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  • Hi everybody, welcome

  • I am so excited today

  • Because my family has come to visit me

  • For the first time ever

  • This is my brother Jonathan who came from the U.S.

  • He is 2 years older than me

  • Are you ?

  • I'm 2 years older

  • 2 years smarter

  • Behind me is my cousin Nati

  • Who came all the way from Israel

  • Hi everybody

  • This is my editor A(@£ùé

  • I cannot pronounce your name

  • Aurélien

  • This is Aurélien from France

  • He's behind the camera

  • You can't even see him

  • No you don't see me

  • He's invisible

  • What is your impression of Taiwan so far ?

  • I really love it, especially the food

  • I'm sending pictures of all of the soups and fruit home

  • To my wife Megan, to make her jealous

  • That she didn't get to come

  • So basically, we've been eating non-stop

  • Because it's been raining non-stop

  • But finally, today is a beautiful day

  • And we're finally going out to travel

  • The theme of today's video is actually

  • Ecological tourism and different ways

  • That we can reduce our carbon footprint

  • And the pollution we make while we're travelling

  • So you guys are not off to a good start

  • As flying really uses a lot of emissions

  • I considered coming by boat

  • You would have come halfway across

  • And then you would have had to turn back

  • I'm not doing so well neither

  • I'm driving quite an old car

  • We do have 4 people in here

  • Which is a little bit better

  • But all the things I added on the side

  • The large mirrors

  • And the lights I've put on

  • All those things reduce aerodynamic efficiency

  • Anyways that was too long and drown out

  • That's why we have an editor

  • In my head, I'm already editing you all out

  • Traveling less far consumes less carbon

  • So do the slower forms of transportation

  • Like your feet

  • Which makes hiking and outdoor sports

  • A great low impact form of tourism

  • Suspension bridges like this

  • Are very common all over Taiwan

  • There are really amazing bridges

  • I know you're a bridge guy

  • I love bridges

  • You like bridges and trains

  • That's a good combination

  • Yeah, you'll feel really at home in Taiwan

  • Wow ! Look at that

  • Yeah

  • The scenary is really amazing

  • It feels prehistoric

  • You could put a dinosaur here

  • And it would look in context

  • Yes

  • It wouldn't be out of place

  • These are Aboriginal costumes ?

  • Yes, these are the Aboriginal clothing

  • Be careful, these rocks are slippery, okay ?

  • 小飛嗎? Are you Xiao Fei ?

  • 欸,你好 Oh hello

  • 你是哪裡人? Where do you come from ?

  • 美國 America

  • 哪裡? Where in America ?

  • 北卡羅來納 North Carolina

  • How come you don't have a Red Neck accent ?

  • Whacha talkin' bout ?

  • Aw Man

  • You can go around this way

  • This way ?

  • Your hair is so interesting in the green forest

  • Yeah

  • I wear it for camouflage

  • You were very excited

  • About the garbage trucks here in Taiwan

  • I was, they sound like ice cream trucks in the U.S.

  • When I first got to Taiwan

  • I was just hungry for ice cream all the time

  • It's like a background feeling

  • You just hear it and you want ice cream

  • In Taiwan, there is quite high levels of recycling

  • I'm was thinking about that actually

  • Because the quality of recyclable materials

  • In the U.S.

  • Is quite low

  • Because Americans just won't separate it

  • A lot of things that should be recycled

  • Can't be recycled

  • Because of the contamination within the recycling bin

  • You're saying they have a recycling bin

  • And a trash bin

  • And they put everything in both of them

  • The recycling in Israel isn't done very well

  • But...

  • Because Israel is a very dry country

  • We try to be very smart about our water

  • Either by the way use it or how we do irrigation

  • For agriculture

  • We use the dripping system

  • But also for public awareness

  • About not leaving your tap open all the time

  • Yes, I think it's quite impressive

  • The way they do it in Israel

  • We need to do it all over the world

  • Because the more water we use

  • It's not just about water

  • The treatment of that water takes a lot of energy

  • How do they get people to conserve water in Israel?

  • How did that come around?

  • There's a lot of advertising on television

  • We really don't have anything like that in the U.S.

  • But it sounds like a good idea

  • Actually they are doing stuffs like that here

  • This video was actually commissioned by the E.P.A.

  • To call attention to their new app

  • Green Points

  • Green Points is a way to keep track

  • Of the products that you buy

  • And which ones are certified by the E.P.A.

  • As taking steps to reduce their carbon footprint

  • And that way, you can also earn discounts

  • And save money

  • It's a pretty cool app

  • There's a link in the description

  • And we'll get to the details

  • About how to use Green Points

  • In a minute

  • But first

  • It's time to cool off

  • At Triangle Lake Water Slide

  • We're in Miaoli now

  • This is Miaoli County

  • We were already in Miaoli before

  • But now we're in the south part of Miaoli

  • Near Taichung

  • And we're going to a resort

  • That is one of the few resorts in Taiwan

  • That has 4 certifications

  • From the E.P.A.

  • For low energy consumption

  • And low waste consumption

  • high recycling

  • All of this stuffs

  • So it's pretty cool

  • I've never been to it, I heard a lot about it

  • Lots of things are made out of recyclable materials

  • That sounds pretty cool

  • Beautiful, beautiful weather today

  • Miaoli weather

  • Nice and sunny Miaoli

  • While we checked in, the rain finally stopped

  • And we were able to go check out the park

  • Please, walk on the grass

  • I think what they did here was pretty nice

  • They just took this whole area behind me

  • That forest there

  • And they just closed it to human entry

  • And made it sort of an ecological park

  • Then, during firefly season

  • Because that area is relatively undisturbed

  • The fireflies will just come out

  • And you can view them here

  • They turn on the special lights

  • You can see all the fireflies here from April to May

  • So in order to increase the ecological awareness

  • And encourage people to use less CO2

  • And buy greener products

  • The E.P.A. has created a new app

  • Called Green Points

  • I'll put a link to where you can find it

  • Down below

  • With this app, you can keep track of the products you buy

  • And then, you can get reward points for them

  • Which you can then redeem at convenience stores

  • For discounts

  • And free products

  • To participate

  • Just look for this logo

  • For the ecological footprint

  • And this logo

  • For Green Levels

  • Which you can find on the back

  • Of any product in Taiwan

  • Here is a list of the stores that are participating

  • In this program

  • In order for companies to participate in this program

  • What they have to do

  • Is measure the entire ecological footprint

  • Of their product

  • From manufacture to use of transportation

  • And then, finally, disposal

  • And then, they have to take steps

  • To reduce that amount

  • You can find all these informations

  • On the E.P.A. website

  • Where they have a list of which product

  • Did what to reduce their ecological footprint

  • This process has to be repeated every 2 years

  • So it's important that when we purchase products

  • We choose products

  • That have taken he steps to reduce their footprint

  • To encourage more companies

  • To reduce the waste that they create

  • And to also reduce our impact

  • On the environment in general

  • As humans

  • In addition to products with these labels

  • The points are also accumulated

  • By public transportation

  • Just swipe your Easy Card or MRT Card

  • And the points will automatically be accumulated

  • In your account

  • Another way to reduce your ecological footprint

  • Is to eat at restaurants

  • That use locally sourced food

  • So now, let's check it out

  • We're gonna go to the West Lake Restaurant

  • And eat food from local farms

  • It was so great to have my family here in Taiwan

  • For the very 1st time

  • We took the long way around

  • And my brother identified

  • All the plants in the forest for us

  • So they have educational programs ?

  • Yes, they have educational programs here

  • Yesterday it was full of kids

  • They take them around

  • And basically give them the tour

  • That you, as a non-Taiwanese person

  • Are somehow giving me

  • Because you could recognise all the flowers

  • And plants, and stuffs

  • This is Blood Flower

  • This is an annual milkweed

  • Plant from the milkweed family from South America

  • It's not native to Taiwan

  • It's native to South America

  • Look at this guy

  • Look at him, just look at him

  • This is wisteria

  • Which I knew

  • I definitely didn't need Jonathan to say it first

  • Before I knew what it was

  • But he's very good with the plants

  • Because he is a firefighter

  • I'm not sure why it makes him good with plants

  • The guy here from the hotel was telling me

  • That the white flowers over there

  • Attract different kind of butterflies

  • The purple butterflies really like this flower

  • I think you're the only person I know

  • Who could ever say

  • "Oh look at all these butterflies"

  • "Oh it makes perfect sense, those are eupatoriums"

  • I'm very impressed

  • With how much of the Taiwanese food

  • Is locally produced

  • By local, I mean on the island

  • Yes, basically all the vegetables

  • And I'm quite looking forward to a meal

  • Prepared from local ingredients

  • And I think that's one area

  • Where the U.S. can really improve a lot

  • Americans always want to have everything all the time

  • Oh right !

  • That's why things don't taste fresh in my opinion

  • It's because everything is shipped such long distances

  • So you can get a tomato or an orange

  • All year around

  • But it doesn't taste

  • Like a tomato or an orange should taste

  • So before, I said the jungle here

  • The scenery looks like you could put a dinosaur into it

  • And it wouldn't look out of place

  • You can see what I mean

  • This is where the locally sourced omelette comes from

  • But do be careful because the mother is right there

  • You hold chopsticks differently

  • Depending on what you eat

  • So if we're just eating salad

  • We do it like this

  • But if you're eating meat

  • Generally you do it like this

  • You can do like that and then

  • Also with corn

  • When we eat corn in a cob

  • We stab it like this, and you can go

  • Like that, probably

  • Don't worry, you're not going to offend anybody

  • If you do anything wrong with chopsticks

  • Except for that !

  • It's what I... Argh...

  • God...

  • What they were saying is that these are from local farms

  • There is a sign out front

  • Which shows which farm they are from

  • They're all around this area

  • This is Miaoli

  • So it's all from Miaoli County

  • All the food is from Miaoli ?

  • Yes, Miaoli pumpkin

  • Tourists !

  • We can see you've been here for a few years

  • It's also why I don't own any white shirt

  • It's very good

  • No you're doing it wrong

  • It doesn't want to be eaten

  • It's fresh you know !

  • This is really good

  • I don't know what it is but it's really good

  • Eggs and Scallion

  • There's something good about it and I can't place it

  • There is some ingredient I'm missing

  • Yum

  • Yes it's good right ?

  • But I can't figure out what's in it

  • Some broth

  • That's broth, that's what it is

  • It's like soup

  • They put some chicken broth in there

  • Maybe from that chicken there

  • They cooked chicken

  • And they put the broth in there

  • We're just speculating here

  • The chicken is wonderful

  • Very tender

  • Graceful

  • As good as it was

  • We couldn't eat it all

  • So the hotel staff vacuum packed it for us

  • We'll take it on the road

  • And eat it on our next adventure

  • So when you're travelling in Taiwan

  • Be sure to look for these logos

  • To help you choose which places have taken more steps

  • To lower their ecological footprint

  • Thanks for watching everybody

  • And also thank you

  • For being ecologically conscious

  • And helping to reduce your CO2

  • And plastic use

  • And also a big thanks to the E.P.A.

  • For providing ressources and tools

  • For us to track our carbon footprint

  • And reduce our consumption

  • You'll find more information

  • In the link below

  • Let me know what you think in the coments

  • And also I put a link to the E.P.A. Green Points app

  • You can install it from there

  • Thanks again and see you next time

Hi everybody, welcome

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