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  • This shot doesn't even have a name.

  • Hoo-ha.

  • - ( grunts ) - Back of the rim. That's so close.

  • - You got me. - You got it now.

  • Gonna make it, son.

  • This is the shed shot.

  • I still don't know why we decided to ever film it.

  • This next shot is called roof-alama-ding-dong.

  • Basketball goal was $80.

  • I remember the price because I was like,

  • "Man, that's kinda steep."

  • - We were just having fun. - This is the chimney ball.

  • - What did you just hit? - Cody: I thought it was a one and done.

  • - Let's just make the trick shot... - Yes!

  • - Dyno! - ...upload it, see what people think,

  • laugh about it, and move on.

  • And then it just caught fire.

  • - ( screaming ) - Yes!

  • - He made it! - What's up, baby?

  • ( cheering )

  • - Yes! - Yeah!

  • Cory: So we decided at that point

  • we're going to put out new videos every other Monday.

  • Yeah!

  • When we made that jump, our channel just exploded.

  • We're Dude Perfect, and welcome to RC edition!

  • - Let's go! - ( screaming )

  • - Get in, ball. - ( laughing )

  • ( screaming )

  • - Aah! - Yeehaw!

  • - ♪ Yeah, this is it ♪ - ( screaming )

  • Ten years later, we're at over 50 million subscribers.

  • Ten billion views. That's a lot of billion.

  • How many people are in the world?

  • ( cheering )

  • What's up, guys? We're Dude Perfect.

  • - And I'm Paul Rudd. - ( cheering )

  • We got some targets up in the stands.

  • Russell's gonna help us knock 'em down.

  • Go, let's go

  • - Oh, this is awkward. - Oh!

  • - ♪ This is it ♪ - ♪ Yeah, this it

  • - Are you kidding me? - ( cheering )

  • - Yes! - ( cheering )

  • For Dude Perfect, we always want to continue to push the envelope.

  • We're always trying to do something new.

  • So we thought, can we do this live?

  • Should we talk about the DP Live tour?

  • - I think we should. - Wow!

  • What if we took the show on the road? I mean, is that even possible?

  • This summer we are going on a 20 city live tour!

  • - Yes! - The Dude Perfect live tour.

  • ( imitates explosion )

  • This shot does not even have a name.

  • Hoo-ha.

  • ( music playing )

  • Put your hands up

  • Raise 'em higher

  • We made it

  • Yeah, we're on top of the world

  • World

  • We're on top of the world

  • Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, please stand to your feet

  • and help me welcome

  • Dude Perfect!

  • What's up, L.A.?

  • ( crowd cheering )

  • - So, this thing's happening? - That's what I said. I think it's real.

  • So we're gonna drop that in down your back and this is gonna stay up top.

  • - Okay. - Shake your head. Jump up and down.

  • Cody: I think that this tour is without a doubt

  • the biggest risk Dude Perfect's ever made.

  • We've literally never done anything like this.

  • Are we ready to jump in? Oh, no!

  • Garrett: We're doing 21 shows.

  • First one kicks off in San Diego.

  • - San Diego! - Am I saying that right? San "Di-ago"?

  • - Is that where we are? - Yeah!

  • And today's the first day of rehearsal.

  • - You look like a huge weirdo. - Dude.

  • All right, this is the first battle.

  • Make some noise if you guys are excited!

  • Coby: We're 90% sold out right now.

  • Somewhere around 120,000 tickets, which is crazy.

  • Cody: Everything we've done is behind a camera

  • and it can always be edited.

  • - Short. - Oh, man!

  • - We just disconnected. - We should probably stop that.

  • So for this tour, it's gonna be raw and real

  • and are people gonna like it?

  • There's just a lot of unknowns.

  • - What are we doing? - Did you guys want to go on tour, like, next week?

  • - Yeah. - That's what it says at the top of the page.

  • - Yeah. - Cory: We've come up with

  • pretty much everything for the tour.

  • We are working with a great touring company

  • 'cause we don't know how to do a full-fledged live show.

  • This is the day to, like, stop, ask questions.

  • If we don't like how something's feeling,

  • let's bring that to surface today so we can address it prior to San Diego.

  • Tyler: We're essentially taking the best parts of all of our YouTube videos

  • and combining them into one live show.

  • So we'll be doing some live battles...

  • ( yelling, laughing )

  • some trick shots...

  • Yeah!

  • ...and then some of the fan favorites from the "Overtime" series that we do as well.

  • Oh!

  • Welcome to "Overtime!" Hopefully it goes well.

  • You've seen the "Overtime" desk.

  • It's basically the same one as upstairs,

  • and then we've split it into three sides, so...

  • - No way. - It's not happening.

  • - Ten bucks if you do it. - Oh, he did it! He did it!

  • - Let's go! Let's go! - ( overlapping shouting )

  • - Boom! - There were casualties.

  • Was it worth it? I think so.

  • I spiked my chicken biscuit. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

  • Jeff: People ask me, "What is it like to represent the Dude Perfect guys?"

  • Well, to me, it's very easy

  • because what you see is what you get.

  • They're the same guys when the camera's not rolling.

  • You know I can show up at your house uninvited and I wouldn't even think twice.

  • - Please do not do that. - I might. Okay, well...

  • They're crazy and fun and competitive

  • and all of those things rolled into one.

  • Tyler: I'm definitely excited.

  • They five of us living together on a bus? It'll be like college.

  • Being roommates, that's kinda how we started all this in the first place.

  • We all met at Texas A&M.

  • Had a wonderful experience

  • meeting the twins for the first time.

  • Showed up at their house,

  • they are learning the Soulja Boy dance

  • on their projector.

  • And I walk in and they're doing the "Crank That" Soulja Boy,

  • and I'm like, "So these are the guys

  • you've been hanging out with at school? Okay.

  • I mean, I guess I can get on board with that."

  • Coby: We ended up living together with Tyler and Cory and me in the house.

  • Garrett was too clean for us. He was down the street.

  • Garrett, let me show you something.

  • Garrett: Basically, I spent the whole day there,

  • but they were just too messy for me.

  • Like, one day I remember going in there,

  • and I had to wash the dishes before I could even hang out with them.

  • I can't do this, man. I'm too stressed out.

  • ( chuckles )

  • We needed one more roommate, and Cody Jones squeaked in

  • by the skin of his teeth.

  • Cody: I met the twins through playing basketball at the rec center.

  • I'm telling you right now, I was almost embarrassed to say that I knew them

  • because they had the straight chili bowl haircuts.

  • This is, like, sophomore, junior year of college.

  • Coby: The definition of a bowl cut.

  • We're talking "High School Musical" Zac Efron days,

  • and so people thought that was a cool haircut.

  • Tyler: So you have a tall goofy guy,

  • you have two twins that just moved out of their mom's house,

  • - a clean freak... - Yeah!

  • ...and me, a guy who would probably

  • rather live in the woods.

  • You know what kind of ducks those are?

  • Cinnamon Teal and a green wing teal.

  • On paper, it shouldn't have really worked,

  • but for some reason, we just clicked.

  • ( overlapping chatter )

  • We were always making up these weird competitive games

  • just for something to do.

  • We had this game called Hustle Ball

  • where two people would sit on a couch,

  • and you'd have to sit on your hands

  • and then somebody would throw a football

  • right in between you guys.

  • ( overlapping chatter )

  • It was a free-for-all. First person to get the football is the winner.

  • Toney in the second round.

  • Coby: I don't think Ty went to class.

  • We would get home and he would have some ridiculous idea for something to do.

  • One day Garrett and I were like, "Well, hey, let's go get a basketball goal."

  • Garrett: We didn't have a driveway.

  • So we just put it in the backyard

  • right on the grass and just started playing backyard basketball.

  • Whoa!

  • One thing led to another and we started filming 'em.

  • Coby: And we're all just trying to top the last guy.

  • - Boom! - So we posted it on Cory's YouTube channel

  • because none of us had a YouTube channel.

  • We sent it out to all of our family and friends on email.

  • Obviously just for fun, but we put a little bit

  • of time into it, so we wanted people to see it.

  • We went to sleep, no big deal.

  • We woke up the next morning

  • and it hit "Sports Illustrated's" website.

  • And we were freaking out and we were searching for it

  • and seeing it was on all these different blogs.

  • It felt like it was everywhere.

  • Sports sites, blogs, morning shows.

  • We were running around screaming like little girls, we were so excited.

  • Coby: Made a couple more videos after that

  • and they were just continuing to get more and more views.

  • ( cheering )

  • We just felt like we were on to something,

  • and we just wanted to keep making fun videos.

  • - ( cheering ) - Yeah!

  • You don't keep people's attention and keep them coming back

  • by giving them the same thing over and over again,

  • so each video had to be better than the last,

  • and that's honestly been our philosophy ever since.

  • Coby: We do not want to do something you've seen before.

  • We want to make sure that it feels new.

  • Yeehaw!

  • Cody: We are always looking to go bigger,

  • and that applies to everything we do.

  • - We appreciate y'all coming. - Well, this is gonna be fun.

  • - Yeah. - Jeff: On behalf of all the Dude Perfect guys,

  • thank you so much for taking your time to come out tonight.

  • As you know, we're getting ready to kick off our first ever live tour,

  • so what we wanna do is we wanna rehearse in front of friendly family.

  • - Right? - So no heckling?

  • - So no what? - Heckling.

  • - You can heckle if you want. - Where's the comment box?

  • There will be hecklers, so we need to see it.

  • I'm sure the wives will heckle once they get home privately.

  • We need to feel it. I respect it.

  • Bethany: I literally have heard zero about this tour.

  • Kristin: Garrett debriefed me last night.

  • - Garrett always debriefs you. - He does, he does.

  • - He keeps me in the loop. - I have to ask Kristin

  • for all the information regarding Dude Perfect.

  • - Hey, Bob-Bob. How are you, buddy boy? - How are you?

  • - Doing good. Enjoy the show. - Cody.

  • - Enjoy the show. - Good to see you. Thank you.

  • Keep expectations low, folks. Keep 'em low.

  • Mykael: Ladies and gentlemen, please stand to your feet

  • and help me welcome your starting five!

  • Thank you, guys. Thank you!

  • Truly, I did not have any idea

  • about what this tour was gonna be like

  • until we saw the preview as a family.

  • Oh, no. Oh, Pierce. Oh, no!

  • - He's gonna have to get PB&J'D. - That's what I thought.

  • Kristin: I did ask him the other day, you know, will you be nervous

  • on stage in front of all those people?

  • Y'all have done it before, but you're going live.

  • Garrett: I can't really picture 8,000 people just in front of you.

  • You know, that's kinda--

  • it's going to take me a little bit of getting used to.

  • You knew this day was coming, Ty.

  • We're talking about your rage issues, buddy.

  • Oh, I don't-- those are long gone.

  • I mean, when was the last time I raged? Like, a year ago?

  • Allison: Cody, he kinda shines in the live events.

  • Like, that's kinda like-- that's his personality.

  • So I think he's excited just to do something different.

  • - I think they all are. - ( screaming )

  • No! No, Ty! What are you doing?

  • Oh, my-- oh! Oh!

  • - We'll work on that. - Oh, oh!

  • He just hit me with a guitar!

  • Allison: Seeing it live is really fun

  • because, like, we don't ever get to see that part of it.

  • So it's super exciting. We get to watch what--

  • - Yeah, they do it every day. - Yeah.

  • Like, he thinks it's his normal life, but I'm like--

  • - This is not normal. - I don't--

  • Okay, guys, that is what we have for you tonight.

  • Do you think this is gonna work?

  • - Yeah! - We're still not sure, to be totally honest.

  • We don't know, but this is what we got, so...

  • I thought they did a really great job.

  • Yeah, it was good. It was funny.

  • Jeff: Thank you so much. We're really excited about the show.

  • Obviously we're going to be gone a long time.

  • And what we'd like to do is bring the guys out here

  • and just ask God to watch over us

  • and allow us to do the best that we can.

  • And we will start off by praying a special blessing

  • on this incredible team as they launch from home

  • that each of us would go with them in our hearts,

  • in our prayers, and in our support.

  • - We pray this in Jesus' name. - All: Amen.

  • Tyler: I feel pretty good about the overall show.

  • I still think once we get out there on the real stage with the real lights,

  • it's gonna be a completely different experience.

  • Having the families here is awesome and great,

  • but they're pretty supportive of us in general,

  • so they're not really gonna give us great feedback

  • for how well the show's gonna actually go.

  • I think they'll do a tremendous job,

  • and I think the audience will respond really well.

  • Tyler: It's about to be go-time.

  • Here we go, and we're on the hook for 21 shows, so...

  • What up, guys? We are about to head out on our first ever live tour.

  • 20 cities. Here we go.

  • Got the bags packed. Cobes, you hyped?

  • - Whoo! Let's do it. - Here we go.

  • Yeehaw! Here we are.

  • We're headed to California. It's tour time, boys.

  • - What are we doing, man? - Let's do it!

  • - Morning, Ryan. - All right, today is the day.

  • First show of 22 here in San Diego.

  • - It's game day. - Cody: Now that the show is put together,

  • the only thing that I'm nervous on is, like, will it play?

  • I just don't want it to land flat, right?

  • Like I can see it in a YouTube video,

  • but in a huge arena, I don't know.

  • - ( bass rumbling ) - You hear that rumble?

  • Oh, they're gonna cue it up perfectly for us to walk in.

  • - My gosh. - Oh!

  • ( music playing )

  • ( laughing )

  • Mykael: Ladies and gentlemen, please stand to your feet

  • and help me welcome your starting five!

  • - ( music playing ) - Oh!

  • - Oh, my. - ( no audible dialogue )

  • - That's insane. - That's insane.

  • ( music continues )

  • Whoo, boys! It's happening.

  • Yeah, we going on tour, boy.

  • Tyler: It's kind of like a real production.

  • We got people pressing buttons on slides, running lights, building props.

  • What would happen though if I just did that?

  • A couple of these, a couple of those.

  • Yeah, I mean, look at this thing. This is the set-up.

  • Well, you know what I appreciate more than the coffee bar

  • is the sign in the coffee bar.

  • Once we're 15 shows in,

  • it's gonna be nice to have a little reminder

  • of where you're actually at.

  • I really think we should probably get rehearsing.

  • I'm a little nervous about it.

  • - What is up, San Diego? - Whoo!

  • - That is loud. - That is loud, Gar.

  • - I am. - Give it to me.

  • Oh! Oh!

  • - Yeah, you look good. - Yeah, you look good.

  • - It's still scary. - Yeah, it is. Now go jump over that.

  • - Oh, God. - Yeah.

  • - Yeah, good luck getting up. - Ah! No, no, no!

  • - ( grunting ) - Oh, God.

  • ( all grunting )

  • Jeff: I think the guys are good live performers.

  • Practice performers-- not so much.

  • - Go! - ( grunting )

  • But when you've got, like, 7,000 people

  • sitting right there in front of you

  • expecting to be entertained 100% of the time,

  • great on the fly may not be the best approach.

  • - ( shouting ) - ( grunting )

  • - You almost died. - Did you just land on your face?

  • - I landed on my shoulder. - Medic!

  • Okay, great. You guys ready to roll that again?

  • - Yeah, let's try that again. - We'll start the entire run-through top to bottom.

  • - ( screaming ) - One, two...

  • They never practice trick shots.

  • Just do it. Same thing with, like, a tour.

  • You guys are gonna have to get together and spin the same.

  • There's a lot of winging it.

  • - ( overlapping shouting ) - Hug it out. Hug it out.

  • We're very Last-Minute Larry. So there's no script.

  • There's no plan. It's us just going with the flow.

  • Who's ready to witness a world record attempt?

  • - How are you feeling? - I'm feeling like these lemons are very poorly spaced.

  • - Yeah, this isn't gonna work. - Somebody take this.

  • - Hey, let's give him a plaque. - Do we have the plaque?

  • We need to practice that stuff.

  • I feel like we're not really ready for rehearsal, to be honest with you.

  • Is that just me? Anybody else feel that way?

  • ( sighs ) What is happening?

  • - I don't know. - That whole table set-up is not gonna work.

  • - No, I know. We gotta get a new table. - We gotta tell 'em.

  • Coby: I'm stressed right now, honestly.

  • We got a lot of details that just aren't working.

  • Jeff: We're trying to pull everything together before tonight's show and stuff.

  • But, like, plaques need to be ready to go for Absurd Recurds.

  • We need to fire T-shirt cannons.

  • In order to even test it, we gotta be able to cut lemons

  • - with them correctly spaced. - Yeah, we need to break the bottle.

  • Tyler: For any project that we decide to take on,

  • whether it's a TV show or a live tour,

  • we want to make sure that we spend the time to make it

  • as good as it can be before we release it.

  • Jeff: I know it's the first show and I know everybody's

  • dress rehearsal and stuff, but at some point in time

  • we gotta pull it all together and we're running out of time.

  • To me it just seemed like a personnel issue still.

  • There was-- people just didn't know what they were doing.

  • So, we've thus far have not made it smoothly through the full show,

  • but we'll-- it's-- you know, game time.

  • We'll show up.

  • Maybe. I don't know.

  • Ah. I smile to keep--

  • - ( screams ) - Oh, my goodness!

  • Yes! He's pumped. So am I.

  • - Let's go! - Let's go, Dude Perfect!

  • - Yeah! - ( cheering )

  • ( cheering )

  • Dude Perfect!

  • They're so crazy and so funny.

  • They're probably the awesomest YouTuber ever.

  • I like all the trick shots that they do.

  • I'm their biggest fan.

  • All: Pound it! Noggin! See ya!

  • We're really doing a live show.

  • - That is my personal towel. - Well, I'm clean, I think.

  • - Eh, these are from yesterday. Definitely dirty. - Okay, cool, cool.

  • - Yeah, no worries. - Hey, no worries.

  • - We're brothers. - Jeez, man. Wow.

  • You've been there that whole time?

  • - I'm gonna move this. - Yeah.

  • Ho-- that's a pre-game, huh?

  • If you don't call that the nervous poos,

  • I don't know what you call them.

  • - Could you at least-- - Whoo!

  • - Oh, golly. - Hey, they're ready to mic us.

  • - Let's do it. - Is it go-time?

  • - Just got nervous all of a sudden. - Oh, gosh!

  • Crush it.

  • - Keep doing it. Keep doing it. - What's up, baby? Yeah.

  • ♪ 'Cause this is what I live for

  • No, this is what I live for

  • ♪ I'ma take another swing so

  • - ( overlapping chatter ) - We're in game time.

  • Here we go. Good work. Here we go.

  • It's time to kiss the ring

  • ♪ I'm trying to get gold

  • ♪ 'Cause this is what I live for

  • - ♪ This is what I live for ♪ - Five, four, three, two, one!

  • ( cheering )

  • Mykael: Ladies and gentlemen, please stand to your feet

  • and help me welcome your starting five!

  • ( music playing )

  • What's up, guys?

  • Let's go, everybody!

  • Yeah! Whoo!

  • Yeah, baby!

  • Yeah!

  • - Mykael: Dude Perfect! - Yeah!

  • Yes! What is up, San Diego?

  • ( cheering )

  • Guys, you came! We didn't believe it.

  • Tobes, how excited are we to be here?

  • Level ten, baby! Let's get it tonight!

  • - Okay! - Whoo!

  • Tonight we will crown the first ever

  • Pound It Noggin Tour battle champion.

  • - That's right. - True.

  • ( music playing )

  • ♪ Y'all ready to go? ♪

  • This is Dizzy Battle!

  • - Oh, here we go! - Oh, oh!

  • I'm gonna throw up. Heads up.

  • - Oh! - Throw it!

  • Yeah!

  • This place is sick. It is so sick.

  • Aah!

  • - Ty! Oh! - ( screaming )

  • ♪ 'Cause I'm coming through

  • Can't hold me down, can't bottle this heat

  • ♪ I'm burning up like a thousand degrees

  • - Don't blow it. - Good crowd.

  • Good crowd. Don't blow it.

  • ♪ I'm making moves

  • Do we have any Cool Not Cool fans in the house tonight?

  • Tonight I decided to bring one item

  • that I thought might bring the house down.

  • The world's largest smoke ring!

  • - Go! - That is incredible.

  • Yeah!

  • Like The Flash, yeah, and I'm coming fast

  • Whoa, oh, oh, yeah

  • ♪ I'm making moves, let's go

  • Ready to go, I'm making moves

  • - ♪ Let's go ♪ - That was brutal.

  • ♪ I'm never gonna stop

  • - He cut 68 of them! - ♪ I'm making moves

  • Do we have any Ned Forrester fans in the house tonight?

  • - Unfortunate! - Oh!

  • I hope you're ready for the grand finale!

  • ♪ I'm gonna do, do what I do

  • ♪ I'm making moves

  • Oh, yeah

  • Pound It Noggin Tour champion!

  • ♪ I'm making moves

  • Thank you guys for being here tonight.

  • Oh, my goodness gracious. Every shot I took at the gong,

  • I think I missed by a half an inch.

  • - Yeah, you did, dude. - Every single one.

  • - That was insane. - That crowd was lit.

  • - I think my voice is bleeding. - Oh, yeah, me, too.

  • - Mykael, you did awesome. - Great job, guys.

  • - Here we go. One, two, three. - All: 21!

  • Clearly, it's a conditioning issue

  • because I don't feel like I ran that far,

  • but I am sucking wind right now.

  • Partly adrenaline. That was incredibly exciting.

  • - Yo, yo, yo! - What's up, guys?

  • - ( kids screaming ) - Ty, Ty, Ty, Ty!

  • Guys, I tried to pull it out for you.

  • I don't know what happened. I fell apart.

  • - What up, guys? - Let's give it up for Coby!

  • - Yes! - Come on, come on.

  • - The champ is here! - Are we a football team here? Are we just buds?

  • - Yeah, some of it. - Lots of teammates, lots of siblings.

  • - Yeah. - We got older brothers, younger brothers.

  • - Nice, nice. - This is the crew.

  • I like it, I like it. Well, what did you guys think?

  • First show ever. Not horrible?

  • - You'd never know! - Yeah? What was your favorite...

  • Drew: The show was phenomenal. Especially the first one,

  • just the amount of preparation that goes into it

  • and having it go as seamless as it did.

  • I thought it was great. Obviously the crowd loved it.

  • Fans were into it. The kids.

  • I mean, it's really all about the kids

  • and their level of enjoyment.

  • And I know our kids had a ball.

  • How glad are you that I didn't bring you up

  • for Wheel Unfortunate on mayo and apples?

  • - I appreciate that very much. - Okay.

  • Badminton trick shots, croquet trick shots,

  • and Build A Catapult Battle, 'cause I want more--

  • Take notes. I need a notebook with all of those written down.

  • Let's make sure everybody gets a picture.

  • Y'all want to get a picture with everybody?

  • Coby: I think the tour is a really unique chance just to thank our fans.

  • Thank you guys for coming. Really appreciate you guys.

  • So it's gonna be awesome to go thank them in person.

  • - Is that tall man approved? - Just enough.

  • Ooh, actually I don't fit.

  • Have we confirmed that Cody's the worst snorer?

  • - Yeah. - Oh, no doubt.

  • So, good first show. Checking social media.

  • Seems like the people enjoyed it, which is awesome.

  • That's a nice little weight lifted off our chests there,

  • so getting ready to enjoy an experience--

  • our first ever bus sleep, hopefully.

  • Hopefully, we can sleep.

  • I'm a little concerned that snore master

  • up here is above me.

  • Show number two, here we come.

  • - I did have dairy, though. - Oh, great. Good night.

  • ( shouting )

  • - I love you, Cody! - Love you more!

  • I know everybody says this, but I really do feel like

  • we have the best fans in the world.

  • Garrett: We have fans from all ages, all backgrounds,

  • and I'm really proud to say that families can watch our videos together.

  • - This is Flynn. - Oh, wow.

  • - Hey, what's up? - I've been watching you for years.

  • For years? All right. Oh, let's all get a little jumping. Okay!

  • - I love the excitement. - Nice.

  • Cody: Some of our fan interactions are just priceless.

  • I'll have kids come up, complete strangers,

  • just give me a full hug and their mom and dad are like,

  • "What is happening?" I'm like, "No, I'm a YouTuber."

  • Garrett: It's flattering that people come up

  • and say they love watching your videos and your content,

  • what you pour your heart and soul into.

  • But it was definitely weird at first.

  • Why didn't I do my hair like this? Golly!

  • - Do you think I could do it? - Um, has to be longer.

  • - Hey, what about me? - Um, you don't have any.

  • - All: Oh! - This guy's cool.

  • - Who's your favorite? - Coby.

  • - Coby. - ( overlapping chatter )

  • Coby: When fans come up and want a picture,

  • you never want to give that person a bad experience

  • because they feel like they know us.

  • From their perspective, they do know us

  • because they've watched hours of our crazy antics.

  • Honestly, there's a lot of weight to the fact

  • that these kids hang on our every word,

  • and that's a big responsibility.

  • Hey, just FYI, we're in Los Angeles, boys.

  • - Thank you. - Aerosmith, KISS,

  • - Gladys Knight and the Pips. - That's awesome.

  • A few names I've heard of up there.

  • - Oh, Disturbed! Let's go. - Doobie Brothers.

  • Led Zepplin. Pretty much everybody that you could think of.

  • Oh, Dude Perfect. There we are.

  • - Look at that. - Oh, wow! What a great spot.

  • - L.A.! Yes! - That's nice.

  • Hey, knee level. That's nice. Right at the knees.

  • - That's pretty sweet. - That's cool.

  • - Wow, that's super cool. - We have made it.

  • In our green room tonight in L.A., Rod Stewart.

  • Neil Young-- Don't know who that is.

  • Coby: Even though we've been doing this for ten years now,

  • each of our kind of personalities within the group

  • haven't really changed.

  • Look at our living room area.

  • Cody Jones, he is smelly, loud.

  • What do you mean? He's a great-- he's funny.

  • - I know. He is. - He's a funny dude.

  • Frozen yogurt!

  • Let's go! Check this out.

  • That's frozen. Oh, I need a cup. That was on me.

  • Cody has always been the goofball.

  • Let's do-- ooh! Ha ha!

  • Hey, good-looking.

  • Cory: The first time I met him,

  • he was telling me some goofy story

  • about him being a door-to-door salesman,

  • and that's what sold me on his friendship.

  • I was like, dude, this guy's hilarious.

  • These are giant darts for a normal man. I'm a tall man.

  • - He's non-confrontational. - No, he's confrontational.

  • He'll tell you, like, when he's not--

  • It's tough to put this kid in a box.

  • - I know. - Yes!

  • Garrett: Coby? What would you say about Coby?

  • I more concerned right now what everyone's gonna say about myself.

  • That's where you mind went?

  • Let me guess what people would say about me.

  • They won't really say anything about, like, my personality or anything.

  • They'll just be like, "Nah, he's clean."

  • Garrett is the cleanest person I have ever met.

  • Yep. He likes to sweep, vacuum.

  • I don't even know what that is, but he does it.

  • Guess I'll clean up as you guys are--

  • - Thanks, Gare. - Go ahead. All right, Gare.

  • Yeah, it's a concrete cleaner.

  • Instead of just moving dirt around, it'll actually pick it up.

  • I' m excited.

  • Cory: Garrett is an absolute neat freak,

  • and just by far the most responsible.

  • I'm hoping one day they'll grow up, be 30-year-olds,

  • but not quite yet.

  • Tyler: If we didn't have a guy like Garrett in the group

  • that cared about cleanliness

  • and being organized and stuff like that,

  • what would this place look like?

  • We wouldn't have room to do this interview

  • because there would be a pile of garbage right here.

  • - Yeah! - Let's go! Let's go!

  • - Let's go! - Cody: Cory, huh?

  • - Whoo! - I'm going to be the first

  • to say that is one handsome man.

  • - Oh. Wow, yes. - Strong last name.

  • - Just a lot to like, you know? - Oh, my.

  • - Yeah, you would. - Yeah.

  • - He's Twin Two. - He's a twin. They love that.

  • They do like that.

  • You can't really separate the twins.

  • I mean, I have never met twins that love being twins

  • as much as our twins.

  • It's true. It's true.

  • Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo.

  • Man: It's amazing. Coby is back!

  • Cory: Coby has been the encourager.

  • And Coby is, like, the unshakeable positive attitude

  • that most people really appreciate in their friendships.

  • Whoo! You can't touch me.

  • Coby: Cory's super loyal.

  • He will stick with you to the end.

  • He will be the first one to have your back.

  • I've always appreciated that about him.

  • Coby and Cory signing off.

  • Do you want to say some nice things about me?

  • Uh, yeah, Ty. Tyler.

  • - Hmm. - Hmm.

  • - Ty. - Ty.

  • - What a guy, huh? - ( mumbling )

  • When he gets an audience, the guy just comes alive.

  • Aah! This is the greatest toy ever!

  • Cody: I think he's the face of the group.

  • What's up, guys? We're Dude Perfect.

  • We're Dude Perfect. We're Dude Perfect.

  • ( as Yoda ) No, no, no, not today.

  • - Perfect! - ( inhales deeply )

  • Cory: Tyler's always been the center of attention.

  • - He just turns it on. - Sometimes you just need a little disguise.

  • Dude, let me-- let me just tweak your nose right here.

  • He's talented at a lot of random stuff,

  • - like, uh... - Throwing plungers.

  • Throwing plungers. Unbelievable.

  • Cody: He threw a plunger. It stuck on the wall.

  • And the excitement that came from that,

  • you're like, okay, we gotta do a video

  • because he is jazzed out of his mind.

  • Really was hoping you were going to high-five me there.

  • You're a master of none, but kind of like above average though.

  • But he's not a master of anything.

  • You mean I'm good at everything, but not great at anything.

  • That is what I'm going for.

  • He's in the ring! He's going!

  • ( playing "Mary Had A Little Lamb" )

  • The cool thing about this item is when I breathe this in...

  • - That seems unsafe. - ( deep voice ) I can talk like this!

  • Yeah! What do you think? Is that a cool item?

  • ( cheering )

  • Cobes, you owe me 100 if this goes in.

  • - Coby: 50. - All right.

  • One of our big fears at the beginning

  • was that our fans would just want to see, like, a trick shot tour.

  • This is the Cowboy stadium shot.

  • - Yeah! - Whoo!

  • A live trick shot show just wouldn't be that fun.

  • Thanks for the 50, Cobes.

  • I mean, it would if you made it on the first try, but...

  • That was pretty close. Ah, dang it.

  • Oh!

  • We actually don't make it on the first try.

  • Oh!

  • ( glass shatters )

  • Stop, stop, stop, stop!

  • ( glass shatters )

  • Why were you not holding it?

  • We have. We have made it on the first try.

  • This is the world's longest blindfolded basketball shot.

  • - Oh, you literally made it! - No.

  • You swished it! I swear!

  • - That was the first take. - No way!

  • We're actually pretty good, but it's not gonna happen on the first try every time.

  • - Oh! - Ooh, cheese balls. Love those.

  • - Oh, boy. - ( laughter )

  • - Spoon please. - Coby: So we knew we didn't

  • want to only do trick shot videos.

  • Could we try something different? Would our fans still like it?

  • Whoo! Timster, did you see me get pitted on that gnarly barrel?

  • Both: Whoo!

  • So we took a huge risk and came up

  • with this whole kind of comedy series

  • - called "Stereotypes." - Time to take a picture.

  • Whoa! Oh, yeah!

  • Whoo! Nice toss!

  • "Stereotypes" is basically us poking fun

  • at all of the different types

  • of people you would see in one given situation.

  • ( screaming )

  • Tyler: There are millions of videos to watch online,

  • so it's always a risk when you decide to do something new.

  • - What do you guys want to do? - I don't know. We could go hiking.

  • What are you gonna do at the end?

  • Just turn around and walk back?

  • To be honest with you, I was pretty hesitant about it.

  • I didn't understand how we were going to go from

  • all these more hardcore trick shot,

  • like, heavy celebration videos to us now playing these,

  • like, goofy characters.

  • I didn't even know they had samples here at this store.

  • All five of us were very surprised at the reaction.

  • What would you say would be the best one?

  • What's the name of this stuff? Never mind. We're good. Thanks.

  • People absolutely loved it.

  • Whoo! Ha-ha! Ski tips up.

  • - It's time to-- - And it's quickly become one

  • of the most popular things we've ever done.

  • There is one stereotype that fans seem to love and can't get enough of.

  • - I need to talk to you. - Oh, I see where this is going.

  • Sure, let's-- let's talk about my rage issues.

  • ( cheering )

  • And that is the Rage Monster.

  • I just feel like I'm a changed man, honestly.

  • Like, I don't think that's something that we have to worry about in the future.

  • See, and I thought the same thing,

  • but I just-- my thing is I think you love breaking stuff.

  • Like, you enjoy the thrill of the break.

  • - Really? - Yeah.

  • You could get everybody in here chanting

  • "Rage on stage!", and I'm just not gonna do it.

  • - I'm a changed-- - Rage on stage! Rage on stage!

  • - And I am proud of you for-- hey! - ( chanting continues )

  • No! No, no, no. Ty, ear muffs. Ear muffs, Ty.

  • Ty, stop. Hey, stop! You don't understand. No!

  • Tyler: We knew that we had to figure out a way

  • to put the Rage Monster in the live tour

  • just because it's everybody's favorite.

  • but it's also one of the most fun things to do for me.

  • Hey, stop! We've gone the whole tour without an incident. Stop!

  • Because I just get to destroy stuff.

  • - No, shut it down! - ( screaming )

  • ( screaming )

  • Cory: The Rage Monster has been seen almost a billion times.

  • That is a scary thought. I'm so sorry, moms.

  • ( screaming )

  • Tell your wife I'm sorry. Just kidding. I'm not!

  • ( screaming ) Get out of the way!

  • It's nice. It's nice. It feels good.

  • It feels good to release some of that every once in awhile.

  • And not that there's anything that really needs to be released...

  • ( screaming )

  • But if there was, it would feel good.

  • ( screaming )

  • Cory: It's his favorite part of Dude Perfect, there's no question.

  • It's his absolute favorite thing to do is to just go crazy.

  • ( indistinct shouting )

  • No, not the gumballs!

  • We get so many emails from parents like,

  • "Please get rid of the Rage Monster."

  • How about a paint job? ( screaming )

  • He's not going anywhere. It's not gonna happen.

  • I'm sorry. It's too great.

  • No! Not the stage power box!

  • ( screaming )

  • ( cheering )

  • I'm backstage, man! He got me good.

  • Can everyone turn their lights on?

  • I was making progress and then you guys started chanting stuff

  • and ruined the whole dadgum thing!

  • I hope each and every one of you feels a little bit responsible.

  • I just-- he's around here somewhere. We gotta find him.

  • - Hey! - What? What do you want?

  • - That was unbelievable. - No!

  • That was the best rage I've ever had!

  • No!

  • Coby: There's no doubt looking back

  • that "Stereotypes" was one of the biggest turning points in DP.

  • By shifting and expanding beyond trick shots,

  • we just allowed ourselves to reach a whole new group of people.

  • That's probably one of the things

  • we're most grateful to our fans for

  • is that they stuck with us when we tried new things.

  • Oh, we got the late crowd staying up to send us off.

  • Thank you guys for coming!

  • - See you guys! - Thank you guys!

  • We're here in Fresno. Panda is ready to rock.

  • It's gonna get loud, California. Let's go.

  • Guys, I don't know if y'all know this, this is literally

  • our third live show of all time.

  • - Yeah. - So we need you to go easy on us.

  • Laugh a little louder than normal.

  • All these lights turning from red to green

  • Timing is everything

  • And it feels so good to shine

  • Gonna get it like, ay-ya ya ya ya

  • ♪ I'm living my best life

  • Living my, living my best life

  • So come and get it like, ay-ya ya ya ya

  • We're hanging out on Big Pearl.

  • We'll be on her for five weeks.

  • - Here's the dudes. - Whoa!

  • - Hey, what's the temperature in here? - It's cold, man.

  • - All righty. - Let's have some fun.

  • Being in a brand new city every morning

  • when you wake up is very tiring.

  • It's very early. 3 AM in the morning, actually.

  • - But incredible awesome. - Yeah!

  • Once in a lifetime opportunity.

  • Picklesburgh, we're here for you.

  • This is the Taj Mahal of Pickle Row.

  • Bleah!

  • - Ahh! - No!

  • Coby: Probably my favorite part is you strip away

  • all the business part of what we do

  • and we're just back to being roommates again,

  • which is super fun.

  • When we get off the bus before

  • we go inside for the show,

  • we've got a few hours to kill.

  • ( overlapping chatter )

  • Let's go! Get on the ground!

  • Yes! My back is burning

  • from carrying this team. Let's go!

  • Heavenly Father, thank you for tonight.

  • Thank you for the opportunity for us to be here on tour

  • in front of all of these people.

  • I just pray that you give us guidance,

  • wisdom, just a good show and energy.

  • - In Jesus' name. - Thanks, guys. Let's do it.

  • - Stay strong. - Let's do it. Let's do it, buddy.

  • Unh! There's nobody, but that's cool.

  • - Yeah, that's fine. - I'm gonna go out in front of the house.

  • ♪ I got the password

  • Yeah, I finally got the password

  • Added up the numbers, now the math works

  • Scooter brothers are in town.

  • ♪ I got the way to make the path work

  • All these lights turning from red to green

  • Timing is everything

  • And it feels so good to shine

  • - ♪ Gonna get it like ♪ - Yeah!

  • - Amazing! - We've got our champion!

  • I've never been so proud!

  • Thank you, guys! This goes out to you!

  • Hey, Ty, by the way, welcome to the winner's circle, man.

  • - It's a good place to be! - Whoo!

  • One thing I don't think we've talked much about over the years

  • is how close we were to quitting Dude Perfect.

  • After college, we basically went our separate ways.

  • We were all living in different cities.

  • A couple of the guys got married.

  • We all started new jobs.

  • We were just in different stages of life at the time.

  • But somehow we knew we wanted to keep Dude Perfect going.

  • Coby: Monday through Friday, Cory and I ran Dude Perfect.

  • And then on the weekends,

  • we would drive four hours to Dallas,

  • and the other guys would meet us

  • and we would film to keep the channel going.

  • That time of any was the most stressful.

  • While they're eating, breathing, drinking Dude Perfect,

  • we're trying to balance that with also real jobs,

  • also with new families.

  • And so we did that for four or five years,

  • and it was just a grind.

  • We knew that it was unhealthy,

  • the place that we had gotten to.

  • Cory: When we were at our absolute breaking point,

  • I had edited three straight nights in a row.

  • And I woke up in the morning

  • and went to the sink to brush my teeth,

  • and I just noticed all the water

  • was just dripping down my face.

  • And I moved my mouth and I realized, like,

  • one side of my face was totally paralyzed.

  • Bet you can't do this.

  • I had Bell's Palsy, which is a temporary facial paralysis.

  • What most people attribute it to is stress and lack of sleep.

  • Coby: We were exhausted, they were exhausted,

  • their wives were exhausted.

  • We were about to just pack it up and be done.

  • Coby: A lot of texts would be like,

  • "Are we doing this or are we quitting?"

  • Because something's gotta change

  • because we can't keep doing this.

  • You gotta remember, back then, being a YouTuber,

  • making a career out of it was unheard of.

  • Coby: With a million subscribers, which you would think

  • - is a pretty successful channel. - Boom!

  • But I guess with five guys, hard to make enough money

  • doing that, even at that point.

  • We definitely hit a breaking point.

  • We were going to film the Goodyear Blimp shot.

  • We are gonna do a shot out of the Goodyear Blimp.

  • Garrett: Ty gets a call

  • and just gets chewed out by his boss.

  • He's like, "Well, that's my boss.

  • He told me that I can't miss any more Saturdays."

  • "If we wanna keep doing Dude Perfect, I'm gonna have to quit my job."

  • And somebody else chimed in, "Maybe we should talk about

  • whether we should all quit our jobs and go all in on this,

  • because otherwise I think we're gonna have to quit Dude Perfect."

  • Tyler: We came together and we're like,

  • "Hey, if we don't give this a shot now,

  • then there's no chance we'll ever do it in the future."

  • We basically looked at the bank statement.

  • We kind of crunched some numbers and said,

  • "I think we can pay for food for the next year."

  • And so we just kind of sat there

  • and thought about it for a second.

  • We looked at each other and we were like...

  • "Let's just do this."

  • - Oh! - Yeah!

  • Tyler: Everybody was like, "Well, are you gonna quit?"

  • "Yeah, I'll quit." "Well, are you gonna quit?"

  • "Yeah, no, definitely." And then it's like,

  • nobody was really making any moves.

  • It was like, how sure are we

  • that everybody's gonna quit when I leave this job?

  • And I remember texting all of the wives, and I was like,

  • "Your husband's quitting their jobs, right? 'Cause mine just quit ours."

  • Imagine telling your father-in-law

  • you're gonna do YouTube as a job,

  • with a wife that's his daughter.

  • I don't know why he said yes.

  • He didn't. 'Cause I didn't ask.

  • So that's how you get the answer you want.

  • Tyler: It was probably extremely ill-advised

  • to leave all these paying jobs

  • and start trying to make a living on YouTube.

  • - That's crazy. - Bethany: Like are you sure we want to do this?

  • It was kind of we had to decide as wives together to,

  • like, say yes to this.

  • And then I think we all went back to our husbands

  • - and said, "Okay." - Whoo!

  • But the minute we all went all in, the thing just exploded.

  • ♪ I feel it now

  • ♪ I feel it now

  • ♪ I see the light break through the clouds

  • ♪ I feel it

  • Garrett: The Lord just took it to new levels.

  • The deals just started flooding in.

  • Tyler: Within that first month,

  • we signed our first big deal with Nerf.

  • Yeah! Woohoo!

  • Company after company hired us to do videos for them.

  • It was just like, boom, quit.

  • Boom, this is what you were called to do. Do it.

  • ♪ I feel it

  • Cody: There were all these opportunities

  • at our doorstep, and we took advantage of it.

  • Coby: Cory wanted to write a book. He made that happen.

  • Cody: We started a merchandise line,

  • and we did three seasons of a TV show.

  • Coby: We were making Dude Perfect games

  • that were going to the top of the charts.

  • We were busy fast.

  • Cory: Suddenly we are flying all over the world.

  • I love the travel side of Dude Perfect that's allowed us to go to New Zealand,

  • to Australia, to-- actually, we've never been to Australia.

  • I don't know why I said that. That was weird.

  • - Someday. - Okay, here we go.

  • Every major event that every kid dreams of going to,

  • Super Bowl, World Cup, Olympics,

  • National Championships, we went to 'em.

  • We were literally checking off a dream list.

  • Garrett: Celebrities are calling us.

  • Coby: These athletes wanted to be part of the videos,

  • people that we've looked up to our entire lives.

  • It still seems crazy to us.

  • And so at some point, we were like, "Listen,

  • we need a place we can call home base."

  • Welcome to the brand new Dude Perfect headquarters,

  • otherwise known as DPHQ.

  • Garrett: We moved into our first office,

  • and rapidly outgrew that in a couple of years.

  • Today's a huge day because we're unveiling our brand new office, DPHQ2.

  • - Let's do it! - Whoo!

  • This section of the office I've nicknamed The Fun Zone.

  • We've got our putting and chipping green right here out front.

  • It's a little silly to call this place an office

  • 'cause we have a golf simulator

  • and a hockey rink and basketball court.

  • Over here we've got blitzball, football, and soccer.

  • It's a pretty sweet place.

  • Coby: Every day I show up at work

  • and my four best friends are there.

  • It just doesn't get any better than that.

  • Cory: If the five of us had not all committed,

  • if we'd gotten cold feet at any point.

  • Like, it wouldn't have happened. We would have been done.

  • Cory: It's so hard to get us to agree to anything,

  • I mean, we are five very different people,

  • so you would think that one of us

  • would have tapped out at this point,

  • but we haven't, and that's key.

  • We need all of us. I mean, we really do.

  • Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, at this time,

  • please direct your attention

  • to the Wrigley Field pitcher's mound.

  • From Frisco, Texas, please welcome Dude Perfect.

  • This job has basically allowed us to just continually

  • check boxes off of a bucket list

  • that we honestly never even really knew that we had.

  • Okay, here we go, boys.

  • Spread out. Cory, left side.

  • - That's good. - Oh, it's nice.

  • - A little high. - That's nice.

  • Awesome. We'll see you guys tonight, okay?

  • - Will you all cheer loud tonight? - You betcha.

  • We're doing our live tour. So we're going to different arenas and doing, like,

  • battles and trick shots and stuff for everybody. So it's been fun.

  • I was telling Jim, some say we have the best job playing ball,

  • - but I'm pretty sure you guys have it nicer. - It's not bad, yeah.

  • - We don't disagree. - No.

  • Want to visit Wrigley Field? Through out the first pitch? Do some batting practice?

  • - Sounds good to me. - Yeah, Kris Bryant in the house.

  • - Oh, there we go. - Okay. I like it.

  • Look at the smooth swing. Just nice and easy.

  • - I think you should crank up the machine for Tyler. - Oh, really?

  • Coby: We still pinch ourselves by getting a chance to hang out with them,

  • but we've also learned they're just incredibly normal people.

  • - Three, two, one, go! - Whoo!

  • They like to have fun.

  • What a trip!

  • ( cheering )

  • He stands a little-- stands a little larger.

  • ( indistinct chatter )

  • - Okay. - That comes off the bat a little different.

  • Yeah, I don't think any of ours did that.

  • Hundred percent, no question, one of the coolest things

  • about being a part of Dude Perfect these last ten years

  • has been the people we've gotten to meet.

  • - We're Dude Perfect. - And I'm Russell Wilson.

  • - I'm Raheem Sterling. - I'm Drew Brees.

  • - And I'm Paul Rudd. - ♪ I got the magic

  • Oh, no!

  • Jeff: There's something about the guys.

  • There's this contagious fun.

  • If you were not a country music singer, what would you be doing?

  • - Camera guy for Dude Perfect. - Okay, okay.

  • I mean whether it's Serena Williams meeting them for the first time...

  • - Pop-Tart... - Mm, okay.

  • ...or toaster strudel?

  • I'm going toaster strudel all day.

  • - Yeah! - We're toaster strudel people!

  • - Toaster strudel! - Come on!

  • You put these guys together

  • with people who are competitive and love to have fun

  • and seek excellence in their craft,

  • I think people want to see that.

  • I'm excited. A feeling of competition in the air.

  • - ♪ I got the magic ♪ - Spin!

  • - ♪ I got the magic ♪ - ( cheering )

  • - Hey! - Stay awake!

  • - Whoo! - Good to see you.

  • - ( cheering ) - That's good.

  • We've been able to kind of showcase

  • the best side of them, and there's definitely

  • some magic that the guys have

  • when it comes to creating those moments.

  • - I hate to see you like this. - Yeah, I do, too.

  • Jeff: Hi, guys. We gotta catch up

  • on a couple of things, our schedule.

  • We've got the request from Zac Efron.

  • Coby: Because we're out for five, six weeks,

  • we've definitely got some stuff we're gonna have to shoot

  • while we're on tour.

  • A little background or insight on Zac.

  • Love adrenaline and adventure type things--

  • I doubt Zac wrote this, actually.

  • I can picture Zac and his computer typing.

  • ( laughter )

  • But he does have great hand-eye coordination.

  • - Oh, that's in there? - According to his publicist.

  • - That's good. - He's also getting ready to shoot a new movie.

  • - All Sports Golf Battle Four. - All Sports Golf with Zac Efron would be pretty funny.

  • - And he has a good personality. - I agree.

  • A lot of times if you're working with an athlete or celebrity

  • or somebody like that, their time's really, really tight.

  • So if they have an opportunity for us to do something,

  • dude, we have to do that.

  • - In three, two. - What's up, guys?

  • Welcome to the FADPASGBWSGZE.

  • - What? - Fourth Annual Dude Perfect

  • All Sports Golf Battle With Special Guest Zac Efron!

  • - Here we go! - Amazing!

  • Oh, God.

  • We're gonna do a day of filming with Zac Efron,

  • do an All Sports Golf Battle.

  • You actually play golf without golf equipment.

  • - Cody: I'm counting on Zac to bring the energy today. - Let's take a day off tour.

  • Tour's taken a toll on me. I need Zac to bring the energy.

  • - I agree with that. - I got it, I got it.

  • - Let's go, Happy! - ( laughter )

  • - Okay! - That's okay! That's gonna roll.

  • - Go! - I've seen worse.

  • Is that backspin? Dude, it stopped and came backwards.

  • Coby: I think part of what's fun about having guests is

  • we just kind of throw them into our world,

  • and they get to come do something totally random.

  • You're going out the same way as us.

  • Hope it goes well for you.

  • - Oh! - ( laughter )

  • No!

  • First time playing All Sports Golf?

  • It's my first time playing all sports anything, man. It's a dream come true.

  • - Yeah. - That was a bomber.

  • - That's solid. - That was a bomber.

  • No offense to Zac, but if we get beat by an actor, it's just not a good look.

  • - This is our brand. - He's a pretty athletic actor, Codes.

  • - This is what we do for money. - Codes, he has level ten hand-eye coordination.

  • I get to that, but the world doesn't know it.

  • We were on the same shot back there.

  • I landed on the green. You were short and had to "Happy Gilmore."

  • If my "Happy Gilmore" was on the green, they would be the same.

  • I was trying to get closer than you on the same shot.

  • Honestly, I'm thinking that I'm accurate here, but we can go back and count it up.

  • I think emotions are clouding your judgment.

  • It's funny, we get so competitive anytime we film our battles,

  • and it doesn't matter if a celebrity is there or not.

  • - Hold on. - 'Cause that's why I tried to land short over there.

  • - Coby, did you whiff on this hole? - This is very standard.

  • Ask Chad. Chad, does this happen a lot?

  • We can't have an All Sports Battle without a large argument.

  • - Yeah. - So once he hits this,

  • then I'm one shot up 'cause I haven't hit this yet.

  • - Unh-uh. - We're literally arguing about these made-up rules

  • for this made-up game we came up with.

  • - No, well-- - 'Cause you're doing two mallet shots

  • and I'm about to only need one.

  • The thing is, a win's a win, and for some of us,

  • they don't come around that often.

  • So, you know, you gotta scrap and claw when you can.

  • - Two putt to win. - Two putt to win.

  • - That's in. Great putt. - What a putt!

  • Wow.

  • Tyler: No matter how competitive it gets though,

  • everybody always ends up having fun.

  • After some time to cool down.

  • - Well, Ty, congrats, man. You earned that. - Thank you.

  • He's all yours!

  • - Look at this thing. - You're the champion.

  • This was a bowl cut attempt, wasn't it?

  • - I think. - This was making fun of me.

  • - It is. - How similar are they?

  • It's actually closer than you would expect, Zac.

  • Cory: Did we have the haircut before "High School Musical"?

  • - That's my question. - Are you saying Zac copied us?

  • - I'm not saying he didn't copy us. - Is that your theory?

  • Think I'm gonna actually give this to Zac for being here.

  • He's such a great guest. You've earned it. Congrats.

  • Aww, thanks, guys. Hey, pound it.

  • - Noggin. - All: See ya!

  • Whoo!

  • What's up, guys? Bus life pro tip here from Coby.

  • There's all these drawers down here.

  • I have unpacked all of my luggage into these drawers.

  • None of the guys know. I have to make sure to use them

  • when they're not paying attention.

  • It is so much better

  • than living out of a suitcase back there.

  • So just keep this between you guys and me.

  • Literally both sides right here.

  • Love ya. What's up, Codes?

  • Your toiletry bag? I did not.

  • It must be hard living out of the back of the bus, huh?

  • - Hey, what? - What?

  • This is my toiletry bag.

  • It's got my initials on it.

  • Do we have any "Overtime" fans in the house?

  • - Wow! - I think we do.

  • Coby: After we'd been making trick shots and then "Stereotypes" for awhile,

  • we felt like people were starting to get to know us.

  • And so we felt the freedom to really branch out.

  • And that's when we started "Overtime."

  • Tall guy, beard, twins, purple hoser

  • Dude Perfect's in "Overtime

  • - All: Oh! - Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to "Overtime."

  • The show is decent and the mics are fake.

  • Coby: Basically "Overtime" is our take on a variety show.

  • - Here we go. - Beep, beep, beep, beep.

  • Why does he always think it needs to be a creative intro?

  • We got a great show for you guys today.

  • How long have you been up there?

  • - Oh, wow! - The world's largest gummy worm!

  • - Oh, my gosh. - Oh, gosh!

  • - Let's go. - It gives us an excuse

  • to try all types of things.

  • - Let's head to Cool Not Cool. - Whoo-ee!

  • Cool Not Cool is basically like an overhyped show and tell.

  • Oh! That's sick!

  • When you do an oil painting of yourself, that's when you know you've made it in life.

  • - It is. - Yeah!

  • - Lords and ladies... - Cody: On and off camera,

  • that's just us being dumb, being funny,

  • teasing each other, whatever. That's it.

  • The only difference really is that we're behind a desk.

  • - I got you your own-- - Dude Perfect action figure.

  • They didn't turn out exactly like I was hoping, but, hey.

  • I wish that I looked that muscular in real life.

  • - Easy green. - I agree!

  • I look like I got bit by a zombie

  • - and I'm 90% turned. - Yeah.

  • Who likes Absurd Recurds?

  • Nice! Ty is going to attempt to break another Absurd Recurd.

  • - The most lemons cut in 30 seconds. - Wow, that's a lot of lemon.

  • We've broken a ton of impossible records on "Overtime."

  • - Three, four. - It's just gonna be horrible.

  • This is might be the worst five minutes of your life.

  • Ow! That one was a good one.

  • - Four! - You got this.

  • - Ten, nine, eight, seven... - Go!

  • - You got it going, son! - ...five, four...

  • - Cheer him on! Here we go! - ...three, two, one!

  • - He's good! He's got it! - Whoo!

  • - Yeah! - Thank you! I can't see.

  • I got lemon juice in my eye.

  • Garrett: Then there's Wheel Unfortunate.

  • I mean, the name kind of speaks for itself.

  • - ( gasping ) - Oh, yeah.

  • - Oh, he's going-- - Dude!

  • - He's biting the-- - Oh!

  • - ( laughter ) - ( buzzer )

  • - ( screaming ) - ( laughing )

  • I just-- I have had a bad streak.

  • Now that's what we're looking for.

  • Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh.

  • All: That's unfortunate.

  • Wheel Unfortunate is also the only thing we do

  • that involves a guest host.

  • Talk about an egomaniac. Oh, man.

  • - I'm talking about the one... - The only.

  • Coby: I don't even want to say his name out loud.

  • Don't even want to give the guy any more air time.

  • ( music playing )

  • Do we have any Ned Forrester fans in the house tonight?

  • Uh, what Dude Perfect tour?

  • Are you talking about the Ned Forrester Tour

  • Featuring Dude Perfect?

  • The guys brought me on the show.

  • I'll be honest with you.

  • They were kind of struggling to sell tickets.

  • And I came on and those ticket sales

  • just skyrocketed for old Ned! Thank you!

  • Because of you guys!

  • Are those the trick shot fellas? Are they still doing that?

  • They still chucking the balls off high places?

  • Oh, let me guess. It goes in?

  • Swish. Oh, wow! We're so shocked!

  • Three, two, oh!

  • - Oh, ho, ho, ho! That was fantastic. - That is everywhere.

  • When they guys first asked me to come on their little--

  • What camera am I looking at here, guys?

  • I'm looking over here? Okay.

  • You know, the guys asked me to come along on the road,

  • bring a little of my show to their show.

  • To be honest, I'm not sure how we got this one past legal.

  • That says "Eat a live goldfish."

  • There's Petey and Peter swimming around in their bowls.

  • Pretty soon they can be swimming in your bellies.

  • Spin that wheel!

  • I thought, you know, sure, I'll help 'em out,

  • give them a little pep in their step for the show.

  • Give the people what they really want.

  • I just wanted to see who wants a Golden Boy?

  • ( music playing )

  • Old Ned throws it where the volume goes it.

  • I need to hear it! Who wants it?

  • You guys don't think I can get it there?

  • Coming in hot!

  • I've actually got another interview to head to,

  • so I'm gonna head out and do that.

  • Thank you guys for your time.

  • If you guys want, you can thank me.

  • Okay, thank you guys. See ya. Ned out!

  • Owen: Hey, Daddy, you're gonna be busy there.

  • Garrett: I know. It's gonna be really busy.

  • All right, hey, I gotta go. I just wanted to say hi before the show.

  • - Don't go! - Owen, stop.

  • - I don't want to. - I love you.

  • Say "love you."

  • - Bye-bye. - Bye-bye.

  • Garrett: FaceTime's a good thing and a bad thing, man.

  • It's good to be able to check in and see 'em, you know?

  • But then it's like, man, I wish I was there.

  • But...

  • Cory: Leaving our families behind is rough.

  • They really balance what we do at Dude Perfect.

  • I do think they're kind of the unsung heroes.

  • I mean, we're out making goofy videos and having fun,

  • and most of the time they're back holding down the fort.

  • It's huge. There's no way we'd be able to do what we're doing without them.

  • Amy: Now that we have kids,

  • and just obviously trying to balance that, it's a lot.

  • - But he's been the best dad. - Did you have a good nap?

  • He's the first one to say, "Hey, you go take a break.

  • You've been doing this all day. Let me take over."

  • I love you, pumpkin.

  • You wanna go see if we can catch a fish?

  • - Yeah. - Okay, come on.

  • Tyler comes home and he is just Tyler.

  • He is not Tyler from Dude Perfect.

  • We got a fish, bud.

  • He is Daddy. He's husband. He's just himself.

  • - Whoa! - A fish!

  • - You wanna give him a kiss? - Yeah.

  • Okay. Oh, gross!

  • - You want Daddy to give him a kiss? - Yeah.

  • Oh! Slimy fish.

  • Tyler: The longer that you do this, you realize

  • you've experienced the success and the money and the fame,

  • and whatever you want to call that you think people look for for contentment.

  • You just learn somewhere along the way

  • that there's just more important things out there.

  • Run, run.

  • It's safe to say that, like, home is where I'm happiest.

  • Even if it's been a rough day

  • and I'm just wiped, totally exhausted,

  • but the minute I open that door and come home

  • and my little daughter wants to play with her little invisible friend Sophia

  • and feed her tea, I'm down.

  • Everything's wiped clean

  • and I can go ten more rounds, baby.

  • Are you riding your unicorn?

  • Allison: He's definitely, like, Mr. Dad.

  • - Boo! - Even now, he has a really great job,

  • at the end of the day, he's coming home and changing diapers, you know?

  • Try not to spill on you. You okay?

  • Kristin: They just think Daddy just makes videos for them.

  • You know? Daddy goes to work so we can watch it.

  • You want to shoot? Put it in there. Good job.

  • Garrett is such a sweet dad.

  • I always love taking pictures

  • and videos of him dancing with the kids.

  • He loves dance parties with them.

  • At the end of the day, those are my true treasures in life, you know?

  • Faith and my family.

  • And without those, I would be lost.

  • A lost human being.

  • - Bang it. - Bang it?

  • - Yeah, on the-- no, no, no. - Oh, it worked.

  • - Okay, there you go. - I've never done it that way.

  • The morning routine here probably looks a lot different than the other guys.

  • No kids, so that's why we make giant casseroles for the two of us.

  • Really stretch it out.

  • Coby: We would all agree that our families are our glue.

  • We may question whether the world's gonna like whatever new thing we're doing,

  • but because we know we have the support of our wives and our families,

  • it just gives us the power to go try anything.

  • Aubrey: They worked hard for this, and so it is fun

  • to get to see them have some success

  • and to enjoy it

  • and continue to look to the future

  • of what they've built over the last ten years.

  • Oh! Good jump, buddy. All right!

  • - Now Daddy jump. - Daddy jump the tiger?

  • - Yeah. - All right, come on, Daddy.

  • - Okay. - One, two, three, jump!

  • Whoo! Okay. All right.

  • You know, you come home from a long day of dropping toilets out of helicopters

  • or whatever it might be,

  • and maybe you're frustrated or tired or whatever it is.

  • But you walk in that door and then you have a little boy

  • that's running to you screaming, "Daddy,"

  • just with his arms open.

  • Like, it's crazy. It just-- yeah.

  • I mean, that-- it doesn't matter what happened that day.

  • Like, you just figure out, like, that's it.

  • That's what's most important to me.

  • - Hi, Daddy. - Hi, buddy.

  • You still got your PJs on?

  • Allison: When he's out of town, like, okay.

  • You don't have your buddy, but--

  • I'm gonna cry about it. I'm really proud of him.

  • I mean, it's awesome.

  • Um, yeah. Sorry about that.

  • Garrett: Knowing that all of our family and friends

  • are back at home kind of waiting on us

  • just gives us that energy to finish strong.

  • That's what 10,000 people looks like.

  • - One, two, three. - All: 13!

  • - Coaster brothers! - ( screaming )

  • ( screaming )

  • - Three, two, one. - All: 11!

  • He has never eaten a pickle.

  • I've avoided them at all costs.

  • Oh, my gosh! You're so annoying!

  • Think I might have just broke the bus.

  • What a cool poster.

  • That is cool.

  • Oh, wow. Nice locker room tonight.

  • Nice. It's always good to be filmed when you stop

  • and take a picture of yourself in a hallway.

  • Thanks, guys.

  • Tyler: When we started Dude Perfect, one of the most

  • frequently heard things that people told us

  • was that you can't work with your best friends.

  • It'll never last. Just don't even attempt it.

  • Hey, Cobes, how are we looking in there?

  • I was literally in line for the bathroom

  • and then he kind of jacked it from me.

  • It's friends running a business.

  • And it's kind of-- it can be tough.

  • 'Cause I was the second person in here waiting.

  • Cory: We've screamed at each other. I've been in tears before.

  • I think we've probably genuinely quit

  • or almost quit six times.

  • Tyler: That's gonna happen when you're working with your friends,

  • but at the end of the day, you gotta just get past it.

  • We've gotten in plenty of fights,

  • and Cody actually almost killed Cory.

  • - Yeah, that's true. - Threw a boulder at his head.

  • That's true. It was a classic example

  • of somebody's pride getting in the way.

  • We had airsoft guns at the ranch.

  • Somebody shoots somebody, and then they're like,

  • "You're not gonna do that again."

  • Cody's like, "You don't think I'll do it again?"

  • - Shoots Cory point blank. - Point blank.

  • - And Cory-- - Escalates.

  • - Classic example. - Like me and Cory do.

  • Cory takes off running at some point.

  • Cody goes for a rock. Cody proceeds to throw

  • the rock and misses him.

  • I'd like to say by inches, but it was a good six feet.

  • - Yeah. - It wasn't anything close.

  • I want to say it whizzed right by by a centimeter.

  • - So, no, there's been some heated arguments. - Yeah.

  • - Attempted murder. - Attempted murder, yeah.

  • - You going with that shirt for the rest of the shows? - It's my only purple one.

  • - Yeah. - Do you like it?

  • - No, but... - Is it okay?

  • It's just one of my least favorite shirts we're ever made.

  • - Okay, well. - The purple and the green is just not--

  • - Purple goes with yellow, not green. - What do you want me to do?

  • - Do you have another purple shirt? - I don't, personally.

  • I can't believe you don't like this shirt, man.

  • I'll say this. Working with friends and family

  • is the hardest thing I've ever done or will do.

  • But we do have that faith that we share

  • that I might feel a lot of anger towards you right now,

  • but, you know, I still love you, and you're still my brother,

  • and we know how to forgive and just move on.

  • - All right. - Thank you so much.

  • - Have fun tonight. - Special fan. Teacher.

  • Steve uses all of your videos to teach with.

  • - Teacher Steve. - I've been using you guys since you've been around.

  • There you go. Teacher Steve doing us favors.

  • - Since you're brothers in Christ-- awesome. - Yes.

  • - That's awesome, man. - I never have to worry about your content.

  • Don't have to worry about what goes on. I can show everything.

  • We're all strong Christians.

  • I think that's probably one of the things that binds us.

  • If we lost everything tomorrow, it doesn't matter.

  • We know that the most important thing we have is Jesus.

  • And so it's very important to Dude Perfect

  • and the decisions we make and the content we produce.

  • - These dudes are awesome. - That's the only thing that we all watch together.

  • - Yes. Good job. - That's the only show--

  • And I don't have to worry about what you're saying or doing.

  • - Thank you so much. - Thanks for watching, guys.

  • - Appreciate it. - We're essentially the equivalent of Elmo.

  • - We're annoying, but we're clean. - Yeah.

  • Coby: I think making content that was family-friendly

  • came initially from our faith in Jesus.

  • We felt like that was something we really truly wanted to do.

  • Tyler: Faith is really the underlying principle and theme

  • behind everything Dude Perfect does.

  • ( cheering )

  • What's up, my man?

  • - Good to see you. - It's great to see you, man.

  • Man: Four years ago, Make-A-Wish lined everything up with Dude Perfect.

  • They were open to do whatever Kash wanted to do.

  • - How we doing, buddy? Doing good? - Good. Yeah.

  • Glad you guys came out. This is awesome.

  • We had a tremendous time with those guys.

  • And truly, they are great guys on TV, but better guys in person.

  • You guys have been so instrumental in granting wishes

  • over the past three and a half to four years

  • that you've granted 24 wishes,

  • and I will tell you firsthand that's 24 kiddos and families

  • - that have truly been touched. - Thank you.

  • So in honor of that, I'm honored to be here with Kash

  • to present you with the 2019 Chris Greicius Celebrity Award.

  • - Wow, thank you. - Thank you, guys.

  • John: Chris Greicius Celebrity Award goes to one celebrity a year,

  • and it's to honor a celebrity who goes above and beyond.

  • And this year, Dude Perfect was selected to receive

  • the 2019 Chris Greicius Award.

  • This is truly an honor, and everything we get to do

  • with Make-A-Wish is absolutely awesome.

  • We have a great time every time you guys are in town.

  • So we're honored to be a part of something like this.

  • These are awesome memories here.

  • Yeah, you guys went over and above

  • spending time with us when we were out there,

  • and it's something that we all will never forget.

  • And that is worth more to us than you guys will understand.

  • Thank you, man. That means a lot.

  • Coby: Feels like a huge opportunity that's just been placed in our lap.

  • And, yeah, just feels like something we don't want to blow.

  • - Whoa. - What's up, guys?

  • - What's up, guys? - What is up, everybody?

  • - What's up, guys? How are y'all? - Look at this crew.

  • - How's it going? - What's up, guys?

  • We want to use the opportunity to do something meaningful.

  • Spin that wheel!

  • - That was a good spin. - Great spin.

  • Garrett: I think we all love what we do,

  • but we all know that there's something more

  • than just our own happiness, our own satisfaction,

  • and that's to give back.

  • And one of the outlets that we do that

  • is going to visit some kids in need,

  • that just are having a hard time in life

  • and need to put a smile on their face.

  • Cody has voluntarily asked for a chocolate out of the bedpan, y'all.

  • - All: Eww! - I felt like I got off easy. I owe it to the people.

  • It's just ginger ale. It's fine.

  • I'm not touching it. You gotta reach in there and grab it.

  • Oh, gosh. Oh.

  • Oh! Oh! Oh!

  • - I can't. - Oh!

  • - You splashed it on me. - That's so gross.

  • Tyler: To think that we can have some small part

  • in bringing joy or even a smile to a child

  • or a family's face that's going through a difficult time

  • is such an unbelievable gift that we can give people

  • that we feel not even worthy to bring,

  • but it's a blessing to be able to do that for somebody,

  • and it's such a small gesture on our part.

  • Flip.

  • ( cheering )

  • - You're in the finals. - Good job, buddy.

  • It all comes down to this.

  • This moment will echo in eternity.

  • - ( cheering ) - A new champion!

  • Tyler: Once you see these kids and what they're going through,

  • knowing that you have the ability to bring them

  • just some small amount of hope is such an easy lift for us.

  • It's such a no-brainer.

  • So, remember that kid that bought tickets?

  • Meyer is his name. He just got diagnosed with leukemia.

  • - Oh, yeah. - The doctor told him,

  • "I don't think you should go to the show."

  • Cody: If Meyer can't be at the show,

  • it's our job to bring the show to him.

  • All: What's up, Meyer?

  • We're here with Meyer. Meyer, pound it. Noggin. Right here, buddy.

  • Yes. Brought our tour bus to him.

  • First things first, when you get on the bus,

  • you gotta grab you one of those just to kind of snack on during the tour.

  • - This is where they sleep. - Make sure you show him my bed.

  • - I did. - Okay, good.

  • - This is their gaming room. - Oh, their gaming room.

  • - Yeah. - Yeah. Wow, I love the confidence, buddy.

  • Cody: Getting the chance to rub shoulders with a family like Meyer's

  • and to get to bring a smile to his face and just have that interaction

  • just means the world to us. It's unbelievable.

  • So if you were gonna be at the show, this is how it would work.

  • I'd be like, "Hey, welcome our special guest Meyer."

  • - Bang. Okay, he comes up. - All: Oh!

  • - I gotta make mine. - Come on, Ty.

  • - Oh, Meyer! - And the winner of the ping-pong championship.

  • - Bro, you don't need to-- - All: Oh!

  • If you do this long enough, you realize that there's

  • just so much more to life

  • than trying to fill up a stadium...

  • - One. - Bang!

  • - Nice. - Got him.

  • ...or make a video that hits a certain number of views.

  • It's the stuff like we did with Meyer

  • or these other kids at the hospital along this tour

  • that have just reminded us of what's most important in life.

  • Oh, Lord, we just pray for Meyer,

  • and we're really grateful for the chance to hang out with him and his family.

  • And we thank you for his parents and for Macy.

  • And we're just really grateful to be friends with him now.

  • And we pray that we would get to see him the next time we're in town.

  • We love you so much, and we thank you, Jesus, for Meyer.

  • - In your name we pray, amen. - All: Amen.

  • Pound it. Noggin. See ya!

  • We know we have a huge opportunity

  • and a big platform to steward,

  • and so we've created the Dude Perfect Foundation

  • just as a way to encourage other people

  • to jump on board with us and love on these kids

  • they way we've had a chance to.

  • Just to let you guys know, a little bit earlier today,

  • we went to a young man's house.

  • His name is Meyer,

  • and he was not able to be here tonight,

  • so we want you guys to help us out.

  • So, six years old.

  • Cody is gonna start us off.

  • When we turn it to you guys, as loud as you were for us,

  • I need you to be times ten for Meyer.

  • Meyer, what do you do, baby?

  • It's Cody, Ty, Garrett, me, and Cory!

  • And guess what!

  • We have about 8,000 more favorite people

  • - here for you, buddy! - Yeah!

  • ( cheering )

  • Look at 'em! That's loud!

  • Thank you. You're the man.

  • - We love you, buddy! - We're praying for you, buddy!

  • Get well soon. Thinking about you.

  • Hope you're having a great night.

  • Later, buddy. Pound it. Noggin.

  • - Thank you, guys. - See ya!

  • Thank you so much. Thank y'all.

  • Look at this posse. How are y'all?

  • Okay, cool. Hey, you win some, you lose some.

  • - Oh, wow. - That was cold-blooded is what that was.

  • - That's messed up. - That was bad.

  • - How are y'all? It's so good to-- - So it's the last stretch.

  • So we have Austin, and then we're finishing with two in Dallas.

  • You know I would be there, but I need to do training.

  • - Ahh! - Been watching y'all all day long.

  • That's awesome. We gotta do a second video. CP3 edition.

  • Tyler: I think we all know that we're getting close.

  • The tour is coming to an end.

  • And I'm not gonna lie, we're pretty excited.

  • Excited to see my family and excited to perform

  • in front of our home crowd.

  • We're on the home stretch now.

  • Coby: I think it's been really fun.

  • It absolutely is tiring at times, but overall,

  • I would look back on these five weeks and be like,

  • "Yeah, that was a ton of fun."

  • - I'm super glad we did it. - Give it up for Gary!

  • You do something random for a week,

  • and then you have all these stories

  • to talk about for a long time.

  • I feel like that's what this is like for us.

  • Garrett: Honestly, it's gonna be kind of weird when it's over.

  • I definitely wouldn't have said that

  • before we started the show,

  • but I don't think it could have gone better.

  • Oh, my goodness. This is literally it.

  • I'm on top of the world.

  • T-minus just a few hours and we done.

  • - Oh! - Hi.

  • Hey, guess what.

  • I love you.

  • Cody: It's weird to say this, but I honestly feel like

  • we just went through 19 rehearsals...

  • - For tonight, I agree. - ...for tonight's show,

  • because this is all friends and family.

  • Sophia here, too.

  • Oh, Sophia's here, too?

  • Yeah, coming to see you, too.

  • Oh, she's coming to see me, too?

  • - Yeah. - Sophia didn't have a ticket,

  • but they let her through.

  • - She's a princess. - We got some groupies.

  • Most of them are related to me. They're stacking up.

  • That's really funny.

  • You're funny.

  • I couldn't be more excited.

  • I feel so supported.

  • Coby: Between the five of us,

  • we have 200 guests coming tonight.

  • It's gonna be a strong section. Hometown. Let's go.

  • Tyler: It's one thing to do this live tour

  • in front of a bunch of fans that we've never met in person,

  • but it's weirdly stressful to do it in front of

  • friends and family that you've known for your whole life.

  • Cory: We got one more show to go here in Dallas,

  • and I feel like it's taken up to this point

  • for me to really realize how special this has been.

  • Just on behalf of the dudes, like, we do not overlook

  • all of the work that takes place behind the scenes.

  • I know we've talked about it a lot.

  • We get to come out here and be on stage

  • and people cheer for us,

  • but you guys don't necessarily get to experience that.

  • And we seriously do appreciate it.

  • This has been a blast for us.

  • So we really do appreciate all y'all's hard work.

  • It's meant a ton to us.

  • Three, two, one.

  • ( cheering )

  • I don't know. That's a pretty good carve job.

  • - Must be a mold. - It's the perfect font, too.

  • It's just impressive. It's a work of art.

  • What up, dude? What is this?

  • Wow, what a throwback.

  • ( laughter )

  • This is the guy I want to always be remembered by.

  • Welcome to the show. Yeah, look over there. It's even worse.

  • - ( laughter ) - That was a good look.

  • I'm telling you right now, I just look back and say,

  • "Boy, I chose some weird friends."

  • I just cannot believe I did that in any sort of a serious way,

  • - but it happened. - Yeah. Words escape me.

  • - Oh, that's my honeymoon. - That was your honeymoon?

  • - Thought I was so cool. - My friendship with Garrett has lasted a long time.

  • - ( overlapping chatter ) - Hey, well done.

  • - What do we think? - That was very good. Dude.

  • Everyone pulls pranks, so we took it easy on y'all this time.

  • Yeah, just I'm glad y'all found humor in it.

  • Thanks, team. Well done.

  • Let's go get mic'ed up and break it out one more time.

  • - Oh, wow. - One show left.

  • Cory: I mean, to me, Dude Perfect is the five of us.

  • It's like a family. I mean, it really is. We're brothers.

  • We've been together for 12 years in real life,

  • ten years as a business.

  • I can tell you there is nothing that we would rather be doing

  • than exactly what we're doing right now.

  • One more.

  • - Three, two, one. - All: One!

  • ♪ I can feel it

  • There's something in the water

  • - What's up, Dallas? - ♪ Anything is possible

  • - What is up, Dallas? - ♪ Come on and move

  • Like the power of the river

  • People always ask us, like, how long can we do this?

  • And I-- I don't see a reason we'd ever stop.

  • Tonight is a very special night for us because we get to be

  • back here in our hometown with our friends and family.

  • We cannot thank you guys enough.

  • I would like to welcome the DP wives.

  • These are the women that allow us to go on the road

  • and make silly videos for you guys,

  • and we want to give them a big welcome,

  • so please give it up for 'em.

  • ( cheering )

  • Maybe the secret sauce to this whole Dude Perfect thing

  • has just been five buddies having a blast.

  • Anything is possible

  • The world's largest smoke ring!

  • Come on and move like the power of the river

  • I personally think it works because there's five different people.

  • We're not all the same. We all bring something different.

  • We all keep each other balanced.

  • - Oh! - ( screaming )

  • Anything is possible

  • What's up?

  • Dude Perfect is fun. Dude Perfect is my job.

  • But I feel like Dude Perfect is an opportunity

  • to do something meaningful.

  • That's how it feels more than anything.

  • Thank you guys so much for coming out

  • to our two sold-out shows here in our hometown.

  • As long as you guys keep watching,

  • we're gonna keep making videos that you guys

  • can enjoy together as a family.

  • Thank you so much!

  • Tyler: The past ten years have been unbelievable.

  • None of us could have predicted it.

  • And if we continue to bet on each other,

  • and stick to what got us here in the first place,

  • then we can't lose.

  • Your trophy!

  • - Yeah! - Signing off for now.

  • Say it with us, Dallas.

  • All: Pound it! Noggin! See ya!

  • ♪ I can feel it

  • There's something in the water

  • Anything is possible

  • Come on and move

  • Like the power of the river

  • Anything is possible

  • - Say, "Hello, we love you." - I love you.

  • Woman: We love you, too.

  • Anything is possible

  • ♪ I can feel it

  • There's something in the water

  • Anything is possible

  • Come on and move

  • Like the power of the river

  • Anything is possible

  • Man: Cory and Coby are working hard.

  • They're playing baseball.

  • Anything is possible

  • There we go, boys. We did it.

  • The Pound It Noggin Tour is officially over.

  • We have been waiting for this moment.

  • - Bring it in. - Yeah.

  • Please don't mess up the final one.

  • - Okay. - Come on, Jeffy T.

  • Three, two, one!

  • All: Zero!

  • Anything is possible

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