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  • Hello everyone

  • and welcome back to "English with Lucy"

  • Today I've got a vocabulary and pronunciation

  • lesson for you.

  • We are going to be talking about to pronounce

  • Fruit , vegetables and nuts in English.

  • In this video I am going to show you

  • 42 different fruits , vegetables

  • and nuts, with pictures and

  • the pronunciation.

  • It should help you improve both your vocabulary

  • and your pronunciation.

  • This video should be relevant for everyone.

  • I wonder if you learn how to say :

  • a new fruit , vegetable or nut in English.

  • I am going to start of with more beginner vocabulary

  • and move up towards advanced.

  • Before we get started I would like just to thank

  • the sponsor of today's video. It is Lingonda.

  • Lingonda is an online language school

  • where you can learn English , Spanish ,French ,

  • German and business English

  • 24 hours a day,

  • 7 days a week

  • from anywhere in the world as long as you have a

  • stable internet connection.

  • You learn with native, qualified teachers

  • and when you complete

  • enough courses , you get a CERF certificate

  • ranging from A1 beginners

  • to C2 which is very advanced.

  • You follow a structured curriculum

  • but you can choose from over 1000 classes ,

  • meaning that you can tailor your language classes

  • to your profession and hobbies.

  • If you want to try also the option of a free trial class.

  • Lingoda have given me a special offer to

  • pass on to you , if you click in the description box

  • and sing up with a code : Lucy8

  • you will get a 25% discount on all Lingoda

  • packages for your first month.

  • That's a really good deal!I've tried lingoda myself and i think it's a fantastic way to improve your language skills

  • and to practice with native , qualified teachers

  • in a comfortable environment. Right,

  • let;s get started with the lesson.

  • Before I start talking to you about pronunciation ,

  • I would just like to mention fruit and

  • vegetable. The two nouns.

  • I often hear my students

  • make a mistake .

  • If you can correct you will sound much more native.

  • Vegetable is a countable noun.

  • Do you like this vegetable?

  • No, I prefer these vegetables.

  • When vegetables is in plural form

  • we add an "s" to the end.

  • Vegetable.

  • Vegetables.

  • Fruit, however is slightly different.

  • It is an exception.

  • It's not an uncountable noun ... but sometimes

  • we do treat it an uncountable noun.

  • If we want to talk about fruit in general,

  • we wouldn't say fruits , we would say fruit.

  • In a supermarket you would see fruit and

  • vegetables.Not fruits and vegetables.

  • Rarely used with the plural "s" ,

  • except in phrases that require one.

  • For example I ate 3 different fruits

  • this morning.

  • Now, let's discuss pronunciation.

  • I am going to start with fruit , simply because I am

  • addicted to fruit, I love it ,

  • it's my favorite food.

  • Make sure you repeat after me.

  • I am going to leave some time for you

  • to practice your pronunciation.

  • One

  • Apple

  • apple

  • Number Two

  • Banana

  • Banana

  • Number Three

  • Orange

  • Orange

  • Four

  • Lemon

  • Lemon

  • Five

  • Lime

  • Lime

  • Lime

  • Six

  • Grape

  • Grape

  • Seven

  • Plum

  • Plum

  • Eight

  • Kiwi

  • Kiwi

  • Nine Pear

  • Pear

  • Ten

  • Strawberry

  • Strawberry

  • Eleven

  • Blueberry

  • Blueberry

  • Twelve

  • Fig

  • Fig

  • Thirteen

  • Pomegranate

  • Pomegranate

  • Fourteen

  • Pineapple

  • Pineapple

  • Fifteen

  • Dragon Fruit

  • Dragon Fruit

  • Sixteen . My Favorite !

  • Watermelon

  • Watermelon

  • And seventeen

  • There is a debate on this whether is a fruit or a vegetable .

  • Tomato

  • Tomato

  • Ok , those were seventeen fruits.

  • Comment down below with your favorite.

  • I have already told mine. It's watermelon.

  • I love watermelon!

  • Right. Let's get

  • started with vegetables. One

  • Carrot

  • Carrot

  • Two

  • Potato

  • Potato

  • Number Three

  • Pepper

  • Pepper

  • Remember this is British English. Sometimes pepper

  • would mean something different in other country.

  • Like the next one. Four

  • Chilli

  • Chilli

  • In some English speaking countries

  • you would call a chilli , pepper .

  • Sometimes to clarify we say chilli pepper.

  • Five

  • cucumber

  • cucumber

  • Six

  • Aubergine

  • Aubergine

  • Seven

  • Artichoke

  • Artichoke

  • Eight

  • Onion

  • Onion

  • Nine

  • Garlic

  • Garlic

  • Ten

  • Avocado

  • Avocado

  • Eleven

  • Asparagus

  • Asparagus

  • Twelve

  • Broccoli

  • Broccoli

  • Thirteen

  • Mushroom

  • Mushroom

  • Fourteen . Okey this is a pickled

  • cucumber .

  • But it is important if you want a really good burger.

  • Gherkin

  • Gherkin

  • Fifteen

  • Radish

  • Radish

  • Sixteen

  • Pea

  • Pea

  • And remember the plural " peas "

  • is with a "z " sound , not

  • peace which is

  • world peace.

  • Seventeen. Pumpkin

  • Pumpkin

  • And number Eighteen

  • Perhaps a not quite a vegetable but still important.

  • Ginger

  • Ginger

  • Right. Let's move on to last part

  • of this video the pronunciation of

  • nuts.

  • Number One

  • Walnut

  • Walnut

  • Two

  • Pistachio

  • Pistachio

  • Pistachio was the name of my rescue cat,

  • who still leaves in Spain with my ex-boyfriends family.

  • He was lovely. He is lovely.

  • Number Three

  • Brazil nut

  • Brazil nut

  • Four

  • Peanut

  • Peanut

  • Five

  • Hazelnut

  • Hazelnut

  • Six

  • Macadamia

  • Macadamia

  • And number seven . The final one.

  • Almond

  • Almond This is commonly mispronounced

  • as A'l'mond or A"ll"ond.

  • It should be Almond.

  • Right. That's it for today's lesson.

  • Don't forget to comment down below

  • with your favorites from this list.

  • And don't forget to check out lingonda,

  • the link is in the description box and you can use my code

  • Lucy 8 for 25 % discount off for your first month.

  • You can also connect with me

  • on all of my social media, I've got my Facebook,

  • I've got my Instagram and I've got my Twitter.

  • And I shall see you soon for an other lesson.

Hello everyone

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