been said before!

  • and I can't believe how awkward it just became that is just crazy

  • [sarcastically] oh my god

  • Sometimes social interactions they just go like "woah!" what happened here?

  • [man in video]: "Besides video games, what are some of your hobbies that you have?"

  • [Felix]: "You try and change subject right away"

  • *woman laughs awkwardly*

  • It's not that... he even tried to help you! what do you mean? it's not that awkward

  • I'm super awkward, and I didn't even find that awkward, just joke about it and move on god dammit

  • Teenagers, teenage love, am I right you go bot and I go top

  • [officer]: "Oh there's a little kiddo running at me... Hi!"

  • [kid] "Hey there's a clown ovah there by dah park"

  • [officer]: "What is it?" [k] "a (unidentified) clown"

  • [officer]: "a clown?"

  • *officer acts surprised*

  • [kid]: "you got a gun?"

  • [officer]: "yeh"

  • [kid]: "Can you shoot that clown wit ur gun?" *felix laughing in BG*

  • [officer]: "I'll go check it out, uh I'l go see okay?"

  • *laughs in relatable Jeff meme*

  • [Felix] "It's a police officer livestreaming now? What the heck?... that seems kind of like a bad idea"

  • Did he did he film shooting the clown or what? I need to know

  • *man steals livestreamer's camera*

  • [Felix]: "Oh shit!"

  • *footsteps of thief running away*

  • Goddamn. I mean that was bound to happen sooner or later, right?

  • did he c- does he contin- does he get his subs as well? like does he...

  • If someone steals my computer, clearly they get my channel as well. It comes with it. It's a package.

  • [Reckful]: "ask the old ladies behind Nani if I could eat their ass... I think that's a little inappropriate..."

  • [Reckful]: "Nani, they want you to ask the ladies behind you... if you could eat their ass."

  • [Forsen]: "Hello!... they're British! will you stop?" *felix laughs*

  • [Reckful] *surprised* "Oh... they understand?"

  • [Nani]: "you guys are too loud, I have to leave."

  • [Reckful]: "wait, you're leaving? I'm not done... "

  • *Nani interrupts,* "They speak english, Reckful, they're British!"

  • [Reckful]: "I didn't know... wait don't leave... she's leaving"

  • *Forsen dying of embarassment* forsenE

  • [Felix]: "They seem like they're up for it!" *laughs*

  • *Reckful chuckles*

  • [Felix]: "agh... So painful!"

  • "oh my god"

  • Come on

  • They we're totally up for it. I'm glad the girl left, they... they could have a good time with those old ladies

  • [Kyle]: "There's got to be a game where like you-- everyone sssslowly, loosens the cap, the cork.

  • and then puts it right up to their eye"

  • It's like Russian Roulette but with... a bottle

  • *cork nails him*

  • "OH!"

  • [Felix, yelling]: "WHAT DID YOU THINK WAS GONNA HAPPEN??"

  • Thank God he wore glasses Jesus Christ, dude"

  • *laughs in terrified*

  • [Paul]: " twitch and we're gonna we're gonna watch right now"

  • *streamers and Felix laugh*

  • [F]: "what the f***"

  • Thank God man. Damn! That could've- could've really---"

  • "I like how they just have a laugh about it. I'd be terrified."

  • [Anisa]: " yeah. Throw me in a basement- okay, shut the lights off and play Nickelback non-stop for hours on end

  • I will want to die. I guarantee you."

  • *Ian bursts in, Anisa screams* [iDubbbz]: "YOu tALKing SHit BOut NICKelBacK, BItcH?"

  • *iDubbbz repeats*

  • [Felix]: "Is that iDubbbz?" *yes Felix*

  • [Anisa, quietly]: "You're making my hands tingle- oh my go- oh my-"

  • [Felix]: "What the f*** is that fanart in the back?" *Felix imitates iDubbbz about Nickelback*

  • [streamer]: "4skinTim {foreskin} donated $10 you said shoutout to all my young fanbase(?)

  • "Thank you Tim, we appreciate that." [2nd str]: "Don't read that...

  • [2S]: "I knew- I knew better, dude."

  • *1st realizes* *Felix laughs*

  • [1S]: "I thought he was like- doing it FOR Tim..."

  • [Felix]: "ah- that makes sense actually."

  • *streamers bickering*

  • "He wrote- he typed the letter- he wrote the letter 4 instead of- come on Zach"

  • "alright- I'm sorry"

  • [2S, mocking]: "You fell for the oldest trick in the book- one dollar donation from 'Jenna Tools'"

  • "no no no!"

  • *realizes and laughs* *Felix laughs*

  • "I'm not alone!"

  • [F]: "He was so salty" *replays clip*

  • "He wrote he typed the letter yeah, where's your heart? He typed the letter he wrote the letter four instead of-"

  • [felix mocking]: "you fell for the oldest trick in the book- shout out to genitals?"

  • [woman]: "Go away please"

  • [streamer]: "I was here first"

  • [w]: ???

  • [s]: "Well listen, i was here first, right?"

  • "I'm... Let me finish my workout"

  • "You can't tell me to go away"

  • [w]: "You use it not..."

  • "You use it wrong"

  • "Your exercising.. Is bad f-"

  • [felix]: "What the hell? Is this russian mom?

  • [w]: "...mirror. Not this"

  • [s]: "What are you talking about?"

  • "But i was here firs...Hey, listen"

  • "Let me finish my workout"

  • "And then you can do yo-"

  • *arguing* [w]: "...Why are you standing and talking?"

  • [w]: "This is not workout!"

  • [F]: "I mean she was really fit so I- I- I- do understand what she was saying"

  • *some drunk Russian teenager*

  • [liz, in Russian]: "I didn't drink even a whole bottle but i feel really stupid and drunk"

  • "some men are standing over there... bikers..."

  • *unexpected pole*

  • *laughing stupidly*

  • [woman, in English]: "you didn't- see it!"

  • *continues laughing stupidly*

  • [F]: "ahh- the pain- I feel the pain my gosh"

  • "Ohhh! That's gotta hurt man, damn. ugh, oh my god"

  • *felix cringes and makes weird noise*

  • "Oh my god, I've seen this too. What're they Korean? or Japanese"(They are Korean, Pewds)

  • *drunk girl falls*

  • "What is he doing?... oh my god"

  • Why did it take him so long to react?

  • He's like- whatuahah- he's too shit-faced to understand what just happened.

  • He's like do I pretend that that's my friend or not?

  • [man]: "Hey Cho, I got donation for you... here you go"

  • [Cho]: "who are you?"

  • *laughs in Korean*

  • "It seems so different when you get money on the street rather than people paying you-"

  • online, it does seem like you're an actual beggar."

  • "oooookay, that was this week of 'skrattar durlorar du'

  • Family-friendly edition, you know how I know it's family-friendly? Cuz this fckin video has ads on it.

  • So if this video doesn't have stupid ads I'm gonna be really angery

  • Leave a like if you laughed

  • leave a like if you losed, and let me know in the comments if you laughed or if you losed

  • and remember to have a happy day.

  • *Christian channel piano music*

  • And also subscribe

Skratar du (Translation: You laugh)

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