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  • Good evening

  • Zdravstvuyte (hello).

  • Welcome to gaming week. Gaming week continue and so does papers, please

  • Is my son still alive?

  • Probably not. ( subtitle by *I am HeRe *in description at bottom )

  • "Dancers at Grestin Club found dead."

  • This is so sad. I am shaking and crying.

  • I probably had something to do with this

  • Glorious day.

  • Inspector,

  • Search scanner, very good.

  • Yes, Kolechians must be approved

  • Okay glory to Arstotzka. Next.

  • Privet (hello)

  • You're visiting friends.

  • How long, a couple of weeks?

  • Kolechia, stupid Kolechia. I spit on Kolechia.

  • This is so crazy. You will not believe this.

  • You have been selected [for] random search.

  • It's never happened before, I swear. No discrimination, dumb bitch.

  • Alysia Stinson, what a stupid name what a stupid face. Vedor. I've been Vedor. It's disgusting.

  • Disgusting lady, get out of my sight. Okay.

  • Kolechia. Vedor. Khorosho (good).

  • Khorosho (good). Passport number okay a visit she say visit right?

  • Missing in the

  • Alysia, Alysia, Alysia Stinson Kolechia...

  • Stinson passport khorosho (good).

  • Visit enter. Bye. Okay, okay.

  • Okay

  • Dosvidanya (bye)

  • Next cause no trouble check out new fountain new fountain. Very pretty

  • Papers. Zdravstvuyte (hello)

  • Transit.

  • How long you stay?

  • Couple weeks.

  • Transit khorosho (good). Okay first we check if passport is okay.

  • Okay.

  • What was I doing?

  • Okay this passport stupid.

  • Passport Impor what is this? Are you poor?

  • StUuPid!

  • Tsunkeido. Khorosho (good). Female!

  • Nani desu ka (what)? okay khorosho (good) *laughs*

  • What's your name Borla Grizhenko.

  • You were born in Tsunkeido. It was correct, right?

  • Tsunkeido and you expire what about the serial number? Khorosho (okay)

  • Enter by... I mean, I don't see a problem

  • They kind of look different there on the picture. Don't they? Let's check that. Oh it is why you look old I

  • Don't know what to say. It's me. Don't waste my time. What do you have here, Borla?

  • Applicant ring appraised

  • Border like Gary's ankle. So this is it is correct. She just had a really ugly photo

  • You look like a potato

  • left in the Sun

  • for a century

  • But you may enter. Khorosho (okay) cause no trouble checkout fountain! check out new fountain what

  • WhHaAtT?!

  • non matching photo

  • Fingerprints do not make oh they have to match the record. I didn't know that god, dammit

  • They don't tell me! The higher-ups. Don't tell me and then they don't pay me when I make problem. Why you bald?

  • Danil super

  • Ok

  • You need a lot of things, huh?

  • Supar, Danil

  • male

  • First we check passport. Where is this? Oh bristan, Aubristan.

  • Passport, ok fine arts stupid job. Why you no work for government?

  • Danil Supar, khorosho (okay)

  • Untill how long one month

  • and this last one one month okay, and you expire I mean, I don't see problem, but there's always problem Oh

  • Aubristan, okay khorosho dosvidaniya (okay bye).

  • Oh, we forgot. Oh, shoot shit. They're gonna fire me work??

  • Did you say work? Okay Oh God. Can I have your passport back? I need to check one thing God.

  • Please check out fountain! :D

  • Check out fountain, next!

  • Fuck me invalid name. Hey now I'm gonna get fired check out fountain

  • Papers, please Ryan, but Ryan you do not look like man.

  • Hey what you look like old lady

  • Are you women? What is this question? I this is no discrimination

  • What is this photo for destro

  • Is it a district far Edisto? You are men Wow are we were?

  • incredible

  • Maybe get new haircut. Okay. You are 172. Ok. You are 7 to kill

  • Ok, you are born in date? Ok, Oh

  • Same as me, very epic. No way. It's not

  • Orvech Vonor is correct

  • everything is correct, Surgenor, Ryan

  • Ryan

  • Ok

  • Check out fountain

  • Next I cannot get another ticket. Otherwise, my son will literally die

  • Papers, please. Ahx Kolechia!

  • disgusting

  • 14 days, I will find something to kill. I mean to send you away. Vedor. I know Vedor, stupid city stupid people

  • Kolechia, filthy Koleciha. Ok, your say your name is justina

  • You say your name is Crag, but here it says Crog

  • Why it's a Crog

  • Why it says Crog

  • It says crag

  • Why does it say matching that one is clearly not matching??? that I did the video game did an oopsie?

  • Matching am I crazy? Oh, it isn't

  • I'm crazy. I'm sorry. It looks very similar. Okay the number okay

  • Expire date is okay birthday fine. You said transit 14 days.

  • Want to get you somehow

  • Fine hopefully I don't make mistake. Oh my god, I have to search her

  • Come back

  • Come back and forgot

  • God, dammit, my son

  • It's going to be so disappointed

  • Are you kidding me this never happened this never ever happened? I

  • Can't believe I forgot to search her.

  • AaaAAAaaAAAaAAAHh!

  • You will select a random search now I have to look at the ugly lady instead of pretty lady

  • Damn, I hate my job. I mean, I love my job. Glory to Artitozka?

  • Disgusting filthy Kolechia

  • What is your work permit

  • Xavia, Sivirity, Xavia, Sivirity, Yurko City!

  • Worst place I've ever been I got chlamydia in Yurko

  • It's not good woman not good. I mean, I don't see a problem but there's always a problem

  • next

  • Check out fountain

  • next

  • No problem, dosvidaniya (bye)

  • Basic this is crazy

  • This is not happening and it's first time I work here but it's saying random search

  • Incredible stupid Shad-oy, Safadi Safadi

  • Shaddy, what stupid name what stupid --what does this?

  • What is this

  • No weapons or contraband why you carry this there's zero tolerance you can see that

  • Slow down my friend. I have only harmless medicine I give you ten credits to let me through

  • You cannot bribe an officer of Arstotzka!

  • They pay me. They must pay you well for such opinions. They don't pay me at all

  • next

  • Entry not guaranteed. Oh my god. What happened to you lady?

  • You're visiting friends. How long?

  • three months

  • Okay

  • Now we check passport

  • You are from Antegria. Is that correct?

  • Yes da (yes)

  • St. Marmero

  • Ah, St. Marmero

  • It's very nice in summer

  • What is your password is correct and you are born very old lady wow

  • You're very old

  • You're so awful

  • How are you so old

  • Why are you so old?

  • Karina lab no lab knows

  • the

  • Visit enter by okay

  • Not enter by this expire

  • Old lady go back to old lady country. I don't care you busy

  • reject denied

  • by bike

  • You will not enjoy fountain you will not enjoy the family entry. Not guaranteed my god, you're ugly

  • You are Antegria Glorian, horosho(ok)

  • Everly oh my god. You are ugly lady

  • Emigrate forever in our glorious City. Why why we do this? Oh

  • Look at this, dude

  • Check it again detained

  • detain

  • Send it off to Gulag. You will not enjoy the fountain entry not guaranteed. Oh

  • What a glorious day my son is sick, okay

  • Today my son

  • Today, I'm very happy

  • Today my son

  • Will get the medicine

  • Wait, I can upgrade booth. I will upgrade booth instead. I can't do a anything anyways, Oh

  • Iris Tosca has zero tolerance for delinquency. What is this? Your family will be sent back to the village

  • You are under arrest until your debts are repaid

  • No, no glory to Arstotzka yeah. Noo,nyet(no)

  • Have failed are you kidding me? Okay, we are back

  • Glorious day

  • Nothing happened

  • Okay new rules the collection have filed complaint open

  • Stupid collector a

  • diplomat will arrive today for high-level discussion automatic searches of

  • Kolechian citizens no longer authorized

  • Nyet!(no)

  • Filthy crybabies diplomats require only a passport and very diplomatic

  • authorization

  • refer to rulebook

  • Next

  • Dobri we hear papers

  • Diplomatic our well, where is your diplomatic of the rice? Oh, you have it? Okay fine

  • Lefravski stupid name. Josef stupid name!

  • your code city

  • Worse city my cat got aids in your code city. Ah

  • Yurko sucks

  • Okay, what is your passport number nine to be OW

  • 3 9 4 6 H and you expire by fine your Co how long you stay in our city?

  • How long you want to be in here fine? Check out fountain?

  • next

  • Next

  • Papers I don't have all day. I have to upgrade booth

  • My presence was ok. What is this diplomatic authorizations?

  • Diplomats are you diplomats? Oh

  • Sure, ok

  • You're from Obristan!

  • Ok, it's not Artotzka, but it's not bad

  • My god, you look ugly on photo. Is this correct?

  • While you look so ugly

  • Many years have been cruel. Let's check fingerprints. Give me this

  • Name Dijana Gromova. Is this correct?

  • Okay, it's correct you give this back do I give this back

  • Maya!

  • My dog is barking. It's very stressful do this job. Okay number Dijana Gromova.

  • diplomatic authorization

  • Fine. I don't understand. I don't understand. What other

  • Diplomats require authorization da but you are not from Impor. Oh

  • It means you can enter these places. Ah, I understand of course, of course, of course

  • Very well you can enter

  • NExt! Check out fountain!

  • Non matching photo finger prints do not match record. What are you talking about? Oh my god, is this guy?

  • Are you happy to see I have everything you asked for now. Oh

  • Wow, it looks so real. What is this? Hey

  • Can I ask matching day oh wait

  • Has it expired

  • What do I get him for

  • He needs an entry permit

  • We don't take ticket hey no guys help me take it say it's good you check again maybe

  • I'm sorry, you need every ticket come back again. Ha ha

  • You nice guy, but I have business in our thoughts. Can I get write papers and come see you? Ok, very well next

  • Papers place with this purpose you plan to work. Ok one year.

  • You enter by.

  • 1212 horosho.

  • Mika arrange

  • Mika arrange you look very ugly. What what is this? You tell me? Listen? I do not discriminate

  • But why you look like one man?

  • Why do you ask for no reason random search Oh

  • Collect yeah, I

  • Almost didn't search you

  • But why

  • What I Spit on collection why you wearing man clothes

  • There is a problem with your documentation

  • detains

  • gulag

  • NEXT!

  • You will not enjoy fountain!

  • Yes

  • Glory to arstotzka what money

  • Order awaits what no need this car. Oh

  • It's big

  • NEXT!

  • Glorious day to you

  • Kaliesha why you come here, this is crazy

  • Wait, she needs a diplomat, right?

  • I'm no longer allowed to search them

  • Damn it, Oh west Crescent terrible place. I lost my left testicle in West Crest

  • Okay, you want to immigrate ah why you came to live with my husband stupid their van?

  • Josephine their van Josephine

  • CP all

  • Passport is okay to me and number you look very old

  • Forever enter by

  • 1122 I don't see problem, but I also don't want to accept you

  • Is there anything what would it be just VIN better one?

  • Why this expired I could not come until now but that is not my problem

  • Will the collection go back home!!!

  • You will not enjoy fountain

  • Papers?

  • AaAAAaaaaHhH!

  • Arstotzka welcomes you back

  • Octave Alice district. This is very good district. My father became immortal in this district

  • Octo Valley is very nice

  • It's very nice area. I'm told you are 162. This is standard procedure

  • I am so sorry for taking time your precious time

  • glorious arstotzka Lee

  • always very similar more acts obscure more rock

  • Hacha issued in parodies, 'no. Oh

  • You got from different district

  • That's okay apparently

  • 1982 11 13

  • 11 13. Oh

  • No. Oh no. Oh

  • No

  • Your document is expired

  • It's a mistake. I just renew it. Okay, Cara show

  • There is new fountain so come back soon. Okay?

  • Next

  • Entry not guaranteed next

  • Papers, what is this?

  • visiting friends ah?

  • How long is they?

  • 90 days that is correct Pyotr Milenko.

  • pewter

  • malenko

  • It's been three months Santa Maria mo. It's actually not bad aunt agrea

  • Santomero you look a little tired Esther a problem

  • Visit three months he say visit but why this is work permit or is entry permit

  • Am I crazy

  • Basic rules

  • workers must have worked past I

  • Am crazy oh

  • He is not working that's why it was it looked like the word pass I'm stupid

  • Okay, I think he's fine

  • Fine go then I don't care enjoy. Look at fountain

  • enjoy fountain

  • Come on yes

  • Enjoy fountain papers Oh iris Tuscan

  • Welcome back home Drake's Carmen. I hope you had good stay

  • You don't have to be in dirty City anymore your mail car? Oh sure

  • I grew my first nipple in parodies. Nah, it's very good players parodies. No

  • More like parodies nuts am I right?

  • Okay. Sorry not funny. I make joke pass time quicker

  • You know, my son is sick. Not your plug problem. Of course

  • What am I doing, I'm just making sure

  • Everything is okay

  • What is

  • I'll be reset Vasily low. I think he's okay you okay?

  • Dad

  • Have you seen new fountain if not, you should look

  • My son is very sick. Your son will die without medicine. This is so sad

  • Another glorious day, okay

  • Let's do one more top level collector and expose that iris not conspire what not me

  • This is crazy December 1st glorious day

  • What is this a pig

  • Inspector an undercover agent of the Ministry of an information has been compromised what?

  • Expect a possible drop of letter

  • next

  • Yeah, what who are you?

  • Hello

  • Are you the spy?

  • What no

  • Never I am guard here. My name is Collins

  • They told me I get good position then send me here. This is thanks I get

  • Now they pay me almost nothing. They pay us all as much don't complain. Yes, but look I

  • Get small bonus when you detain people

  • More detain more they give me for processing but this is not fair. You should get something too. So I fix problem. I

  • Give you 5 credits for every two people you take sounds good deal. I give money to you after I get paid

  • Like let us make best of this

  • Okay, it's the same time

  • Next

  • Okay, who are you Oh

  • What is purpose pass-through duration

  • Two days

  • Okay. So your name you say is Thomas?

  • carpenter

  • Carpenter you from East Creston

  • It's not bad place. It's not good place. There is no East grayskin an import

  • What is this the issuance it is not correct. I don't know anything about that b-day

  • Get out send him to gulag you will not enjoy fountain you will never enjoy a fountain again

  • If people don't appreciate the good panting

  • Okay, you are transit

  • What is your name two days, this is correct

  • What are you from? República? Excuse me? Let me check a república

  • laser

  • Indeed ask that is correct. And the passport looks correct to my fellow friends is very cute

  • Okay cause pass

  • Vegas-y your name has began in it. Why why this is your name?

  • Don't understand ok horosho trend enter by 1213 that is correct car show

  • Okay, thus we done yeah look at no fountain

  • Papers please!

  • Have not much time. You must hold on to these. What is this? Keep them safe today? I am being followed by ambassador

  • They pretend to be from ministry information, but it is lie if they ask for documents give them these instead

  • Do not get too mixed up gosh. Oh

  • So wait, which one I give this one. Okay, Farah show me ax papers, please. I am NOT your delivery service

  • Do not leave me documents

  • Visiting friends how long you stay?

  • couple months

  • Marry gatherers, what is this place?

  • Never heard of merge areas. This is real. Are you lying to me? You better not lie. I have eagle eyes

  • There it never be I never make mistake

  • Law, Mary Gary is real. It's crazy. Never visit

  • Harmon Sebastian what stupid name add man? What is your passport Dean? Okay

  • Okay, it's correct

  • Enter by twelve nineteen is correct your mail your mare garius

  • You are really old and really ugly and I don't like your face

  • this expires

  • By the time can you do that?

  • Well, you should get new passport you dummy I think it's fine check out fountain yes

  • Come on I don't have time next

  • What's purpose visiting how long

  • Okay

  • Penobscot Emily

  • Emily van nose cap

  • You are very very not pretty help me

  • Okay, the number is correct and this expires when

  • Next year, that is correct

  • Lorna's is that inab straighten? I forgot

  • Oops trillion you dummy?

  • Lord mass this stupid place. I don't like it enter by 12 27. This is all correct. Enjoy a new fountain

  • Yes, I want to detain people I need money

  • Papers come on papers papers. I

  • Am from the ministry and information you have something to give us are you giving me money?

  • All right, so I'm supposed to give you this

  • but I give you I

  • Don't know I guess I give this

  • Yes

  • You know, I guess I can't give them both. I have money I eat tonight I upgrade booth

  • For this purpose visiting friends. All right, where's your stupid passport?

  • Where your passport give it to me dumb snake sorry, you don't have it. Oh you have it? Okay fine

  • So she say she visit for a few weeks one month and you have to enter by

  • today, you know you're fine and

  • This expires is fine. You rate ok

  • Passport number is it correct?

  • The female the skull from skull is actually not that bad place

  • They have sea fish in skull because they made of skull the donor the donor

  • Ian look

  • girl look

  • horosho

  • You look you look a little crazy. I got to say it is correct. She busy

  • It's all correct, but I need to detain

  • Fine. Enjoy fountain

  • Yes

  • Come on oh my god there. I need to detain someone Oh my fellow artist Otakon

  • Welcome back. How was your trip? Terrible? I'm sure it's awful out there Durex Carmen now dregs

  • I am so sorry. Are you do look like female action? Never mind. You're from East cresting

  • Is getting the greatest place in our structure. We have fountain in Heath

  • I'm sure you've seen many times this fountain and this was issued in

  • Alton, ah, that is correct

  • Everything looks great. You are 40 near 60

  • Okay

  • When this expires

  • Enjoy the family wait, my name is Carmen GRU. You have something of mine

  • Please no, I don't

  • What is this

  • read quickly aerosol skies great country poisoned by corrupt leaders

  • Which has made the help free arrest Otsuka the order of Erick, okay

  • I read do not lose this. What is this?

  • What is this? Oh

  • It's my time

  • Day nine your son has died. I am absolutely devastated. My son is dead

  • It's in the chat. Okay, boys that was end of episode. Hope you enjoy

  • Goodbye.

  • WhAt?! You never played Tuber Simulator!

  • You know, it's fun right? I'm not supposed to give my opinion....

  • But give it a try and then you can tell me if it's good or not. Not convinced yet? Okay. I'll cut you a deal!

  • The game is available for free and that's a great price!!!

Good evening

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