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  • we arrive at a whole when need has noodle some massive catfish before get you little middle image of a real quick here.

  • Basically, we're called to this whole and say this is the surface of the water here, Bottom of rivers and got four foot, maybe chest deep water.

  • So stand at the bottom rivers where the bottom of the hole is with clay.

  • Bank is ate away like this.

  • Basically, just like that.

  • It's about two people wide.

  • So your head you're gonna be about here.

  • You're gonna be about chest deep water.

  • You're gonna have your feet on the whole at first, But first, get there, keep fish from swimming out.

  • Me and Dylan are gonna get on each side of you.

  • We're gonna put our feet in the whole, basically make a wall.

  • He's gonna come up, He's gonna find you.

  • You don't even have to find him.

  • This is going to be more complicated than the first hole because all of us are going to have to block the opening.

  • Otherwise, any catfish in there could escape.

  • Time for discussing tactics is over.

  • Before going underwater, it's essential to build a mental picture of the layout below the surface.

  • If I don't like a panic if I come across something unexpected after feeling around I've worked out of as a flat shelf that then drops down to the river bed in this vertical face is an opening that goes back into the bank.

  • In here is where a catfish could be hiding at the moment.

  • I can't tell how far the whole goes back.

  • I'll only find that out by sticking my home.

  • Fill him up.

  • You're gonna get in there far enough.

  • I mean, he's gonna be right here, and you're just gonna be able to maneuver everyone get in front of you.

  • Could just be no problem.

  • You know that.

  • You got people here to help you leaning on.

  • Basically, as soon as you hear anything going, your you'll sign pulled me out.

  • I put my whole arm into the hole and feel around for what seems like an eternity.

  • But that doesn't appear to be anyone home, right?

  • My lung is starting to burn.

  • No, maybe not in that.

  • Haven't reached far enough into the hole As we feel around the opening, something runs our legs neck, even block way have to make sure that the hole is totally blocked so it can't escape.

  • I submerge again.

  • This time I go head first into the hole, which just keeps on going and going.

  • Visibility zero.

  • And as I feel around, something bites my hand hard.

  • Wait.

  • I managed to get a good hold of it and bring it to the surface.

  • I finally noodles.

  • A massive catfish for that fish was lying there.

  • Billy once let go and then, like, fumbled around on when actually reached into its mouth.

  • It's a creepy feeling.

  • I'm putting my body in their Dylan's feeding me and pushing me in head first into a hole under the water that something's gonna by being there.

  • It's dark.

  • I don't see anything.

  • That's a good thing to be doing, you know, just ridiculous.

  • But a sea fishing goes.

  • It doesn't get much more than that.

  • Has Night promised.

  • Catfish is still full of fine.

  • It tries to do a characteristic role.

  • If we can't control it, it has the strength to break my wrist.

  • Oh, you doubling.

  • Luckily, it decides to let it go.

  • Big flathead catfish.

  • I mean, well named.

  • That head is flat.

  • That lower jaw poking Oppa's well.

  • But just just what Abi's.

  • It's a bit sort of torn up.

  • It's got some battle scars that Adipose fin here should just be a normal, clean low bond that's been split.

  • It's got a bit of a lump on it, tails a bit Thorne.

  • One possibility is these things move into beaver holes, and if there's a beef already in residence, you know the beaver probably takes exception.

  • So, you know, these things have a bit of a tough time.

  • They got to compete for real estate down there.

  • This fish must weigh at least £50.

  • Making is a strong contender for the contest, considering the fish there's attacked.

  • Bobby Sparks was twice the weight of this one.

  • Any doubts I had begin to dissolve when I first heard people talking about North American catfish is being fish that could potentially kill people.

  • My first reaction was, this is a bit unbelievable.

  • This is something I've got to look into.

  • But now, having actually tried this former fishing, where what you're actually doing is trying to provoke the fish to bite you and then hang on to you while you're under the water in the dark with just one lung full of air.

  • Like really, really appreciate how these fish can potentially cause human fatalities.

  • Time is running out.

  • We have to load up our three biggest catfish on get to the way in.

  • Other teams are returning from their noodling locations all over the counter.

  • It's a tense time.

  • Everybody gets their catches way.

  • Pressure mounts as I start to get recognized.

  • My reputation for catching monsters is on.

  • It's our time to weigh all catches.

  • There should be £50 of weight.

  • Lost on the scales is the catfish.

  • I pulled out and it weighs £53.

  • This gives us a combined weight with £155.

  • But is this enough to win Michael Field?

  • The second place was a team of David Walker.

  • First place goes to the team and Nathan Williams.

  • Thanks to the skill of NATO.

  • Dylan, my noodling inexperience has passed on notice on my reputation as a monster.

we arrive at a whole when need has noodle some massive catfish before get you little middle image of a real quick here.

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