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  • Is this trusted, local vendor simply selling sweets?

  • Or is he peddling something sour?

  • This is Bikini Bottom Mysteries.

  • From the friendly shores of Goo Lagoon.

  • Thanks.

  • To the lawless waves of pirate territory.

  • Get 'em boys!

  • Lou will go just about anywhere to make a buck.

  • But follow his money trail, and Lou's motives might turn murky.

  • Exhibit A: Ambition.

  • It seems Lou works every job under the sea.

  • He swabs the decks of a cargo ship

  • serves up snacks at The Reef, and picks up shifts at the Barg'N-Mart.

  • Seem like an honest businessman?

  • Wrong!

  • He'll sneak his hot dog cart into a museum.

  • A purveyor of food.

  • Got a permit for that weenie wagon?

  • And capitalizing on endless bathroom lines?

  • Popcorn, peanuts.

  • Can't a guppy go in peace, Lou?

  • Just look how far he'll push himself to squeeze a dime out of an honest fish.

  • And what's your pleasure?

  • Looks like all this greedy gills cares about is scooping up cash.

  • But is Lou really all about the clams?

  • Exhibit B: Freebies.

  • Business would be booming at Goo Lagoon

  • if Lou were actually charging his customers.

  • Two please.

  • Thanks.

  • But where's the money, Lou?

  • Here, he's so busy giving away balloons

  • that he lets thieves run off with even more of his stock.

  • Customers have to literally throw money at him.

  • There you go.

  • And those party kits, guess what?

  • Oh we're having a special on those, they're free.

  • They're free.

  • What kind of sale is this?

  • A buy none, get one free sale?

  • If that sounds suspicious,

  • you won't believe what we've uncovered in this footage.

  • Watch closely.

  • He doesn't even keep ice cream in that cart.

  • So if he's not profiting off his ice cream...

  • What's Lou really selling?

  • Temper tantrum in center aisle!

  • Exhibit C: Profiteering. Tons of business that don't actually make any sales.

  • Tons of business that don't actually make any sales.

  • Is the real money in selling something... darker?

  • No, no. Thank you.

  • Could this friendly-looking fish actually be profiting from disaster?

  • Not convinced?

  • Lou's been spotted inciting an angry mob.

  • And then raking in revenue selling flaming torches.

  • Just look at that cold-hearted smile.

  • And what exactly is the deal with those red stains on his apron?

  • But hang on to your shell.

  • Because things are about to get much more shocking.

  • As these poor spectators are drenched in searing hot oil.

  • Get your fish sticks here!

  • Lou darts in to turn a profit off this horrific tragedy

  • Just seconds after they're deep fried to a crisp.

  • It's almost like he was waiting for this moment.

  • Lou, you twisted, vicious fish.

  • So is Lou really a jolly ice cream vendor?

  • No, no. Thank you.

  • Hiya!

  • Or deep down, is he a warped, undersea monster?

  • We may never uncover the true depths of Lou's depravity.

  • Get your torches!

  • But there's one thing we do know.

  • Never order the fish sticks.

  • And now, a Bikini Bottom Bonus Mystery.

  • The Dirty Bubble is a top officer of Every Villain Is Lemons.

  • But how evil is he, really?

  • Manray is definitely invested in taking over the world.

  • World domination!

  • But The Dirty Bubble seems much more interested in

  • stylish hats, paddle ball, book clubs and childish pranks.

  • And make him eat dirt.

  • Is this so-called "arch nemesis" really in over his head?

  • Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy's arch nemesis!

  • The Dirty Bubble!

  • Is he just an innocent bubble who fell in with a bad crowd?

  • File this one under F for Free The Dirty Bubble.

  • Have you seen something strange under the sea?

  • Leave us a comment and tune in next time for more investigations

  • that will blow your pores, strip your scales and flip your fins.

  • Like, subscribe, and remember, if the pineapple fits...

  • Live in it.

Is this trusted, local vendor simply selling sweets?

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