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  • Well this is a very interesting and deeper

  • topical question.

  • BRADY: If I put my hand in front of the beam at the Large Hadron Collider,

  • (laughter)

  • what would happen to my hand?

  • PROF. BOWLEY: Don't know.

  • Don't know.

  • Don't know.

  • PROF. COPELAND: Not a good idea.

  • And wouldn't recommend it.

  • And in fact, of course you can't.

  • The beam is a hundred meters underground.

  • PROF. BOWLEY: Well I really don't know. I mean you've got these things coming together

  • and you would have thought it'd be extremely dangerous.

  • Somebody would yank you out of there before you could do that.

  • PROF. EAVES: I th...

  • gosh ...

  • um ...

  • I don't think you'd feel very much.

  • PROF. MERRIFIELD: That's a good question. "I don't know," is the answer.

  • Probably be very bad for you.

  • And they'd be very cross with you

  • as well, I can say.

  • PROF. MORIARTY: I don't know the total amount of energy that'd be distributed,

  • and I don't know the energy density

  • PROF. COPELAND: The beam is sending protons in one direction,

  • and of course there's a counter-beam going in the other direction.

  • These protons are going to have an energy of the order,

  • when it's reached its maximum,

  • of order of 7 tera electronvolts.

  • That's about the energy of a mosquito.

  • So it's not a lot, right? It's of one proton.

  • But the difference is this energy is like

  • concentrated into a volume a million million times smaller than the mosquito.

  • So it's like a really sharp pin prick.

  • But it's still only one proton.

  • Unfortunately there are

  • something like 3000 bunches

  • going around the beam

  • around the accelerator.

  • Each bunch has a hundred billion protons.

  • PROF. EAVES: But by the scale of energies that we notice, it wouldn't

  • it wouldn't be that noticeable.

  • I'd be ... interesting ... I'd ...

  • Would I put my hand in the beam?

  • I'm not sure about that.

  • PROF. MORIARTY: 'cause the other thing, 'cause I've worked at synchrotrons

  • And the real problem with,

  • if you're giving off synchrotron radiation

  • because you've got particles traveling very close to the speed of light,

  • if they're accelerating then you're giving off synchrotron radiation.

  • And synchrotron radiation is very nasty.

  • PROF. COPELAND: When they collide them together there are something like 600 million collisions

  • per second.

  • So there's a lot of collisions go on.

  • The total energy stored in the beam,

  • whereas the energy in the individual proton may not be very high,

  • the total energy stored in that beam is about

  • 300

  • mega joules.

  • That's like the energy of an aircraft carrier moving at 11 knots.

  • So now

  • that beam is going to come around.

  • It's suddenly gonna hit your hand, or your body,

  • however,

  • whatever you put in. And it's got to deposit that energy.

  • So it's like being hit by a massive object.

  • And I don't think you'll survive very much.

  • BRADY: Because it's just hitting such a small space

  • won't it just drill the ultimate hole through your hand?

  • Why would it start affecting other parts of your body?

  • PROF. COPELAND: And that's where I...

  • that's why I was hesitating of course at the beginning,

  • 'cause I don't really know

  • what will happen.

  • When they collide

  • they

  • the beam has a ranges from a width of about a millimeter,

  • down to a width of about

  • I think

  • um

  • like a fifth of a hair

  • hair's width, when they actually collide the beam.

  • So they're really narrow when they collide them.

  • When they're not being collided they're about a millimeter.

  • So they're going to come in and crash in here.

  • So I have thought maybe they'll just shoot through, but

  • but it seems to me that what's got to happen

  • is this energy is all got to be dumped.

  • because it's now hitting a lot of matter.

  • Normally it doesn't hit anything

  • it's a real, it's a

  • almost a total vacuum in in those things,

  • in the accelerator ring.

  • But now

  • there's this big high density region,

  • and so all these particles, it seems to me, will just

  • hit in there and just start

  • bombing out. So that's why

  • I thought it might be a bit more dramatic

  • than a little pinprick going straight through you.

  • PROF. EAVES: There's a vacuum there so that might have some unpleasant consequences

  • on the,

  • on my hand,

  • pressure

  • pressure change.

  • But I don't think it would have a huge effect.

  • BRADY: If there was a galaxy made completely out of antiparticles,

  • would it behave the same way as ours?

  • PROF. COPELAND: So the main thing that goes on in galaxies is gravitational

  • right? And gravity doesn't care whether you're a particle or an antiparticle,

  • gravity cares about the fact you've got a mass.

  • And so as far as gravity is concerned,

  • as far as forming this antigalaxy if you like,

  • I think that dynamics would be the same.

  • With regard to the actual interactions,

  • assuming that the antihydrogen can form,

  • for example that's an antielectron and an antiproton,

  • then I suppose the same basic processes can take place.

  • They will emit light when they interact with one another

  • because the light is just an emission of energy.

  • And as long as that's still taking place and energy is being lost

  • then you'll still have light.

  • PROF. MERRIFIELD: The reason we know the universe doesn't have such galaxies in it

  • is that actually even the empty space between galaxies isn't completely empty.

  • And so this galaxy would actually start interacting with its neighbors,

  • and of course when the matter comes into contact with the antimatter,

  • it would annihilate, there'd be a big burst of gamma rays.

  • And the fact that we don't see a very large gamma ray background in the entire universe

  • tells us that the universe isn't actually full of antimatter galaxies as well as matter galaxies.

  • BRADY: At the point when the universe came into existence

  • so did all the forces and physical constants

  • which affect the universe today.

  • However if the universe was to come into existence again,

  • like another Big Bang,

  • would we have all the same forces and the same physical constants?

  • PROF. MORIARTY: Ah, ok,

  • so this is the sort of multiverse idea, and the fact that we have

  • we've got a wide range of different universes with different physical constants.

  • PROF. COPELAND: Ooo, that's a good question.

  • um ...

  • uh ...

  • PROF. MERRIFIELD: That's a difficult question to answer,

  • 'cause of course you can't do the experiment.

  • You know physicists like to do an experiment

  • and we're not allowed to make universes,

  • or at least we haven't figured out how to do it yet.

  • PROF. EAVES: The idea now is that

  • little bubble universes can

  • can pop up everywhere.

  • And it's thought that right in the early stages,

  • the fundamental constants can be different.

  • And the question then arises,

  • what would it be like living in a universe

  • where the fundamental constant were different,

  • where the mass of the electron is different,

  • or its charge,

  • or Planck's constant were different, and so on.

  • And this is a fascinating question.

  • PROF. MERRIFIELD: So it's not clear, there's even

  • there are theories that actually say that the universe didn't come into being as a single universe.

  • There's actually lots and lots of universes were created, a thing called the multiverse.

  • And in some of them the kind of the laws of physics work, and in some of them they don't.

  • And so the ones where the laws of physics work kind of thrive and take over.

  • And so it could be that there may be other universes out there

  • that have very different laws of physics

  • different values for physical constants and so on.

  • So it's ... but

  • but it's a sort of ...

  • again, it's sort of on the realms of philosophy rather than physics

  • because it's not something you can really do an experiment to test.

  • PROF. BOWLEY: (chuckles)

  • Would we get the same forces of physics?

  • Now that's

  • that's really beyond anybody's imagination.

  • PROF. MORIARTY: I think that the current understanding is,

  • in terms of a multiverse situation at least,

  • that there could be other universes with radically different physical constants.

  • PROF. BOWLEY: I mean Dirac said that God thought that

  • God created the universe with beautiful mathematics.

  • And you're asking the question,

  • if He does it again, or She does it again,

  • is it going to be the same mathematics,

  • or is He going to twist it around in some way?

  • So I really don't know the answer to that question.

  • I don't know that you could ever begin to answer that question.

  • PROF. COPELAND: What we can't explain, even with

  • within the context of string theory at the moment,

  • is the relative magnitude of those forces.

  • We still don't know why

  • gravity is so weak compared, say, to electromagnetism. We

  • we can measure it

  • and we can understand in terms of the the constants,

  • but we can't predict those constants.

  • And the electric charge, why it's got value it has.

  • The masses of the particles, why they have the values they have.

  • So until we can do that

  • and definitively say, this comes from

  • this is a unique solution that can have no other values,

  • then you can't say that if

  • if in a parallel universe it suddenly popped up

  • the universe popped up in it

  • that you would have all the same coupling.

  • PROF. EAVES: But it turns out that

  • that we have to be very careful about how many of these constants

  • that we could imagine turning around.

  • Because there are certain scenarios that if the constants were

  • very much different from what they are

  • we wouldn't be around to

  • to observe it.

  • So certain values of the constants

  • are just not conducive to life, or

  • and certainly not to intelligent life.

  • So for example,

  • gravity has to be extremely extremely weak.

  • BRADY: What would happen to the Earth

  • if one of the closest stars,

  • like Alpha Centauri is the example we were given,

  • went supernova,

  • would the earth be protected by its magnetic field?

  • DR. BAUER: Alpha Centauri won't go supernova.

  • (laughs)

  • If a close star went supernova, then there would be

  • radiation coming at all wavelengths.

  • But

  • turns out our atmosphere does a very good job of

  • deflecting that radiation.

  • I mean radiation comes from the Sun all the time

  • but we're not affected by right

  • by x rays, for instance.

  • MEGHAN GRAY: Well this is a common doomsday scenario right?

  • Supernova explosions are some of the biggest

  • most catastrophic events that we know of in the universe.

  • So it's very reasonable to say

  • "What would happen if one happened nearby?"

  • We know that the Sun will not go supernova.

  • It's not the right type of star,

  • it's not massive enough to go supernova.

  • But maybe there are some stars in our neighborhood that might.

  • We actually know that of the type of stars

  • that are likely to end their lives in a supernova,

  • there aren't that many that are that nearby.

  • So for something called a Type II supernova,

  • which is when a star just gets really massive and blows itself up,

  • one of the nearest candidates for that is actually the star Betelgeuse.

  • It's a famous word, and it's also a famous star.

  • It's actually the shoulder of Orion,

  • one of the well known constellations.

  • It's very red, and we know that it's actually

  • probably nearing the end of its life.

  • Maybe not on the time scale of humans watching it,

  • but it could be thousands,

  • it could be just millions of years away.

  • DR. BAUER: Still, the main damage

  • we wouldn't get very much optical damage,

  • other than looking at it.

  • So

  • if a star supernovas it'll get very bright

  • and it could affect our eyes,

  • just as when you look at the Sun it will affect our eyes.

  • MEGHAN: But even then,

  • Betelgeuse, which is about 400 light-years away,

  • it's still too far away,

  • luckily, to probably cause us enough damage.

  • If it went it would be quite spectacular.

  • We would probably see it with the naked eye in the daytime.

  • That would be the visible light output.

  • We'd have to worry about something like gamma ray radiation,

  • but even then it's it's probably too far away,

  • thankfully, to do much damage.

  • BRADY: Do you have a favorite symbol and why?

  • PROF. COPELAND: Oh, my favorite symbol?

  • I don't know if we've done the favorite one yet.

  • But my favorite symbol at the moment is probably

  • lambda, the cosmological constant,

  • because it's this enigmatic quantity

  • which could actually be driving the acceleration of the universe today.

  • And no one knows why it's got the value it has.

  • We should do

  • we should do a video on it.

  • PROF. EAVES: Oh, the fine structure constant alpha,

  • 1 over 137.0599, my favorite.

  • Look at our Sixty Symbols video on it,

  • on alpha.

  • MEGHAN: I quite like the symbol for infinity

  • because it's a cool concept.

  • It's a really hard thing to get your head around.

  • But also it's just a nice symbol.

  • And it kind of kind of packages

  • packages up what it means.

  • You know you've got this infinite loop

  • that just keeps going round and round and round,

  • so it kind of does what it says on the tin.

  • PROF. MERRIFIELD: I guess my favorite symbol is a slightly unusual one

  • which is a symbol called upsilon.

  • Greek letter looks like a seagull,

  • and it's used by astronomers

  • to measure the mass-to-light ratio of things,

  • how much mass there is and how much light there is.

  • BRADY: And you've discussed it on Sixty Symbols.

  • PROF. MERRIFIELD: And we made a video, and

  • it's not one of the most popular ones I'm sad to relate, yes.

  • DR. BAUER: I think my favorite symbol is the infinity symbol.

  • I really like the concept of infinity.

  • Even though I think about it a lot, it just

  • blows my mind every time.

  • And I just like the little infinity,

  • can just kind of go on forever.

  • PROF. MORIARTY: So I guess aesthetically

  • or in terms of the background of the same,

  • but that's what the symbol actually means,

  • I guess those are two separate questions,

  • aesthetically either psi, the pitchfork one,

  • or big sigma, which is sort of this sort of

  • looks to me almost like a strange sort of Pac-Man type thing.

  • In terms of what the symbol means and related to my work,

  • I guess it's gotta be Planck's constant.

  • Largely because Planck's constant is fundamentally embedded

  • in quantum mechanics, the study of small things.

  • PROF. BOWLEY: Well I've thought about this

  • and I will go for a "ket" ...

  • no, no for a "bra", because

  • Dirac invented this wonderful notation.

  • There's something like that which he called a "bra",

  • and something like that which he called a "ket",

  • and the two together made a bra-ket,

  • a bracket.

  • And he was really proud of it

  • because this word "bra" is in the English dictionary.

  • It is an actual word in English, and he invented it.

  • And he's proud of it.

  • He was proud of it because he was in the dictionary,

  • not realizing it had other connotations.

Well this is a very interesting and deeper

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