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  • -Thank you so much for doing our show, "At Home Edition."

  • This will mean a lot to -- it means a lot to me,

  • but it will mean a lot to many people.

  • For those who don't know you,

  • you are the creator and main voice of Headspace,

  • my favorite meditation app.

  • Would you call it that? What would you call the app?

  • -Yeah, I mean, we -- it started --

  • it definitely started off like that, Jimmy.

  • I think over time it's evolved.

  • We think of it now as a platform for mindful living.

  • So it's not just about meditation,

  • it's how you can apply mindfulness, yes, to meditation,

  • but also to sleep, to movement, to eating,

  • and kind of every part of our life,

  • rather than just having these few minutes in the day,

  • and then the rest of our day.

  • Kind of how do we bring same quality of mind --

  • peace of mind -- into every moment of our day?

  • -I heard that two of the main things that have been

  • increasing during this pandemic

  • is the adoption of dogs and cats and pets,

  • and mindfulness and meditation.

  • -Yeah, we -- I mean, both are amazing.

  • I know more about the latter than the former.

  • [ Light laughter ] But we have seen --

  • Well, I do have a couple of kids that come close.

  • We've seen an increase in the use of the stress

  • and anxiety content in particular.

  • And the media stats around that, it's over 1,000% increase.

  • So a massive influx of people.

  • -Describe anxiety.

  • Because I know people sometimes misdiagnose it.

  • They don't know what they're doing.

  • They think they're having headache or they're --

  • And I go, "It might be anxiety attack."

  • But there is a lot of anxiety right now out there,

  • and I just think you're the best to talk about that.

  • -No, I think the first thing to acknowledge is that anxiety

  • is natural, it's normal,

  • it's part of our human experience.

  • And all of us experience it at some stage or another.

  • Some people are more likely to experience,

  • some people are more vulnerable to it, but we all experience it.

  • It's just really broad, kind of.

  • And so we might be someone who doesn't experience it

  • sort of too -- with too much intensity or too much frequency.

  • Or we might be someone who gets easily

  • kind of overwhelmed by it.

  • -What else can one do to curb anxiety?

  • -So, look, what happens with anxiety is

  • we tend to get sort of anxious in our mind

  • and then that drives a physical sensation.

  • And then our mind recognizes that physical sensation,

  • and says, "Oh, it's anxiety,"

  • and then we tend to get more anxious in our mind.

  • So it's really important that we learn

  • how to step out of that loop.

  • And one of the easiest ways to do that is through meditation.

  • -There's a -- there's a thing

  • called Take 10 that you were working on.

  • -Yeah, so we kicked that off today, actually.

  • So, so many members from around the world --

  • we have people in over 190 countries around the world.

  • -Wow! -And they were saying that one,

  • we want to come together on daily basis

  • and do something.

  • And two, we want to kind of hear, like, our views

  • on what's happening in the world

  • and to share the stories of other people.

  • So we decided that every day I'm going to drop in

  • with somebody different.

  • So on Instagram, we kick off tomorrow with John Legend.

  • There's going to be people who you know,

  • perhaps who you love, who you could never imagine

  • meditating with.

  • And there'll be people who you don't know.

  • It might be our local doctor from down the road

  • who's just doing amazing things.

  • Or a caregiver in the community

  • who has an incredible story to tell.

  • But every single day my promise is that whether it's 10 breaths

  • or 10 minutes, we will pause together as a community

  • around the world and hopefully bring

  • a little bit more peace to us all.

  • -Would you mind guiding me

  • in maybe a 10-breath meditation now,

  • or some type of meditation?

  • -It would be a pleasure, Jimmy.

  • And maybe I can even ask you, kind of,

  • if maybe next week, week after,

  • we can drop in and do a little meditation together?

  • With everything else --

  • -I would love -- Are you kidding me?

  • -We'll do it. We'll do it.

  • -This is awesome. All right.

  • I would love it.

  • -For those people who haven't done any before,

  • if you weren't with us last time

  • when we did this on the show,

  • doesn't matter whether you've done any meditation or not.

  • You don't need to know anything.

  • In fact, the less you know, the better.

  • All you need to do is to find a place to sit down or lie down.

  • I'm actually recommending at the moment

  • for a lot of people, because they're feeling so stressed

  • and so anxious, I'm actually recommending

  • that they do lie down.

  • You don't have to, but if you'd like to,

  • if you're sitting at home, feel free.

  • Just make yourself comfortable.

  • So -- -This is me comfortable.

  • -Great, that will work. That will work.

  • So we're going to start, Jimmy, in the usual way.

  • We're going to start with our eyes open.

  • Just like a soft focus, just taking in the space around you.

  • And we're just going to take three big, deep breaths,

  • breathing in through the nose...

  • ...and out through the mouth. [ Exhaling ]

  • So as you breathe in, we're really focusing

  • on the lungs filling with air.

  • And as you breathe out,

  • just letting go of any tension in the body,

  • and just allowing the weight of the body to sink down

  • into the seat or the floor beneath you.

  • Okay, one more time, breathing in through the nose...

  • [ Inhaling ]

  • And this time as you breathe out, just gently

  • closing the eyes.

  • So as you pause,

  • just take a minute.

  • Most of us are so caught up in other stuff at the moment.

  • Just letting go of all of that,

  • and just enjoying that feeling

  • of having stopped, of having paused.

  • Of not being distracted by anything.

  • And just checking in, noticing how the body feels.

  • The more often we do this, the more easily

  • the body lets go of any tension.

  • And then just very slowly starting to notice

  • that feeling of breath.

  • So as the body breathes, it creates a natural

  • rising and falling sensation.

  • If you can't feel it, you can just gently place your hand

  • on your stomach.

  • And we're just going to stay with the breath for 10 breaths.

  • So for sure the mind is going to wander,

  • we're going to get distracted.

  • It doesn't matter.

  • As soon as we realize we're getting distracted,

  • we'll just come back to the breath again.

  • So just following that rising and falling sensation.

  • And seeing any distraction,

  • letting it go,

  • and coming back to the breath.

  • So just knowing that this is with us the whole time --

  • we can come back to this at any time in the day.

  • But actually taking time out like this

  • can make a big difference.

  • So just bringing any attention back to the body,

  • back to the space around you.

  • Might be the smell of your dinner burning,

  • your kids running around in the background,

  • your dog jumping all over you, whatever it is,

  • whatever situation you're in right now,

  • just slowly opening your eyes again.

  • -Uh, I feel fantastic.

  • And I -- as soon as we stopped,

  • I immediately thought of pizza.

  • -Yeah. [ Laughter ]

  • -The Take 10, where can we find it again? On Instagram?

  • -You'll find Take 10 on Instagram.

  • And I've got to say, Jimmy, if -- anyone watching,

  • if you are a health care professional

  • or you know a health care professional,

  • Headspace is free for everybody in the nation

  • who is a health care professional

  • working in a public health setting.

  • Use it. Please tell your friends.

  • If you're an educator, if you're a teacher,

  • a caregiver, it is free for you to use.

  • Please tell your friends about it,

  • make sure they're using it.

  • And if you're neither of those,

  • if you're just somebody who wants to kind of try this out,

  • we have Weathering the Storm on there.

  • Again, it's free to use.

  • Mindfulness in meditation, in sleep, in movement,

  • it really does make a difference.

  • -We need that now. We need you now, right now.

  • Thank you so much for doing our show

  • and for giving this gift to everyone.

  • Hopefully it gives us a bit of calm in this storm right now.

  • -Thank you so much. -It's a pleasure, Jimmy.

  • Great to see you again. -Bye, bud.

-Thank you so much for doing our show, "At Home Edition."

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