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  • -How is your -- is your dog, Petunia,

  • enjoying the quality time she's getting with you?

  • -I think she is. She's snoring.

  • I don't know if this audio can pick it up.

  • She's laying on a little towel. She's enjoying it.

  • I think it took her a couple -- It took her more than a week

  • to realize what was happening,

  • which is that we weren't going anywhere.

  • We've taken her out on the street a couple times,

  • safely, with a mask on.

  • Totally kidding. -Right.

  • -Her face is flat. It would suffocate her.

  • -[ Laughs ]

  • -And she just looks around, like, empty streets, like...

  • Like, no one anywhere.

  • And it's really weird to a dog. -Yeah. Our dog is --

  • -Her whole life, she's at leg level.

  • And now there's none. -Yeah.

  • There's no legs to mark exactly how tall she is.

  • -There's no legs. She doesn't know -- yeah.

  • She can't tell a quarter from the Statue of Liberty.

  • She's got no -- [ Both laugh ]

  • --Without legs.

  • -You went back.

  • You hosted "SNL" for a third time.

  • -Yeah, and then the world ended.

  • -Yeah, and the world ended.

  • And in February, right? February.

  • -It was leap year, Saturday, February 29th.

  • -And you -- you had to cancel a stand-up show in Canada?

  • -Yeah. I -- Yeah, but I'm --

  • I'm gonna get there real soon.

  • -So, Toronto, yes?

  • -Toronto, Canada. -Yeah.

  • -Supposed to perform in the fall.

  • Had an emergency.

  • Truly had an emergency, couldn't perform.

  • By the way, no one cares.

  • They're still mad at me for canceling the first time.

  • I can tell them my legs were chopped off,

  • and they'd be like, "Well, you should've let

  • ticket owners know."

  • Then weather-related cancellation.

  • Then I rescheduled for February 28th.

  • And I say, "There's no way this is gonna be cancelled."

  • Then I cancelled it for "Saturday Night Live."

  • Now it's going to be rescheduled for the fourth time real soon.

  • -You had Lorne write a letter for you.

  • -Yes, Lorne is the --

  • I think he has a dukedom in Canada.

  • -Yeah. -Or a fiefdom or something.

  • So he's a Knight of the Order of Canada.

  • And he'd tell you that, and so --

  • -Wait. He wears -- He's got the little button.

  • -They have a little button, yeah.

  • -A lapel pin. I should make clear, it's not,

  • I don't think, a button. [ Laughter ]

  • -It's not a -- No. It doesn't have a pin

  • on the back, and it says, "I'm in Canada."

  • It's small, understated lapel pin.

  • Looks very nice.

  • So he wrote a letter to his own people

  • to ask for their forgiveness for me missing the date.

  • -Yeah. -And it was very nice.

  • And I am really excited to see the people of Toronto.

  • And I do -- This isn't like a life bit

  • where I keep can canceling the show for fun.

  • I'm not a sociopath in that way.

  • I recognize how that would be funny.

  • But I am not currently doing that.

  • -[ Laughs ] -Well, all the good people

  • of Canada and every great nation

  • has a chance to hear you and Nick Kroll.

  • And we'll be right back to talk to talk about the

  • "Oh, Hello: the P'dcast"

  • right after this. -Thank you.

-How is your -- is your dog, Petunia,

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