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  • - [gasp] Oh my God!

  • I didn't even know

  • I didn't know you guys were gonna be here yet.

  • [beep] The light is in the way.

  • Cool. [beep]

  • Hey Vogue, it's Winnie Harlow

  • I am here in New York City

  • in my apartment and I am going to

  • take you through 24 hours

  • with me self-isolating.

  • [chill Lofi music]

  • So, this morning I woke up on the couch

  • and I hate when I fall asleep on the couch

  • 'cause I feel like I get a better sleep in my bed.

  • I also fell asleep

  • talking to a really cute guy last night.

  • [shhh] Anyway, don't tell my secrets.

  • I just got out of the shower

  • so I washed my face already.

  • Hyaluronic filler serum.

  • This is the

  • Nivea Q-10 Plus Anti-Wrinkle Night Cream.

  • Not too much.

  • Sorry I didn't mean to flip you off earlier.

  • And now my face feels nice and hydrated.

  • Moving on to stage two of getting ready

  • and it takes place

  • right over here.

  • [yells in mock fear] Asha terrified me.

  • [Asha giggling]

  • Guys, this is Asha.

  • I've kidnapped her

  • for quarantine time.

  • Come say hi, Asha.

  • She's shy.

  • - Hi [Asha giggles]

  • It's makeup time, it's makeup time

  • Ooh, my brows are growing in.

  • Cutie.

  • Honestly, I kind of like having

  • no makeup on in quarantine

  • so my skin can breathe,

  • but I also feel like

  • putting on makeup

  • during this quarantine time

  • makes me feel like

  • better, like makes me feel like

  • I've done something today

  • or I could do something today.

  • I like to conceal my lids.

  • You can see like my vitiligo,

  • which is my skin condition,

  • has changed a lot over the years

  • and currently

  • I have a lot more white on this eye

  • than I do this eye

  • so, I like to even them out

  • so that whatever shadows I put on top

  • are even as well.

  • [jazzy Lofi music]

  • Ta-da!

  • [jazzy Lofi music]

  • This is my lip gloss,

  • from my KKW Winnie Collection.

  • This is Tiger Eye.

  • It just makes your lips look super healthy and flushed.

  • And ta-da!

  • That's the look for today.

  • This week on:

  • Winnie and Asha cook.

  • [Asha chuckles]

  • So we're just gonna make scrambled eggs

  • cause it's something that we can both agree on.

  • We both really like scrambled eggs.

  • And, I'm gonna just melt some cheese on the top.

  • Gonna make some turkey bacon.

  • Asha makes it in the oven sometimes

  • but I like it on the stove. - For convenience I make it

  • in the oven. - Right.

  • But like because there's two of us now so

  • it can like... - You can, yeah [laughs]

  • - All right here we go!

  • You can put these in the oven?

  • You put everything in the oven don't you? [laughs]

  • - [laughs] Well I don't have a toaster at home.

  • - Oh okay, okay, that makes sense.

  • - So it's like my go to.

  • [jazzy Lofi music]

  • - So that's a wrap on breakfast.

  • What should we do next?

  • - I don't know.

  • [Winnie laughs]

  • [jazzy Lofi music]

  • - Miss you guys so much!

  • [gasps] Oh my goodness!

  • Hi pretty girl!

  • Say hi to Vogue!

  • - Hi!

  • [Winnie laughs]

  • - [Tory Lanez] Yo.

  • - Tory Lanez in the building!

  • - [Tory Lanez] What's poppin?

  • - Say hey to Vogue.

  • - Hello Vogue, how you doing?

  • - So Tory's new album just dropped today

  • and I'm really proud of him.

  • We can't celebrate but I wanted to call you

  • and say congratulations.

  • So what have you been doing to keep yourself

  • pre-occupied during quarantine?

  • - [Tory Lanez] All jokes aside, just Quarantine Radio

  • and we just been having fun on that

  • and - What's Quarantine Radio

  • for anyone listening who doesn't know?

  • - [Tory Lanez] Quarantine radio is just basically like,

  • it's kind of like a virtual club/radio station

  • all in one where celebrities pull up,

  • you know, different guests pull up,

  • girls dance, people show different talents sometimes,

  • you know, it's a fun show and it started

  • to catch a lot of traction.

  • - I will be tuning in to the next Quarantine Radio.

  • - [Tory Lanez] Yeah, we got your bottles ready.

  • [Winnie laughs] All right take care Tory.

  • - [group on video chat] Hey!

  • - What's up guys?

  • [cheerful Lofi music]

  • - Come here!

  • - [Asha] No! [laughs]

  • - Come.

  • This is my workout, my quarantine workout.

  • [Cheerful Lofi music]

  • [laughs]

  • [people on group chat cheering]

  • - Got a bunch of stuff from this company on Instagram

  • called Fruits and Roots.

  • These are like tropical fruits,

  • things that I find in my home country, Jamaica.

  • This is called a soursop and it's ripe [sniffs]

  • it smells so good

  • and I can't wait to open this and eat this.

  • Actually.

  • All right so this is a soursop

  • and I'm a show you what it looks like on the inside.

  • It's so ripe that it's already

  • bursting at the seams.

  • You know what, I'm gonna show you something cool

  • you don't actually need a knife to open this.

  • You could just [gleeful sigh]

  • bust it wide open!

  • Amazing!

  • Oh yes.

  • Oh yes.

  • Very soft fruit.

  • Then we have little like,

  • seeds inside with the fruit around it.

  • Eat it. [delighted moan]

  • Spit out the seed.

  • It's sweet, it's a little tangy,

  • especially being stuck in New York right now

  • makes me feel like I'm on an island

  • and I like that.

  • [chill Lofi]

  • - So we're playing Cadoo? - Cadoo.

  • - Okay, so - [dice rolls] You go first.

  • Oh yeah thank you.

  • - Cheating already? [Winnie laughs]

  • [Asha chuckles]

  • - Smells like, - Childhood?

  • - No. - Oh no.

  • - It doesn't smell like Play-Dough it smells like

  • cat food.

  • - [surprised gasp] That's... - Dog food.

  • - Not fun. - Fish food.

  • Which one?

  • - [laughs] Cat food, dog food or fish food?

  • - Yeah.

  • [both laughing]

  • - To the winner. - To the loser.

  • [both laughing]

  • - Cheers!

  • [jazzy Lofi music]

  • [Winnie giggling]

  • - Yay!

  • [Winnie laughing delightedly]

  • - You were just waiting for that, I know you were!

  • [smacks counter]

  • All right, so, it's really late [laughs].

  • We played that game for a really long time.

  • But we're still hungry, so we are gonna go ahead

  • and cook... - A quick dinner.

  • - A quick dinner.

  • We're gonna make salmon, rice

  • and some sauteed spinach I think.

  • Oh gosh [yells in surprise]

  • Winging it [chuckles]

  • [chill Lofi music]

  • One time when I was growing up,

  • my mom had like, fresh, I don't know what it was,

  • like lettuce?

  • - Okay.

  • - Or something.

  • And she was washing it and I always asked her

  • why do you use salt to wash like, greens and stuff?

  • - [murmured agreement]

  • And one day when I was like, in the kitchen

  • watching her cook, there was a slug!

  • - [gasps] That would of scarred me for life.

  • - Yeah.

  • - The final product. - There you go!

  • - Soda or water?

  • - Definitely soda.

  • - It's bed time now and I wanted to show you guys

  • my night time skin routine.

  • First and foremost

  • I'm wearing a little bit of mascara.

  • Pharmacy Very Cherry Clean Makeup Meltaway

  • Cleansing Balm.

  • [sniffs]

  • This smells like childhood.

  • I'm just gonna go ahead and slather that on

  • and focus it on my eyelashes

  • to get that mascara off.

  • And this works great as like a first cleanse

  • if you double cleanse.

  • Know what?

  • Whenever my skin is feeling, like, really sensitive

  • I just like to go in with Dove bar soap.

  • I feel like

  • my skin reacts best to this.

  • Well, next step is mask.

  • This says to leave on about ten to fifteen minutes.

  • Cause I have no patience for anything,

  • because of that I figured out that I like to

  • put on a mask before I take a shower.

  • Whenever I'm finished showering

  • I can just rinse my face

  • and it's like 2-in-1.

  • Shower cap.

  • So that my inches don't get soaked.

  • I look so crazy right now this is hilarious.

  • I'll be right back.

  • And we're back.

  • I've realized my skin is pretty dry.

  • Gonna start with rose water,

  • hyaluronic acid,

  • and then I'm gonna go in with a retinol

  • which I didn't do in the morning

  • but I do at night

  • and this is the Image Skincare Retinol.

  • And then I know someone's gonna try and call me out

  • on this last one but I use this

  • Veta-Soothe serum on top of everything

  • because it's such a thick consistency.

  • They say to put serums on before creams,

  • but they also say to put on your

  • thinnest to thickest product.

  • And that's it, that's my night time skin routine.

  • Nice and clean

  • and ready for bed.

  • [lips smack]

  • [Chill Lofi music]

- [gasp] Oh my God!

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