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  • - Hello!

  • - Hi!

  • - I'm Jessica.

  • - And I'm Claudia.

  • - And we are the lesbian stereotype

  • who moved in together on the third date

  • and got engaged after, like, four months

  • and got married quite quickly

  • and spend every moment of every day together.

  • Much like most people are doing in the lockdown right now.

  • - Good thing we liked it; good thing we like it.

  • - Good thing we enjoy each other.

  • Saw a tweet the other day that was like,

  • "All relationships are now either long distance or 24/7."

  • So now we are all lesbians.

  • But we thought in this period of

  • enforced isolation together...

  • It's actually amazing and I love it!

  • - I know; I was like,

  • "We probably only have, like, six weeks more together."

  • (laughs)

  • - Yeah, we got sad the other day

  • thinking about life returning to normal

  • and Claudia having to go to work.

  • (pretends to cry)

  • - I was like, "Oh."

  • Like, where was it?

  • Norway.

  • No, Denmark. - Yeah, Denmark.

  • - Denmark is, like, lessened its lockdown already

  • and I was like, "Oh, maybe that will happen here,"

  • and I was like, "Oh, I'm not sure how I feel about that."

  • (both laugh)

  • - Oh no, we'll have to spend eight hours a day apart again.

  • We thought we'd check just to make sure

  • that we actually do know each other

  • as well as we think we do.

  • - Yeah, I mean, how long have we been together?

  • - Five and a half years.

  • Quite a while.

  • - We should know each other pretty well

  • and we spend all of our time together pretty much.

  • - Yeah, I'm not sure there's anything

  • we don't talk about, as well,

  • which is, like, amusing because I'm deaf

  • and Claudia can't speak particularly well.

  • - But I'm not bored of you.

  • - Huh?

  • - I'm not bored of you.

  • - I'm not bored of you either.

  • - Oh, good.

  • (kisses)

  • - There are many things that you know about me

  • that I do not know about myself

  • because I have no self-awareness.

  • (laughs)

  • I think if there are any questions in this quiz

  • that come up and you have the wrong answer.

  • - And I'd be like, "No."

  • - It's actually you have the right answer

  • and I input the wrong answer the first time.

  • - I'll just explain to you why you're wrong

  • and you'll be like, "Oh yeah."

  • - So I've done the questions first

  • and now we're gonna see whether Claudia gets them right.

  • - All right.

  • How well do you know Jessica?

  • - Oh, enter your name.

  • - Oh, please enter my name?

  • Beyonce!

  • That's the example, apparently.

  • - Why does it give example Amy and then Beyonce?

  • - Question one:

  • Is the idea of one true love

  • something Jessica can believe in?

  • Yes.

  • - Well...

  • - Question two:

  • Would Jessica rather be without the internet

  • or without a means of transportation?

  • Without means of transportation.

  • (laughs)

  • Where are you going, anyway, in this lockdown?

  • Which extreme travel destination would Jessica prefer?

  • I mean, that's like an oxymoron.

  • - This was a tricky one.

  • - That whole sentence is just wrong.

  • The Sahara Desert, the north pole,

  • the south pole, Amazon jungle.

  • Christ.

  • (laughs)

  • The Amazon jungle?

  • I'm gonna go with that.

  • I don't know.

  • You said the north pole!

  • - I did say the north pole.

  • - Yeah, that makes sense 'cause you could see, like,

  • the aurali borealis and the aurora borealis.

  • - There we go; that's the one!

  • Yeah, so that was only...

  • - Was that the only reason?

  • - The only thing I had.

  • - It's like when you get your marks back for an exam

  • and you're like, "Like, I knew that."

  • - Why did I take that B when I knew it was A?

  • - Question four:

  • Jessica would rather have a partner

  • who eats all the snacks without sharing

  • or who watches all the best Netflix shows alone?

  • Snacks without sharing.

  • - Obviously.

  • I'm a bit annoyed that you've watched

  • Grey's Anatomy already.

  • - Oh, but I watched that before I knew you!

  • (both laugh)

  • - Still, we can't discover it together.

  • - I think you're almost up to where I got to.

  • - Yes, we can watch through season eight together!

  • I'm really into Grey's Anatomy right now, okay?

  • - Question five:

  • If Jessica could sleep with a celebrity, who would it be?

  • Angelina Jolie...

  • - Half of these are male, by the way,

  • so you could just knock them out right now.

  • - Beyonce, Tom Hardy, Channing Tatum,

  • George Clooney, Leonardo DiCaprio.

  • Hmm.

  • (crickets chirp)

  • I'm, like, hovering over Rachel Adams

  • but I don't think she's your type.

  • That's more my type.

  • - Who do you think is my type on this list?

  • - I don't even know who Miranda Kerr is.

  • (laughs)

  • - You're okay.

  • Look, it's a list of eight people...

  • - Angelina Jolie.

  • - Four of them are male, so they're off the list.

  • - No, I know you don't fancy Angelina Jolie either

  • but she's more, like, kind of Lara Croft-y than,

  • you know, Rachel Adams, who's a bit more, like, mum-sy.

  • I'm gonna go for Angelina Jolie.

  • - Yeah, Claudia's type is mum-sy.

  • - Oh no, you hit Rachel Adams!

  • - I did, I did!

  • Because I would have wanted to go for Angelina Jolie,

  • but she would scare me.

  • - I know she would scare you, yeah, but like...

  • Question six:

  • Would Jessica rather be too busy or too bored?

  • - Easy.

  • - Too busy.

  • Where would Jessica rather live?

  • France, Italy, Japan, Brazil, Australia, Sweden.

  • - This was tough, actually, this one.

  • - Sweden.

  • - Ah!

  • - That's not tough!

  • - Damn, you know me.

  • - I mean, you've got Swedish heritage,

  • you like the climate there, they do four-day working week,

  • and they've got a good welfare system.

  • - If we could move to Sweden

  • and have our babies there right now, I would be down.

  • - Question eight:

  • Which would Jessica prefer?

  • Apple, Android.

  • Apple.

  • (both laugh)

  • Question nine:

  • Would Jessica rather be able to fly or be invisible?

  • Or, there's another random option there saying,

  • "Rather stay perfectly normal."

  • - Well, that one's out.

  • - Yeah.

  • I think you'd rather fly.

  • - Yes, you're right!

  • Because all I really want is the ability to move

  • and go places...

  • - Ten.

  • - Do things.

  • - If Jessica had a time machine,

  • she would travel to the past and meet ancestors

  • or travel to the future and meet grandchildren.

  • I think she'd rather meet her ancestors.

  • Oh, your face.

  • (laughs)

  • - Sorry, gave it away.

  • - Okay, okay, future grandchildren.

  • - We talk about this all the time!

  • - I know, but you like history.

  • - That we both want spoilers.

  • I love history but I want spoilers to my life.

  • - Question 11:

  • Which is more important to Jessica: love or money?

  • Hmm.

  • This is a hard one.

  • (imitates a buzzer)

  • No.

  • (laughs)

  • Question 12: Which movie genre would Jessica prefer?

  • Romance, horror, adventure, comedy,

  • drama/documentary, animation.

  • - She's gonna show--

  • By the way, animation is not--

  • Anyway, you can have all of those things be animated.

  • Animation itself is not a category.

  • This is gonna show how well you actually really know me.

  • Tricky, I know, tricky, tricky.

  • - I'm gonna go for adventure.

  • Yeah!

  • - You know me!

  • (both laugh)

  • - It's 'cause you love things like Fast and Furious.

  • - Any kind of big drama thriller.

  • - Jumanji, Jumanji 2.

  • Right.

  • What would make Jessica most happy?

  • More sleep, less work, more time with friends and family,

  • breath of fresh air traveling somewhere away from home,

  • more wealth.

  • More time with friends and family

  • is what you would probably know you should put

  • but I think really, if you were being honest with yourself,

  • say more wealth.

  • Yes!

  • - And you know why?

  • Because money means you can have all of those other things.

  • You know in that like rich house, poor house TV show?

  • Which is basically where they get a rich family--

  • - And they're like does money buy you happiness?

  • - Switch lives for a week.

  • Yeah, and it's like, "Is it better to be wealthy

  • "or to have nothing but all your close family?"

  • And it's like, I'm so sorry.

  • No, the poor family, like,

  • their parents are working 20 hours a day

  • and they don't see their kids and everyone's unhappy.

  • - Anyway.

  • - Anyway, sorry.

  • - Question 14:

  • - Just the kind of thing they say to keep the masses down.

  • You know, makes me angry.

  • - To Jessica, love is dead--

  • (laughs)

  • complex, everything, confusing, worthwhile.

  • Everything.

  • Question 15: Would Jessica prefer Coke or Pepsi?

  • Did you, like, make this quiz?

  • You didn't put in your own questions?

  • - I did not make this quiz.

  • - That's crazy!

  • I think Coke?

  • (laughs)

  • The 180 cans downstairs might have something to do with it.

  • Yay, calculating result!

  • Your score is 13!

  • Oh my God.

  • 13 out of 15!

  • - High five.

  • Still high five.

  • - Mine was like...

  • The first one was like only seven questions--

  • wait, it's this one--

  • and then the next one, like, had 10 so I did two.

  • - Okay.

  • (laughs)

  • - Why did mine not work?

  • - I'm sorry your quiz did not work.

  • - All right, do the other one.

  • - But you did another quiz, so we're good.

  • Okay.

  • - What's your name?

  • - My name is Jessica, start!

  • Would I kill someone?

  • - You're answering questions for Claudia.

  • - No, I got that.

  • - Would Claudia kill someone?

  • - Your quiz is a bit different to my quiz!

  • It's not like you'd get into an angry rage and kill someone.

  • What kind of question?

  • No.

  • If I had a time machine, I would...

  • travel to the past and meet ancestors,

  • travel to the future and meet grandchildren.

  • Like, bloody go and meet our grandchildren.

  • Would I rather live without internet or cellphone?

  • You are answering question for Claudia.

  • Well, you regularly put your phone down

  • and walk away from it and forget about it for hours on end

  • but you research intensely and need the internet to do that

  • for your many hours.

  • So you need internet.

  • - Yes.

  • - You would live without your cell phone.

  • - Definitely.

  • - Oh.

  • - Oh, my quiz sucks!

  • - The internet does not want me to know you!

  • - Try again.

  • - How would I like to call my partner?

  • Ooh!

  • Okay, the options are babe,

  • by name--

  • I find it really weird when you say my name.

  • (both laugh)

  • Because you so rarely say my name.

  • - I do say your name!

  • I say Jessie!

  • - Five percent of the time when you're addressing me

  • do you say my name.

  • So not that.

  • Pumpkin.

  • - That's what you call me.

  • - You're my pumpkin.

  • - Sometimes you call me princess.

  • I'm like, "I don't know a princess."

  • - That is a mistake; princess is Tilly.

  • We know that Tilly is the princess, I'm sorry.

  • - And today I told Jessica, like, when she wants someone,

  • please don't start it with, "Can you be such a sweetheart?"

  • I was like, can you just tell me to go get something

  • if you want something?

  • - She doesn't even want me to say please.

  • She's just like, "Order me."

  • - I want you to say please and thank you;

  • I just don't want you to go, "Could you be a sweetheart?"

  • 'cause it just sounds really, like, I don't know,

  • patronizing.

  • - I think it's just how my family address each other.

  • Can you be a darling and get that for me?

  • - I don't know, it sounds a bit, like, manipulative.

  • It's like if I didn't go get it for you,

  • am I therefore not a darling now?

  • - Well, we can discuss my childhood later.

  • (both laugh)

  • Hon or I don't have a partner.

  • (laughs)

  • Not that one!

  • - What would you call your partner?

  • I don't have partner.

  • - This is really difficult because you call me Baba,

  • which unfortunately is none of these.

  • - Or Bobby.

  • - Indeed, she calls me Baba or Bobby.

  • (sighs)

  • I mean, babe is the closest but babe is awful.

  • - I don't call you babe.

  • - You don't call me babe.

  • - Babe!

  • - But you don't call me pumpkin or hon.

  • Am I gonna have to put my name?

  • You just put by name!

  • - I did.

  • (laughs)

  • - Five percent of the time.

  • - More than five percent.

  • You obviously just don't hear it the 95% other times.

  • - Well, I'm deaf, so...

  • - For some reason you hear Bobby more than Jessica

  • or Jessie.

  • - I think it's a terrible name for a deaf person.

  • - It's like Jessie is quite high, isn't it?

  • Whereas Bobby.

  • Bobby, Bobby!

  • (both laugh)

  • - Especially, like, Jess.

  • I cannot hear Jess at all.

  • - I don't say Jess.

  • - I know you don't because no one should call me Jess ever.

  • I really hate it.

  • But like, Jess is like yes; it's just lost in the sea of...

  • How do I show love?

  • Oh, what's your love language?

  • Through words.

  • We do say I love you about 100 times a day.

  • - Yeah, well that's not really original way

  • of showing you how I show my love.

  • I love you.

  • - Through touch?

  • You are very touchy feely, lots of touching.

  • Through gifts.

  • - I buy you stuff.

  • - That's not really how you show love.

  • - I cook, I do all the cooking.

  • Is that not a gift?

  • No, it's an expectation.

  • (both laugh)

  • That's married life.

  • - Through things I do, that would be cooking.

  • Or I don't know.

  • (both laugh)

  • - I did hover over I don't know

  • quite a while.

  • - I think the way that you actually show love

  • is through touch because you're very--

  • not in a bad way-- clingy.

  • (both laugh)

  • - How can clingy not be in a bad way?

  • It's just such a bad word.

  • - Because I don't mind!

  • - I'm a limpet.

  • - Yes, you are, but I think it's cute!

  • - A nice accessory.

  • (both laugh)

  • - Just gets attached and I think it's adorable.

  • But I think you wouldn't have put that down

  • because you don't like that about yourself.

  • I think you would put through things I do.

  • - Okay.

  • - Am I wrong?

  • - You're wrong!

  • - Ah, what did you put?

  • - Touch.

  • - Oh!

  • - I do!

  • - Well done.

  • - I come home, like, cuddle you.

  • - I know you do, exactly.

  • I just thought you wouldn't write it.

  • - I hold you or, like, smack your bum or like..

  • - Yeah.

  • This is generally how close we are

  • at all times around our house.

  • - We're like, "half an hour's gone past."

  • We're like...

  • where are you? - Where's my touch?

  • Bobby!

  • Would I rather be able to speak any language in the world

  • or be able to read minds?

  • Speak any language in the world.

  • - Yes, well done.

  • - Including English.

  • - What is my eye color?

  • (both laugh)

  • - Chocolate brown.

  • - Imagine if you didn't know that one.

  • Oh God, I don't know!

  • - What is my favorite color?

  • Red, blue, black, or pink?

  • None of these.

  • Your actual favorite color is green.

  • - No it's not.

  • - Yeah, it is.

  • I know that you're gonna put blue

  • and that blue is the right answer

  • and you mainly wear blue,

  • but does blue make you happy when you see it?

  • Or does green make you happy when you see it?

  • - I thought the point of your favorite color

  • is my favorite color is blue.

  • I do like green, too; yeah, that's true.

  • - Green is the happy color of your soul

  • but you'll have put blue.

  • Apple or Android?

  • Oh, Apple, but only through necessity

  • 'cause that's what you have.

  • To me, love is dead, complex, everything,

  • confusing, worthwhile.

  • - Worthwhile!

  • Love is worthwhile.

  • - Love is everything.

  • - Yes.

  • (kiss)

  • - We're glad we shared that.

  • - [Both] You're 90%!

  • - So I think we got the same: 13 out of 15 is 90%, isn't it?

  • - I know, yeah.

  • - It's roughly.

  • - It's fine.

  • We love each other!

  • - See, there's some things we're not absolutely

  • 100% sure of, so, you know, that's why.

  • - Which is wonderful!

  • - Gonna be fine for another six weeks of lockdown.

  • - Exactly.

  • I intend to spend the next 60 years of my life with you,

  • so glad there are still things to learn.

  • - Also, our opinions might change.

  • - Oh, yeah!

  • - As you say, my new favorite color

  • is now green, apparently.

  • - It's always been green. - I did never know.

  • - For Christ's sake.

  • (both laugh)

  • Thank you so much for joining us for this mush fest.

  • You can follow us on Instagram

  • for more of this mushy lesbian stuff.

  • - Cheesy stuff.

  • (both laugh)

  • Sometimes I write it and I post it and then I'm like,

  • "Oh my God."

  • - And our friends make fun of us.

  • But we can't help it, okay?

  • All right, that's @jessieandclaud.

  • And thank you so much.

  • If you've enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe

  • and leave us a comment with the next questions

  • that you think we should answer about each other.

  • Thanks for watching; bye!

  • - Bye!

  • (cheerful music)

- Hello!

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