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  • Let's begin!


  • Skrattar du, förlorar du!

  • Season 1, episode 1!

  • Pilot!

  • Prequel, Beta verSioN, vErsiOn aLPha, 1.1, lets frickin' DO THIS



  • So the rules are simple, you laugh you lose.

  • Smash like right now to accept this challenge.

  • And smash like-

  • *to beat T-Series*

  • If you are watching this video right now.

  • Let's *frikin* do dis

  • I am excited!

  • Whaddya got?

  • "MAA!" [Mom]


  • "MA! PUT THE *expletive* DOGS AWAY" What is it, a raccoon?

  • "THERE'S SOMETHING IN THE BACKYARD!" A homeless person?

  • "AH!" What is that- Oh, it's a cat.

  • "AHHH!" Oh my god!


  • "OHHH!" Eugh!

  • "MAAA!!!" EUGH!

  • "CALL THE *expletive* COPS!"

  • "THE CAT IS BACK! EEHH!" "Call the cops"... *chuckles*

  • *realizes*

  • Stupid ugly cat!

  • Is that real, is that- like makeup?

  • It's wearing makeup?

  • Wilfred... Wilfred Warrior.

  • Oh my god...

  • Oh... Oh my god.

  • *Questioning life.*

  • Wilfred.

  • *chuckles while talking* Wilfred!

  • Come on, it doesn't count if it's Wilfred.

  • I didn't know it was Wilfred.

  • Health back, please!

  • Namaste!

  • That's freakin'- OMG!

  • "First you get your human, then you wrap up your human... *bed croaks*

  • "Okay, say 1-2-3 go!" *says*

  • "And this is how to package her!" *CRASH*

  • *laughs*

  • How to kill your sister, everyone!

  • Let's frickin' do this! *claps*

  • "1-2-3 go!"

  • "And this is how to package her!"

  • *CRASH*

  • Okay, looks like I'm still in the game, boys!

  • Oh god.

  • *yeet*

  • *laughs*

  • That is not funny!

  • PETA, please unsubscribe right now, I don't need your judgment here.

  • That was funny.

  • "My dude just yote a gator."

  • Ya ever yeet a gator? *giggles*

  • Ya ever- *stumbles* (yoted a gator before?)

  • Hey look it's my channel! *smile*

  • "Yeah.. I'm just gonna say..."

  • "Hey man, I really appreciate your content."

  • "You've gotten me through some tough times."

  • "And I respect the f-"

  • *laughs*

  • Pewds (ingame): "Oh no!"

  • I didn't know if this would be funny just for me.

  • or if it was funny for other people because-

  • I- I always really appreciate it when fans are- y'know express their gratitude or whatever.

  • But I never know how to respond,

  • idk, like- thank you?

  • It's all I can really say, but...

  • "Hey man, I really appreciate your content."

  • "You've gotten me through some tough times."

  • Look at the guy! Look at the guy.

  • Ahh, you can't ask for better comedic timing than that.

  • Alright, I don't think i'm doing very well by the way, what's my health?

  • les check it out

  • Looks like I'm still winning.

  • SMASH like if you're also

  • a person

  • Jimmy: Just a little sodium chloride.

  • Waiter: ...Actually dude it's salt! Jimmy: *interrupts* That's what I said!

  • Waiter: No dude, you said sodium chloride,

  • That's the same as salt,

  • but you could have just said salt instead.

  • Everyone in this town knows you're a boy genius dude.

  • You don't need to say overly large words,

  • to sound more intelligent.

  • The fact of the matter is, that nobody cares how smart you are.

  • If anything, if calling simplistic objects by their scientific names,

  • ironically makes you seem less intelligent, and more pompous.

  • I know you're smart enough to be better than this. *cut*

  • By the way,

  • I think I can pull off a Jimmy Neutron haircut.

  • ehehe

  • Ya gotta do tha- ya gotta do the swirl.

  • OH YEAHH! :D


  • "At what age did my lead up- lead ups- when did my Tourettes start?"

  • "it started when i touched a d***."

  • It started when i was-... *everyone in the lobby laughs*

  • I think- I think Dave told me about her,

  • cause she... She had a tic of (bitch lasagna).

  • I don't know if it's her, but I- lemme chec

  • "Are you planning on playing any other games on this channel?"

  • "I do play other games sometimes,

  • I'm currently working on a- with a potato PC."

  • "So..."

  • "It's given me up on me a few times when I've tried to play other games."

  • "But I do play The Forest, I play Bioshock."

  • "I play with my d*** on a tuesday,

  • *expletive* you and Jesus- *expletive* you-"

  • "Bitch lasagna- bitch."

  • "Lasagna."

  • "*tic* bitch lasagna."

  • Oh no...

  • What have I done!

  • I think she mentioned that she's okay with people laughing about it.

  • That's why- okay.

  • Beyond Two Souls, but 500% facial animations.

  • Great.

  • "Dr. Matthews is going to have to care for you from now on."

  • "He's really nice." Oh god!

  • "He wants to meet you."

  • "Come on hurry up."

  • "I'll be right here sweetheart."

  • Oh is this facial animations, okay that's great...

  • "Hello Jodie, come in."

  • Oh! Oh no.

  • Dafoe please no.

  • "My name is Nathan... Nathan Dawkins."

  • "I found it would be a good idea for us

  • to have a little chat to get to know each other a little bit."

  • Oh god, please no please!

  • "That is... if it's okay with you of course."

  • What is happening, how do you make these (videos)?

  • "You like it?"

  • I wonder if they did a Beyond Two-

  • "You can have it if you want."


  • Oh, they have they have! OK, Let's check it out.

  • "I found you, by the side of the road."

  • "In the middle of nowhere."

  • "Was there an accident?"

  • "Did someone try to hurt you?"

  • omg... *giggles*

  • Oh! Oh no not the dogs!

  • DPO23, please...

  • Please make one...

  • What is it called, Detroit- Detroit Become Human.

  • That would be so good...

  • Oh, I would love that.

  • "Bruh Sound Effect #2"

  • "No what are you doing, what are you doing! NO! What are you doing, what are you doi- NOOO!!"

  • *intense reactions*

  • Is that a thing? Honestly, I'd kinda want to hear it.

  • What is "bruh sound effect- three" sound like?

  • *undertale*

  • uh, of course.

  • Of course, how could I have been

  • so

  • stewpid!!!!

  • Obviously.

  • "Officers in Lancaster, Pennsylvania

  • we're asking people to be on the lookout for

  • a man who robbed the store."

  • "And I think, yeah."

  • "I think we do- we do have this description-"

  • "Can we take that? Let's take this description."

  • *stunned*

  • What is he an elf?

  • "OK..."

  • "This is the guy that had uh- they wanted people in Pennsylvania to be out on the lookout for."

  • "He's got uh..."

  • "Well, he's got a nose some hair that goes like that." He's got a nose, and some hair!

  • "It was uh- he's wearing a hat! At the time in this particular... Particular crime." *dying* IS THIS REAL? PLEASE BE REAL!

  • "He's got a kind of a... chin that comes down to a... almost to a point."

  • "Standing on 5'4 inches tall! There it is. A good look for yourself."

  • "Now we are hearing the police actally caught this guy!"


  • "So. Here's a picture of the real guy, next to the *bursts out laughing* ...sketch. After his arrest."

  • "It's uncanny!"

  • Ahhh, that can not be real! I hope it is though. God damn it.

  • Ah geez! Ah, geez! Looks like I'm real low.

  • Ah, guys! It looks like I'm gonna have to tap out.

  • sowree

  • We'll sple-explain the rest of the clips without me.

  • Ah that would make it easier.

  • All genders, all punchers, all people...

  • "Were are gamers?"

  • Oh my god, thank you.

  • Finally a man that sees beyond, the wall.

  • Where are gamers!?

  • (Someone caption this please? Thanks.)

  • It makes me so sick that gamers keep having to... face this, sort of...

  • Discrimination.

  • What the hell is your problem duckling!

  • I'll have you killed!

  • I'll have your whole family killed. This is not a threat, it's facts.

  • *crab rave*

  • What the frick!

  • Oh ye! (unintelligible)

  • Subscribe to pewdiepie, alright, you're fine. You're back in the game Dolan.

  • Fine.

  • "Waluigi number one! *crowd cheering*

  • "WAHH!!"

  • "AWW NO!"

  • "Waluigi no win this time."

  • That was great *claps*.

  • "WAHHH!!"

  • Thank you for watching another episode of-


  • An *epic* episode I will say, that was pretty epic.

  • Yeah. yeah, let's go with that.

  • I'll see you guys tomorrow on the next episode of...

  • ;]

  • What I will upload tomorrow.

  • I'll see you guys tomorrow!

  • BAI!


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