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  • - I think it's one of the ones

  • that I don't know.

  • I knew it, when I heard the name, I knew it!

  • - Okay. - Got it.

  • - Give me a minute, give me a minute.

  • - Hi, I'm Farryn.

  • - Hi, I'm Destiny.

  • And today, we're gonna be trying

  • to identify European languages.

  • (upbeat rock music)

  • Hmm. - Ooh,

  • I feel 50:50 on this.

  • Like, I think I can get the big ones,

  • but if you're throwin' some like obscure country at me,

  • then I don't know if I'm gonna be able to do it.

  • Like, someone from Croatia, like,

  • I don't know what that sounds like.

  • If you do Italy, Spain, France?

  • I think I can get those.

  • - I speak like a, like, when I say

  • teeny tiny teeny, like a couple words of French,

  • but that's really good.

  • Like, so small.

  • - I don't speak any other languages,

  • I took Spanish in high school,

  • and then I immediately forgot Spanish

  • once I left high school, so that's a no for me.

  • - I have never been to Europe,

  • so I'm really excited to go on a sensory journey today

  • and hear these languages and see if maybe

  • I can pick up something before I go.

  • - I guess we're gonna put on blindfolds

  • to heighten our senses.

  • - All right, let's do it.

  • - Here we go.

  • My sense are already heightened.

  • - Yeah.

  • - I can hear them already outside the door.

  • - I'm ready, bring 'im out.

  • - Or her. - Or her.

  • Or them!

  • - This is equal opportunity right here.

  • (pizzicato string music)

  • (speaking Italian)

  • - Mm.

  • (angelic harp music)

  • (speaking Italian)

  • - I'm thinking somewhere like around Spain or Portugal?

  • - At first, I couldn't tell, there was lots of like

  • Zs in there, and I'm like okay, where we goin'?

  • But then it kind of was like rollin' off the tongue,

  • so it was like it kind of sounds a little like Spanishy

  • but we're talkin' Europe, so I was thinking like Portugal.

  • - Destiny, this will really help us.

  • Can you say no in your language?

  • - No.

  • (laughs)

  • - Destiny, you got it?

  • - (snaps) Ready, got it. (claps)

  • - All right, cool.

  • - (claps) Let's hear it.

  • - My answer is Spain.

  • - I will also say Spain.

  • - Hello! - Hello.

  • - Hello! - Hi!

  • - How's it going? - Good!

  • - My name is Maximilliano.

  • - Maximilli-- - Oh no!

  • - And I am from Spain, just kidding, I'm from Italy!

  • - No, I knew it, I knew it! - Oh!

  • - When I heard the name, I knew it.

  • - Well, it was a pleasure.

  • - Thank you for coming. - Thank you.

  • - And we should go to Spain, Spain is nice, though.

  • But Italy's better.

  • (laughing)

  • (warm synth music)

  • (speaking Swedish)

  • (angelic harp music)

  • (speaking Swedish)

  • - That was a lot of words.

  • And sounds.

  • I have some ideas, I have some ideas,

  • but I am not, I am not sure.

  • At first, I was kind of like, Greek-ish?

  • But then I was like, maybe like Czech?

  • Or like Russian?

  • I don't really,

  • I cannot tell.

  • - I don't know what it is.

  • (laughs)

  • I think it's one of the ones that I don't know.

  • I'm being honest with yoU.

  • Which all of them.

  • Did you say underberg at one point?

  • (speaking Swedish)

  • - Oh, that's not right.

  • - [Destiny] Did you say alcohol?

  • - Mmhmm.

  • - M'kay.

  • - Alcohol.

  • - Okay, it's all the same.

  • Okay, I think I have a guess.

  • - You're gonna go with, you're gonna go with Greek?

  • - No, no, I'm gonna go with Russian.

  • - [Farryn] Russian?

  • (exhaling)

  • - Actually, wait, wait, wait, no.

  • - Can you say, like, my name is?

  • (speaking Swedish)

  • - Oh, that didn't help me at all.

  • (laughing)

  • - Could be Croatian, I don't know.

  • - Frick, frick. - Look, go back.

  • - Frick, frick, do I have to make a guess?

  • I don't know, Polish?

  • I don't know.

  • - I said Slovak?

  • - That was Swedish.

  • (groaning) (laughing)

  • - Ahh, wow. - Hey!

  • - Well, oh for two, folks.

  • (laughs) - Wow.

  • - Oh for two.

  • - I didn't really know Swedish sounded like that,

  • is that really what it?

  • I mean, I-- - Say something again?

  • (speaking Swedish)

  • - Yeah, okay, when I take the blindfold off, he's right.

  • THat's right.

  • - Wow, that is, wow, great.

  • - Well, all right, we tried.

  • - It's okay, I forgive you both.

  • - Thank you. - Thank you. (laughs)

  • - It's not like anyone else ever guesses that correctly.

  • My best friends think I'm making it up

  • on the spot when I speak it.

  • (European guitar music)

  • (speaking Portuguese)

  • - Some of what she was saying kind of sounded

  • a little like some, could be similar to Spanish

  • a little bit?

  • But also not, so I'm still trying to piece together

  • what she just said.

  • - I'm gonna just say Portugal

  • 'cause I'm really feelin' that--

  • - Yeah. - I think that's,

  • I think that's what I'm getting here.

  • Can you say like, I eat fish?

  • (speaking Portuguese)

  • - Mmhmm, I'm stickin' with it.

  • - Well, now that Farryn said that, now I'm kinda like, yeah,

  • but also, can you say I went to school today?

  • (speaking Portuguese)

  • (laughs)

  • - Damn.

  • (laughing)

  • Portuguese sounds like, now that,

  • I mean, I don't like what it sounds like,

  • but now that Farryn has said that, I'm like leaning into it.

  • But I also like--

  • - It also sounds like it could east,

  • something on the east side? - Yeah, that's what I'm like--

  • - You, you pick that, we'll split the difference,

  • so you take one over there,

  • and I'll take Portugal and we'll just call it even

  • and if one of us are right--

  • - Okay, wait, one more sentence.

  • Say I like dogs.

  • (speaking Portuguese)

  • - Oh no, never mind, hold on.

  • - I'm feeling like, like Czech.

  • - Hold on. - Czech, Czech,

  • Czechoslovakia, is that where is that,

  • that's all what that is?

  • That's what I'm feeling, something around that area.

  • - Well, I don't know because that I like dogs,

  • I like dogs is like, that threw me a little bit,

  • that's not what I was expecting.

  • I'm just gonna stick with it, I'm oh for three already.

  • Or oh for two two already, and let's just go oh for three,

  • I'm gonna lock it in, final answer, Portugal.

  • - Hi!

  • - Hi! - Hey.

  • - Yes, I am from Portugal.

  • (crowd cheering) (laughing)

  • - Hey, goal!

  • - Great job! - Thank you.

  • - Great job. - I tried.

  • - I know you did. (laughing)

  • You both did great.

  • Goodbye! - Thank you.

  • (European folk music)

  • (speaking Romanian)

  • - I'm thinking like, initially, I wanna say like

  • Russian or something like that?

  • But I also don't know.

  • - I don't know either!

  • It also kinda has like a Spanishy sound to it.

  • But honestly, her cadence is like very smooth

  • but it kind of sounds like a little bit

  • like French a little bit?

  • Like, I'm getting some French vibes, but I don't know.

  • The French that like, I was taught,

  • like doesn't sound like that.

  • (laughing)

  • But like, some of the words she's saying, I'm like, wait.

  • - Can you say, like, my name is?

  • (speaking Romanian)

  • - Oh, oh boy!

  • - Oh, this is hard.

  • - This is so hard, you guys!

  • (speaking Romanian)

  • - Oh yeah, okay.

  • Mmhmm, that makes sense. (laughs)

  • (speaking Romanian)

  • - Okay, got it, got it. - Okay, give me a minute,

  • give me a minute. - Got it.

  • Destiny, I'll let you have the floor first.

  • - Wait, no, wait, I just need like a second.

  • Let me think through, I'm like looking at a map in my head.

  • It sounds kind of-- - Hey, you should go

  • with Greek, you know? - Greek! (claps)

  • Honestly, I've been holding out to say Croatian,

  • so maybe I'll just use that now.

  • Say, yes, I am hungry.

  • (speaking Romanian)

  • - (sighs) Didn't, never mind.

  • - I'm gonna stay Russian.

  • - I'm gonna just (claps) jump right on in

  • and say like Finnish.

  • - Hello ladies. - Hi!

  • - Hello!

  • - So, it's Romanian.

  • (groaning)

  • But you were both close

  • because Romania is part of the five Romance languages,

  • so it's French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian.

  • It's the only eastern European country

  • that has the Romance language.

  • So, you can feel a little bit of Russian,

  • but also, the Latin roots.

  • - Yeah. - Yes.

  • - So, yeah, 'cause we have da,

  • but we have dadada dada, dadada dadada, it's like, mm.

  • - Like music! - Yeah, yeah.

  • - That was tricky!

  • This was a tricky one.

  • I have never heard Romanian before.

  • - I think I have heard Romanian before.

  • I'd have never thought any of it, so that's crazy.

  • - Probably in vampires movies,

  • there's always a lady or the bad guy,

  • the vampire like the alpha vampire

  • that says something cool, (speaking Romanian)

  • and blah blah blah or something.

  • - Ooh, that's Romanian! - Yeah, yeah.

  • - Oh my goodness!

  • - The da really threw me, so I was like,

  • Russian, boom, done.

  • - Bye! - Thank you!

  • - Thank you so much. (speaking Romanian)

  • - And thank you! (laughing)

  • - So while I clearly did not do well at all,

  • that was, it's really hard because I feel like

  • a lot of languages are like, have pieces of other,

  • like, you know what I mean, like?

  • - Yeah. - There's, it's just,

  • it was really hard, that was like--

  • - Yeah, like especially with the last one,

  • where she was like, I snuck a little of Spanish

  • and a little bit of French and a little bit of this

  • and a little bit of that,

  • and so when we were listening,

  • we were picking up on all of these things,

  • but it was really hard to pinpoint

  • sort of like which direction that it was learning.

  • I learned I'm terrible at languages.

  • - Yeah, I learned I need to go to Europe,

  • so I can learn these languages.

  • (warm funky music)

- I think it's one of the ones

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