Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles (slow orchestral music) - Enjoy your meal! - Thanks, you too! (laughing) Wait. I didn't mean to say "you too". - Oh that's okay. It happens all the time. - Okay great. (laughing) But that's also not to say that like you can't... You're not allowed to enjoy a meal. Like when you have one next. If you have one. Like if you go on break, you can enjoy that. (awkward chuckling) So enjoy your meal then, when you have it. It's not up to me. I'm sure you'll eat some time, but I'm not the viceroy of lunch. The duke of dinners! It's not me. I'm not in charge of you. Cause you have agency over your own body, your own life, this is you, you be you. - Cool. - And I'll keep being me. - Cool. - Yeah! - Cool. - For sure. - Cool. (awkward chuckling) So... - Yeah. - All good. - All set. Are you mad at me? - Yeah. (slow orchestral music) (crunching) - [Narrator] Every awkward moment ever. - Potting. - Mike! What's up, man? - Hey! Who the hell is that? (dramatic music) I definitely know him, but what's his name? And why do I know him? - How have you been? I haven't seen you around lately! - Around where? Where haven't I been lately? The gym? Oh it's the gym! Uh, yeah! I've just been really lazy. How is the lifting? You lifting a lot? - Lifting? - Okay, so it's not the gym! And now he knows. I need to save this. You got... You're strong! You look strong! - Oh, really? Thanks man. How's Lisa? - He knows Lisa! I wonder if I can text her without him knowing? Good! She's doing good! Doing all good. Good things, mostly. (camera shutter clicks) - Did you just take a photo of me? - No. - Okay. Just cause it looks like you- - Well it was nice to see you... Larry? - It was good to see you, Mike. Yeah. - I was gonna buy this, but it's really expensive. - Potting mix? - Yeah. Cause we know each other. Would you mind buying me some potting mix? - Absolutely not. - Larry. - [Narrator] That was so supes awk. (funky electronic music) (woman sneezing) - Bless you. - That was a cough. (blowing air through lips) - [Narrator] Awky talky! (scanner beeps) - Yeah. I think they'll look nice above the bed. Val? - Oh! Oh! Hey Brian! - Hey! - This must be your new um... - Oh my gosh yeah! I'm so sorry! This is Ashley! She is a philanthropist and model with a PhD. Ashley, this is Val! We used to date! - Yeah! Good to meet you Ashley! I have a boyfriend as well! He works right next to me! Crazy. (chuckling) - What? I'm not her boyfriend. I'm very gay, and even if I wasn't, I would never date her. We have nothing in common. - Oh... Val, you don't have to... If you haven't moved on yet, that's fine. - Oh, I totally have moved on. Yeah. He is extremely gay. - Yeah I am. - I don't know what I was talking about. Goodbye Tyler! (crashing) (snapping) That's my boyfriend! There he is! Oh my god he was hiding! Scuze me Ashley. Model, whatever you are. He can't hear a lot, but we totally make it work. - What? - Val... Please don't lie. Just be who you are. - I'm not lying, Brian. - Is that Clark Gable? - No. I love you so much. - Wow. - It's good to see you Val. - So cool to see you buddy. It is awesome. Great meeting you, woman of the year! - I need to go. - Yeah. He needs to go. - I went. - Oh my god. Okay. Let's go let's go. Bye, we're heading out. - Wait, no. Aren't you going to finish scanning our lights? - No I cannot. - I fought in the Seven Days War! - He's a veteran! - You know the crazy thing is, that I fought for eight days! Yeah they couldn't find me. I was lost in the desert. - Thank you for your service, sir! - [Narrator] Ew. That conversation was so awksauce. (upbeat guitar music) - Hey Tyler! - Hey! - Thanks for giving me a ride, since my car's in the shop. - Oh yeah. It's not a problem at all. - I really appreciate it. Things have been really hard since Patrick lost his job. - Oh my god, I'm so sorry! - Not just money wise. Losing his job has made him feel like less of a man. And honestly, it's made him pretty insecure in the bedroom. And usually he's extremely dominant in our very active sex life, and now he just wants constant assurance that I'm still into it, which frankly makes me drier