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  • This may come as a bit of a shocker.

  • :(

  • I don't have a lot of friends.

  • Shut the f-, danny. Do you want to go to the fucking ceiling?

  • I'm not playing around with you danny! Today, for the first time in my life,

  • I'm going to a house party. We're playing, "House Party:" the game.

  • [Loud clapping]

  • Made from the famous developer "EEK! LLC games."

  • It's a great game. It's a really, really, really, really, good game.

  • [Burps]-_-

  • Starting, new game. Oh my God, here we are. Oh? Okay.

  • I'm a little nervous!

  • Okay, don't mess this up Pewds, you can do this. You can do this.

  • This is the,

  • this is the fucking standard-room in Unity by the way

  • [Laughs]

  • Okay, whatever, all right. Let's go in and- oh hello, hello,

  • Hello!

  • Woah! She's dancing on the coffee table.

  • My God. Those moves.

  • Danny, could you dance like that?

  • Sorry, you've got a little

  • spit on you.

  • You may not have known this about me, but I'm actually an excellent dancer and I've been-

  • I've been waiting for a time to really, break down my moves.

  • Ah.

  • Ah.

  • Where's the dab? [Laughs]

  • Woah! Woah! What is wrong with your hair? What is wrong with it? Oh God, she's dancing t- Hello, how you doin'?

  • Ok- oh. She keeps- oh.

  • Sorry, I didn't mean to.

  • [Dramatic music]

  • All right, I think I'm supposed to talk to this girl.

  • Madison that's it. "Talk."

  • "Um, do I know you?"

  • Uh, no, but I would like to get to know you a little better. "Aw that's sweet, I'm Madison."

  • Madison can you stop? Can you just stop? What the fuck is this? Oh, she doesn't like it. I'm sorry M-. I'm sorry, Madison.

  • I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll get your phone. I'll get your phone, is that?- I have a third hand.

  • [Laughs]

  • Okay, good game... good game everyone. Very exciting game.

  • Very, very exciting game play.

  • Uh, how do I open?-

  • "Madison's bathroom." Okay, here we go. All right, where's the phone?

  • Where's th- There we go.

  • "Take it."

  • Madison's phone; got it. We're doing great. I think we're blending in really well in this party.

  • What do you guys think? "It's not a real party." Ceiling, ceiling. You will go, to the fucking ceiling. "Kill yourself." Such natural

  • movement, she has. Wow.

  • Wow.

  • She really knows how to, work it. What is wron- Oh my God, what is happening? Good game. Good game everyone.

  • [Music]

  • All right, "here Madison I have your-" Can you chill? No sweat.

  • No sweat. No sweat. No sweat. No sweat.

  • What she want us to do? "Aren't you a bold one? Help me play a prank on my sister," okay.

  • "Humiliate Ashley." Ashley,

  • Ashley, how about that? How about- what a great party. I'm having a great time

  • There's Ashley! There's Ashley. Ashley! Ashley!

  • [French] excuse me, how (is it) going, what's your name ?

  • Oh Go- what happened?

  • Wait, I can grab the chair

  • Woah!

  • Holy shit, man would you like a chair?

  • Ashley! How about your- how about a pizza? Would you like a pizza?

  • Where'd it go?

  • Oh, there you are.

  • Where'd she go? Ashley!

  • Ashley I have a pizza! Ashley, w-

  • [Laughs]

  • Co- Just open your mouth, Ashley. I got it for you. I got it for you, trust me.

  • I think she likes it. Oh, okay, all right. "Hi. I'm Ashley, I'm Madison's sister."

  • You're Madison's sister? I never would have guessed. You're way hotter than she is.

  • "Aw thanks, that's really sweet."

  • "Thanks for making fun of my sister, I fucking hate that bitch." No sweat. No sweat. No sweat. Ah, no sweat.

  • "My stupid sister Madison spilled beer on me." Okay, what a bitch. Can you tone it down, all right?

  • Can you tone it the fuck down over there?

  • All right, so what do we do with her then?

  • "Can I help you out with this beer accident?" Aww, you'd help me right now? I'm dripping wet. I need to-

  • Dripping wet, she's dripping wet. I'm outta water. Give me-

  • Can you get me some goddamn water? I'm on it. I'm on it, Ashley. I'm on it, don't you worry. What the fuck is this?

  • Is that a cat? Ah! All right, Madison, I'm on your quest.

  • I met your sister.

  • "She's up to something, I know it!"

  • [Dramatic music]

  • "Are you drunk?" No, w- oh, God.

  • "I'm straight-edge." I can't stand assholes who get drunk at parties. Okay. Does anyone want a pizza?

  • Anyone want a pizza?

  • Take it. Take it. Take that pizza. Come on, I know you swallow, you swallow. You want that-

  • God damn it, Frank you fucked up.

  • You fucked up Frank. No, no, no, don't touch Patrick. No, no, no, don't touch Patrick! Patrick, run! Run Patrick! Oh, shi- aw

  • shit, no! Patrick get up, get up. I'll get the pizza. I'll get the pizza, Patrick. I'll get the pizza.

  • It's going to be okay. Hang in there, buddy. Hang in there, buddy. I have the pizza. The pizza will solve, every problem.

  • Aw shit, Patrick, what are you doin'? Patrick fight! You got to fight g- you got to get up, get up. Got it!

  • I got him.

  • Shit, shit, shit.

  • Aw sh-

  • Oh my God, he's gonna f- stop! Stop fighting! Stop this.

  • Oh my God, not in the pizza.

  • Holy shit, he got punched.

  • Oh my God.

  • What is that face? Close your fuckin' mouth. What is wrong with you?

  • Stop. St- [Laughs]

  • Stop, please stop making that face. You're scaring me. You're scaring the chil- Oh my God.

  • K.O. I think he's dead, he died on a plant. Rest in plant. Rest in plant, Patrick.

  • Here, have a pizza. Have a pizza, think about what you do- there we go. Okay, I saw Frank checking out your ass

  • Oh, wait. That was me.

  • Yeah! "Oh stop it. Haha. You're funny."

  • Good one! Good one! If it's any consolation, wet clothes and all, you're still adorable.

  • No sweat. No sweat. No sweat. No sweat. "Any luck finding me a way to dry off?"

  • What if we give her the towel?

  • "Perfect! Thanks! But these clothes still smell really bad."

  • Okay, I could wash them.

  • "You'd do that for me?"

  • "I'm not sure if I can trust you with that, what can I do?"

  • Bring me

  • Madison's diary.

  • Challenge accepted.

  • I can lay down on bed?

  • Excellent, good game.

  • "Remove shirt." Oh yeah!

  • [Background laughter]

  • Hey, don't laugh! What are you- don't laugh! Don't clap like that, please!

  • Oh my God, she took my fuckin' spot. What is wrong with you? "Lay down." Great, great I can't see her.

  • Hey, you look-

  • "Remove boxers."

  • "Remove pants." Woah!

  • Woah!

  • Woah.

  • No, no, no.

  • Put on your goddamn pants! Put on, God damn it, God damn it, put on the pants. "Put on pants."

  • What the fuck am I looking at? What the fuck? God damn it. Oh it's r-

  • Thank you. Thank you.

  • Ooh, that was a close call. Oh, he's ok now.

  • He's back alive, great. All right, so without looking online, or or cheating, you have to pick this pen.

  • Right? You have to get this pen. It's a really good game by the way. I'm really enjoying it. You have to get this paper.

  • Uh-huh, okay, and then what you're supposed to do is, you put the-

  • You put the paper right fuckin' here, and then you put the pencil over it, and then you get the code

  • to the fuckin' locker, and then you go here.

  • It's a good game by the way, it's really good.

  • And then you put this, on this fuckin' lock. Great!

  • "What in the actual fuck? That's my diary! I'm going to get Frank. You're dead motherfucker!"

  • No, no, we cannot let her go to Frank we cannot let her go to Frank w- fuck. Fuck.

  • Fuck! Don't get Frank. Don't get Frank. Madison! Ashley! Ashley, save me! Piece of shit.

  • Me and Frank are friends. Me and Frank are friends. We're friends. We're friends, God damn it. We're friends, you can't stop us.

  • You can't stop us Ashley, uou fuckin' whore. Frank, it's not true. It's not true

  • Don't listen to her. Do not listen to her Frank. Do not listen. Don't look- Frank, look at me.

  • I'm dead. Okay. Great. Frank, please, we can work this out.

  • We can work this out Frank, we can work this out. It doesn't have to end like this Frank.

  • You were like a father to me Frank.

  • You were supposed to be the chosen one.

  • Okay, is he coming?

  • [RPG battle music]

  • Aw fuck. "Close," close, close the God damn door.

  • Great, excellent. Just what I wanted. Please, I have a child.

  • What? How the fuck did he go down? Got 'im.

  • Ow, fuck, he got me. Aw, come on.

  • Come on. Am I going to have to replay everything?

  • God fucking damn it.

  • God fucking damn it.

  • [8-bit music]

  • Okay, so,

  • It looks like we're alone here. Just give me your dress, and I'll get the washing machine. "Can you shut the door first?" Okay.

  • We're still in the hallway... Give me your clothes.

  • "My pleasure." Oh my God! Oh my God!

  • Oh my God! "Marzia Productions," is sponsoring this video. This is an ad, for "Marzia Productions."

  • Okay, uh,

  • Your panties looks like they're soaked too. Uh, want me to throw them in the wash?

  • "Today's your lucky day." Score. No sweat. No sweat. No sweat. Okay, so we put her clothes in...

  • here.

  • Then,- oh she's naked. I forgo- okay.

  • Good job.

  • Good job. Fuck off Ashley, you're a fucking bitch. You don't love her like I do.

  • Hey crazy dance l- what that fuck is that move? Here, take a seat. Take a fuckin' seat. Take a seat right there.

  • Oh, someone's liking it. [Groan]

  • Oh my God, it's finished! Yes! Let's give her, her clothes.

  • Ha ha! Ha ha!

  • We did it, bros. High-five! Finally. Okay so what do you say? Pay me back for saving your life with a-

  • [Alert SFX]

  • [Metal Gear: Alert Theme]

  • Oh my God. Oh my God.

  • "Maybe if we go somewhere private." I guess that makes sense. Hey, pst. Hey, pst, here [whistles] come on.

  • All right, now let's close the door. Close the door, all right.

  • [Clears throat]

  • And let's...

  • talk. All right, pay me back.

  • Fuck yeah.

  • [Romantic music]

  • No, thanks, I'm saving myself for marriage. [Laughs] You dumb bitch! [Slap noise X2]

  • How do I get out of this situation? I can't. I literally can't. What?

  • "End."

  • Ha! Bitch, you got played! She got played! Got 'im.

  • [Romantic music] :D

  • This has been, my very first house party. Did you enjoy watching?

  • If you did, leave a like.

  • Uh, why don't you go ahead and leave two likes? Just to- as a social experiment.

  • And see what happens. Have you ever been to a house party?

  • Do you have any fun stories to share? Please leave a comment down below, and

  • save yourself for marriage.

This may come as a bit of a shocker.

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